Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2862: Poseidon's Halberd Reappears

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If you are an ordinary teenager, from the countryside, you will never have such an amazing attitude.

Even, it is no exaggeration to say that the middle-aged man actually felt in the young man in front of him a kind of domineering comparable to his master!

This made it impossible for middle-aged people to scream, how could such a young boy give him such a dangerous feeling?


It's the kid in front of me who takes his life easily, but is so calm and natural.

"What are you... exactly?"

The middle-aged man's eyes were dim, staring at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu didn't answer, and looked at the middle-aged man with a clear and cold look: "Are you able to take care of things? It shouldn't look much like your age... Anyway, I'm too lazy to take another shot, forgive you, go and send you immortals The head of Lingzong, or the elders, or the seven aunts and eight aunts who can fight, are called, I have

Words to them. "

Facing the awe-inspiring middle-aged man, Yang Xu seemed to feel no pressure at all, with a calm expression and indifferent tone.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of the disciples of the Immortal Sect behind him, and he couldn't help but feel more shocked:

You know, the middle-aged people in front of them, but they are one of the most powerful fighting forces of their fairy spirit sect.

There are hundreds of enemies destroyed by this uncle, and the strongest ones are more than ten digits.

Normally, when they say a word to this uncle, they will be terrified. It is really the unbearable spirit in the eyes of the uncle, which is too amazing.

However, the young man in front of him was as calm as this place. Before thinking about it again, he shot the astonishing scene.

A group of disciples of immortal spirits could not help but come together:

"This young man will not be an apprentice of a strong self-cultivator, and he will be able to seek revenge from my immortal spirit sect if he succeeds in his practice?"

"I heard that at that time, my fairy sect had offended many strong men, and almost faced the disaster of destruction. It was his old man who took charge of the tide and found the mysterious strong man to save the fairy sect..."

"This matter is not related to Diaolong Village at the foot of the mountain? I heard that Diaolong Village was originally a evil land. People born in Diaolong Village are also very easy to fall into the evil devil..."

The disciples, looking at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, could not help becoming more cautious, just like watching the demon.

The middle-aged man, however, was casually instructed by Yang Xu and gave a smile:

"Hehehe, young boy, you don't think that if you lucky enough to kill a new man in my fairy sect, you will be able to do good things in my fairy sect?"


In the middle-aged man, a slight fluctuation of the force field appeared, and a strange energy breath diffused from behind him, forming a mysterious picture.

His eyes were shining, and he stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"Give you the last chance, kneel down obediently, catch your hand, and I can spare you. Otherwise..."

"I gave you a face, right?"

Yang Xu interrupted the middle-aged man in one sentence.

The middle-aged man was stunned. "What do you say?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"I said... Did I give you a face? I counted three and immediately called your adult, otherwise don't blame me."

A group of disciples of the Immortals, staring at Yang Xu behind his eyes, the dead body was speechless for a while:

Are you polite?

You're welcome, what does it look like?

Flatten the Immortal Sect?

"Since you're looking for death, don't blame me for being merciless!"


Behind the void of the middle-aged man, the mysterious picture seems to be stimulated, and suddenly a thunder burst.

There was a shining divine sword, which emerged faintly from the scroll behind.

at the same time.

A mysterious palace was raised in the picture scroll.

"Appeared! Uncle Leijian Gong Que!"

"In the whole fairy sect, there are very few strong men who have reached the palace Que realm, but this kid is very unfortunate, I met one today!"

"Hahaha, this kid is the newly-introduced state of mind, and Uncle Shi has reached the palace realm, beyond the three realms of this kid!"

"It's dead, this kid angered Uncle, and in the end there was only one dead word!"

It seems to be verifying the words of these fairy sect disciples. The middle-aged man was thundering and full of energy.

Big hand snapped behind his back, scorn!

The sharp sword wrapped around the thunder snake appeared in his hand.

Suddenly, a fierce and violent energy fluctuation, centered on a middle-aged man, spread to the surroundings.


At the foot of the middle-aged man, there was a thunder and thunder, and the ground was black and cracked.

"This is the Palace Breakout? Ha ha, it's much stronger than the Palace Breakdown in the lower realm."

Yang Xu sighed casually.

But the content of the speech made the middle-aged man confused.


The middle-aged man was too lazy to talk to Yang Xu nonsense, and waved his big hand, and the magic sword wrapped around by the thunder of light slashed towards Yang Xu.

Middle-aged men are wary of Yang Xu’s physical strength. Since he cannot see the details of this kid, he will not take risks.

One shot is the most tenacious and stable strategy-he directly activated the magical power to break through the palace, and the killing trick burst out!


Seeing that the fierce sword of the middle-aged man was about to fall on Yang Xu, at this time, Yang Xu behind the void, mysterious energy shone.

In a thousandth of an instant, a clear blue vortex, high speed hurricane, appeared behind Yang Xu.

If the tauren is here, it can be recognized at a glance, this is a very terrifying trick.

Unfortunately, middle-aged men do not know all this.

Seeing this sword of his own, about to cut the young man's head, he sneered in his heart:

"Although I didn't listen to the Master, I spared this young man, but completely wiped him out, and saved a lot of accidents!"

"As for the Dragon Village, to avoid nights and dreams, start tonight!"

The heart of the middle-aged man was boiling.

And at this time, when!

A loud bang made his pupils shrink suddenly.

I saw the teenager in front of me, and I don't know when in his hand, there was an euphorbia with strange shape.

This euphorbia is like iron, not iron, like stone and not stone.

Above the halberd, there is a clear blue current.

In the void behind the teenager, the blue ocean vortex, high-speed whirlwind spinning, filled with the breath of the ocean.

You can see faintly, there is a huge shark shadow, seems to be walking in the depths of the ocean vortex.

"What... is this magical power? Impossible, you clearly did not reach the palace!"

The middle-aged man's pupils contracted and his tone was full of surprise.

What surprised him even more was that the power of this teenager was really amazing. With just one hand, casually grasping the azure blue euphorbia, he stopped his full blow!

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