Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2835: Brother Yang, I will help you!

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At the moment when Yang Xu's voice just fell, hum!

The heavenly will will now appear in front of the Son of God, hundreds of millions of strange runes, suddenly turned into a golden torrent:

Brush brush!

They all moved towards Yangxu, tumbling away without any hesitation, hundreds of millions of singular runes, containing the power of the law of heaven, penetrated into Yangxu's wound.


The golden light flashed, and the amazing wound recovered instantly.

Not only that.

Yang Xu, a fusion of hundreds of millions of heaven and earth runes, clearly felt that his physical body seemed to become stronger. An unprecedented sense of power filled the whole body.

He almost had the illusion, as if the whole world were his own.

This change made everyone present, including the Son of God, the Holy Girl, and even the nameless, all stunned.

Only the tombkeeper hiding in the isolated space sighed:

"This is the son of destiny, and the existence of fate, even Heavenly Path will not allow him to fall."

not far away.

After being rescued by the little nun, the eagle master who had been awake happened to see the scene of Yang Xu's wound, which was made up and cured by the will of Heaven's will.

A bit of bitterness flashed through the eyes of the Master of the Flying Eagle:

"The will of the heaven, treat Yang Xu not thin, and take Yang Xu's destiny as the sustenance, so he is called the son of destiny. It is a pity that the fate of a small world, after all, is only behind closed doors, Yang Xu probably does not want to go on like this..."

The deep vision of the eagle gang leader seems to penetrate the past, present and future, looking above Xiang Yangxu's head:

"It's time to change, let go and do it, Son of Destiny!"

The little nun asked curiously:

"Isn't it the child of destiny? What is the difference between the child of destiny and the child of destiny?"

The Feiying gang leader didn't want to think about it and said:

"Fate, you are struggling by yourself, you are not strong enough, and even Heaven will not choose you. Destiny, the strong hand of the strong man arranges you there, you want a piece of chess, destined to charge, and it is difficult to escape. checkerboard!"

Feiying gang helper's eyes are deep, these words are very meaningful.

Unfortunately, the young nun was too young to understand.

Only the thousand-faced beast, imitating too many people and experiencing too many lives, has a little vague understanding of this.

He doesn't understand the specifics, but there is a vague feeling. Master Yang Xu is about to do something terrifying!

"Huh, humans, don't think that with the blessing of the will of heaven and earth, you will be invincible!"

The Divine Kingdom Son hit Yang Xu with a blow, and seemed to regain his confidence, and said coldly:

"We are able to break through the blockade of the heavenly path of your world, which means the heavenly path of this world, but er! You expect it to protect you, it's naive!"

Buzz, buzz!

On the shoulder of the Son of God, in January of that day, he once again floated up, turned into two lights, and escaped into his palm.

The God of the Kingdom of God reappears with his old skills, and the majestic power in his palm again contains the wave of laws that are completely different from this world.

"Last time, I beat you in the chest. This time, I directly destroyed your head to see if you still have a chance to resurrect!"

In the eyes of the Divine Son of the Kingdom of God, a sharp murderous opportunity flashed through.

In response, Yang Xu gave a sneer and was too lazy to talk nonsense. The blood-red light flashed in his hand, and the Lankinus Ghost Gun appeared.

Booming, he swept in all directions, he was about to attack, scorn!

Behind the void, a sharp wind blade, directly at least a hundred meters, tears the sky void, and cuts towards Yang Xu's body.

Anonymous also shot!

"Well, there is another force from the upper realm, you stowaways, cheating so unscrupulously, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?"

Yang Xu escaped the nameless attack and stared at each other coldly.

The nameless look remains the same:

"As long as you kill you before the will of Heaven and Dao comes completely, everything will be solved!"

At this point, incomparably better than God's Kingdom Son.

Even the Saint Goddess heard and nodded in agreement:

The top priority is indeed to kill Yang Xu as soon as possible.

As long as the kid is killed and the prototype of the fairy device is obtained, even if the will of Heavenly Dao comes, they will be able to get out of this world by tapping their ass.

By that time, how can this heaven and heaven be able to help them?

"Holy Son, cooperate with the nameless, kill Yang Xu with all his strength!"

The Goddess of the Kingdom of God also reacted. It was really because Yang Xu’s power was too perverted, and the tricks were endless, and he did not fall into the wind.

The Goddess of the Kingdom of God is no longer entrusted, directly transformed into a sacred light, and joined the three-person battle group.

Such as Prince Moro and the tenth prince, they have been dumbfounded:

"I'm going, the three strong men who came to the upper realm, playing together to beat Yang Xu? This human boy, is it so cruel?"

The tenth prince looked at Prince Moro with some surprise, for advice.

Prince Moro smiled bitterly, "I have repeatedly escaped from Yang Xu's hands and failed to take advantage of it. Do you say he is strong or not?"

Fortunately, the tenth prince didn't go to Yang Xu for trouble, otherwise, even if he awakened the power of the hidden possession in his body, I am afraid that he was not Yang Xu's opponent!

"This human kid is too much against the sky, and even three high-ranking powerful men must join forces in order to suppress it!"

The devil in heaven looked at the Holy Girl of the Kingdom of God, and kept shooting. There was a sacred and bright holy light around him, which circulated continuously.

A look of envy flashed in his eyes.

"Shall we shoot?"

Tulong Dao asked.

The God of Extinction and the Devil of Heaven almost shook their heads:

"It's not the right time. Yang Xu obviously has more energy. When he is at the end of his crossbow, let's go out and pick up the cheap."

Everyone nodded together.

Those who can become one of the big brothers, are all thick-hearted and black-faced people, and don't feel inappropriate or embarrassed at all.

The little nun here, flushed with anger:

"These demons are despicable! No wonder Yang Xu said they would kill them all!"

She looked at the helper of Feiying with concern, "How is your injury? I want to help Yang Xu, do you care?"

The eagle gangster was amused by this cute little bald girl:

"My injury is already intact, but don't intervene in Yang Xu's battle. When he needs you, he will naturally come to you. Now he will intervene, it will only add chaos to him."

The little nun nodded, but Xiang Yangxu's eyes were filled with anxiety:

"But they are bullying and bullying, Yang Xu is besieged by them..."

The little nun's voice is not down, hum!

Behind the void, a powerful Sanskrit wave came, and a crisp young voice sounded from behind her little nun:

"Don't worry, I will help Brother Yang!"

I saw a little monk wearing a colorless monk's clothes and bare head, his eyes full of firmness, woo! Towards Yang Xu, gallop away.

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