Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2839: Squeezed the Son of God Kingdom!

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Above the sky.

The blood awn of the will of heaven is getting stronger and stronger, and the will of heaven is fluctuating and getting stronger and stronger.

The **** rays pass by, and the hundreds of millions of runes, densely packed, contain traces of heaven, and they continue to gather here.

Endless majestic pressure, Chaoyangxu's battlefield, poured down.

"not enough!"

"It's still far away!"

At this moment, Yang Xu's eyes flickered, staring at the blood-red heavenly will above the sky.

At the same time, the sun disk above him shone with dazzling brilliance, and the power of the majestic immortals began to be released.

The terrifying fluctuations made the Son of God, the Virgin, and the God Prison of the Kingdom of God unknown.

"This wave... how is this possible! Isn't it just a prototype of a fairy?"

"There hasn't been a complete prototype of a fairy, how could it be so terrifying?"

The gods and sons and goddesses felt deceived at this moment. They flickered when they came down. They absolutely concealed something and didn't tell them.

But now.

It's too late...

"It's not too late! We still have a chance!"

The Son of the Divine Kingdom shouted and felt the majestic pressure released by the Sun God's disk above his head. His eyes flashed with calculations:

"I understand now that Yang Xu's real goal has never been us! He didn't put us in his eyes at all. What he really has to deal with is the heaven of the world!"

When the Son of God Kingdom said these words, he felt a sense of humiliation.

The Virgin and the Nameless feel the same way.

Think of them as the arrogant of these days, when they are in the upper realm, they can be regarded as a bit of identity. Wherever they go, they are all dazzling.

Where do you know.

After coming to the lower realm, a local indigenous humanity did not even take them into consideration!

Even worse!

They have no solution at all!

People just have the confidence to look down on them!

"Huh, cleverness is wrong, but Yangxu is too arrogant, he doesn't take us in his eyes, he will deal with the will of the day... this is our chance!"

In the eyes of the Holy Son of the Kingdom of God, the glints flashed, "When Yang Xu and Tiandao will fight together, we will seize the time and escape... escape from here!"

The word "escape" is spoken from the mouth of the Holy Son of God, a little hesitant and a little embarrassed.

The Goddess of the Kingdom of God and the Prison are unknown, and they feel a bit harsh and awkward.

However, the situation is stronger than that of people, and they are not allowed to think more:

"Just do it!"

"Hold it first!"

They had just exchanged their opinions. On Yang Xu's side, there was a flash of fine light in his eyes:

"Huh? It seems that the fire is still not coming. Let me add a fire to you, don't believe you won't show up!"

Yang Xu found that the blood above the sky was full of blood and sky, and the signs of Heavenly Dao were dense and dense, but the will of Heavenly Dao still didn't mean to come.

This made De Yangxu sneer from the corner of his mouth:


The sky above the head, the sun **** disk trembles gently, and suddenly, the golden magical power falls down.

The spirit stone and the power of the immortal artifact poured into Yang Xu's body, hum!

The eyes of Yang Xu and the eyes of Yin and Yang Gods were activated. Two pictures of Yin and Yang Tai Chi Pisces flew into the sun and covered the world and gathered together.

at the same time.

"The world in the palm!"

Yang Xu probed his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a divine world was rapidly gestating and evolving. Heaven, earth, moon, eternal stars, and cosmic dust were born and grew up in the palm of Yang Xu.

The majestic power of the world contains the fluctuations of space and space-time techniques, and it spreads all around.


This huge supernatural power palm is captured by the face of the sacred Son of God.

That's right, the Son of God Kingdom is now dumbfounded.

Covered by the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Pisces figure, he felt that there was infinite pressure on his head and feet, and the majestic energy of destruction, blocking both his front and back roads.

And above the head, Yang Xu's hands are covered!

The Son of God, there is no escape!

"Why! Why should I be? I don't want to die!"

The Son of God, sensed the coming of death.

In this regard, the goddess of the kingdom, the goddess was unknown, and he didn't even hesitate at all. He abandoned the son directly and quickly ran away into the distance.

"No... save me!"

The Son of the Kingdom of God shouted, looking back at the Saint and the nameless, full of despair and anger.

Above his head, Yang Xu's expression was indifferent. There was no wave in the ancient wells. He looked down at the eyes of the Divine Son of God, like looking at a ants.

this moment.

Yang Xu finally tore off all the disguise, converging to the present sharpness, sharpness, domineering, fighting spirit, determination, etc., at this moment, all broke out:

"Sacrifice, there must be the consciousness of the sacrifice. It's up to you to play a role."


Along with Yang Xu's indifferent and indifferent voice, covering the sky with his hands, he will win the Divine Kingdom Son and grab it.

Buzz, buzz!

The whole body of the Divine Son of God, colorful body protection light, burst out, a series of not-so-low-level body protection magic weapons, Taoism, etc., whirl around.

Trying to resist the big hands.



Everything is futile!

The power of Yang Xu's "World in the Palm", combined with the outbreak of the Sun Divine Disk and the Spiritual Divine Stone, has released power that is no longer able to resist the divine Son of the Divine Kingdom.

not to mention,

Today's "World in the Palm" also incorporates all of Yang Xu's previous martial arts experience. Once it breaks out, it is enough to destroy the world!

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

All the magic weapons and body protectors of the Divine Son of the Kingdom exploded.

Cover the big hand, gently nip, click!

In the body of the Son of God, the sound of bones breaking out broke out, next second, poof!

The Son of God, turned into a blood mist, sprayed and suspended in the void.


The goddess of the kingdom of God, the gods of the prison, the unknown, and even the dragon slayers and the devil of heaven are all pale at the moment.

this moment.

They originally thought that the human youth who could easily be defeated finally removed all the camouflage and exposed the grisly bloodthirsty fangs!

Although the young man didn't take them seriously, the young man's every move and indifferent expression still brought them great shock:

"Is this God?"

"Only when you are high and master the gods of the world, will you have such determined eyes..."

"We are provoke, what kind of existence does it exist?"

In the minds of Tulong Daoren, Heavenly Demon, God of Extinction, Ten Princes, etc., the words "regret" can no longer be described.

They couldn't even bear it, and began to slap their faces frantically.

However, the actions here have no influence on Yang Xu.

After squeezing the **** son of the kingdom of God with one hand, Yang Xu took a shot in that blood mist:

Wow! A golden chain of order gods, wrapped in dense and strange rules, was pulled out by him!

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