Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2903: Taikoo contemplates the magic!

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"King of the King" does not come out, it is a fierce and domineering punch.

Wherever he passed, the void was like glass, the inch was shattered, and a shocking energy was swept toward the son of heaven.


Father Tian stood in the void, facing the horror of Yang Xu's horror, he felt a sense of instability.

As if the sky was shaking violently.

What made him look so much!

With Yang Xu's punching out, Tian Gongzi only felt that the surrounding space had become sticky and solidified.

It seems that the other party gave him a punch and made this world, and he obeyed his dispatch.


"This boy's punch might even be able to mobilize the world! How is this possible!"

The pupil of Tiangong suddenly shrank.

To know.

Even the Yuxu Palace where he is located, can mobilize the world's momentum with one punch, and it is a rare existence.

And like Yang Xu, Xianting walks, and he can strike a fist immediately with a punch.

It is a rare existence!

"This young man is not easy, don't take it lightly and wait for it!"

A fine flash of light flashed in the eyes of Tian Gongzi, but the movement in his hand was not slow:

His hands were sealed, like the embrace of the sun and the moon, and the brilliant light burst out of his arms.

The splendid divine mansion immediately condensed in front of him, turning into the outline of a divine palace.

The outline of the palace unleashed incredible terror fluctuations, facing Yang Xu's vast boxing power, and blocked the past:


The sky is shaking!

The situation is broken!

Void collapse!

Both Yangxu and Heavenly Son were swept away by this violent force ten kilometers away.

Looking at each other's eyes was a bit surprising.

"Interestingly, this kid is a good opponent, and seems to be more powerful than Wang Shi."

Yang Xu looked at each other's eyes, full of exclamation.

And at the moment, Prince Tian looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes even more horrified:

"I underestimated the power of this kid's fist!"

Originally, he thought that if he imagined the outline of the Jade Emperor Hall, he could easily break the opponent's fist.

Not only that, to visualize Yuxu Hall can also directly hurt the other party.

Where do you know.

The opponent's punch might be so powerful that it not only possesses a punching power, but also does not lose its strength at all.

The outline of the Jade Deficiency Hall, which he had imagined, collapsed directly!

"Interesting, kid, you deserve my serious fight!"

Tian Gongzi's eyes flickered, his hands were sealed, and in his arms, the golden and silver lights appeared together, as if the sun and the moon were in his arms.

There was a spirit of fairy spirits, a curve was drawn, and he gathered in his arms.

"This is...the jade temple's astute learning? Taikoo contemplates the magic!"

Below, the Sect Master Jinxianmen exclaimed.

The ailing elders next to him changed their faces, and were horrified:

"What! Yuxu Palace is awesome! Swire thinks about magic?"

"In that legend, can you imagine all the powerful beings that can be turned into their own magical powers?"

"It is said that Taikoo thinks about the magic method, and it can visualize the fairy, so assimilate itself and become a real fairy!"

One by one, surprised or envious eyes, toward the son of the heavens, gathered in the past.

The mind of the Jinxian Gate Master was moving quickly:

"This young man is absolutely very capable of forcing Heavenly Son to exhibit such mysterious exercises!"

"Is he a genius disciple of a certain big gate? But the nine big immortal gates and three big demons I know, don't have any one person, master the Five Elements Avenue?"

The master of Jinxianmen had extraordinary knowledge and felt the power of Yang Xu.

Above the sky.

Yang Xu looked vigorously at the opposite side, seeing that the son of the heavens had her hands sealed, and she embraced the sun and the moon, and the light became brighter.

The void above his head, and the outline of the Jade Emperor Hall, which is visualized, is becoming more and more solid.

It is as if there is a real Jade Deficiency Temple, which is about to come.

An obscure and vast volatility emerged from the temple above the other party's head.

Yang Xu's eyes flashed slightly:

"Just a temple out of imagination has such terrible fluctuations. It is unimaginable. What incredible power should the true Jade Templar have?"

"In addition, this visual imagination that this kid practiced seems to be quite interesting."

Yang Xu became interested in the exercises used by the son of Heaven.

"Take me a blow!"

Tian Gongzi's eyes were intent on fighting, and his figure became a match in the void, and quickly swept towards Yang Xufei.

Above his head, a magnificent and flaming jade temple, released incredible magic.

Wherever he passed, the sky and earth were easily changed, and even the void seemed to be knocked out of a space channel by him!

The speed of Heavenly Son is approaching its limit!

One thousandth is not reached in an instant, it is already flashing in front of Yang Xu.

Embracing the sun and the moon, observing the Yuxu Temple above his head, and crushing him toward Yangxu:

"Crush me!"

Heavenly Son shot cold light, trying to kill Yang Xu in one blow.

What shocked him was.

In the face of his must-have killing tricks, the other party did not shy away, but instead went there with great interest, facing the Yuxu Temple that came out of the imagination, and punched:

"Let me see, is my physical body strong enough, or is your vision of horror more horrible!"

"Fist of the King, break me!"


Furious punch, crazy output.

Yang Xu's punches are not only described by punches.

At this moment, it seems that he has truly become a king, punching out, overbearing Wei Lun, time and space freezing, the world trembles!

Time seems to be really in a pause.

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Xu's fist hit the outline of the Yuxu Temple very slowly.

"Why is this punch light and flirty? There is no strength at all? Can you block the visualization?"

"No, this fist is so important, and it will be swallowed forever, how could it be flirty?"

"Huh, how do I think this punch is mediocre, not too light, not ordinary?"

Several elders of Jinxianmen, including the master of Jinxianmen, looked at Yang Xu's fist and produced different feelings.


Even the first prince, the brunt of it, couldn't help but flash a surprise:

"He wants to use such a common punch to get rid of the Yuxu Temple I have imagined?"

In the eyes of Prince Gong, Yang Xu's fist is not "King of the King", but just a fist that he casually throws.

It was in his heart when this idea came up.


"King of the King" and the Jade Emperor Sanctuary were struck together.

However this time.

A situation similar to the previous one did not happen again.

Yang Xu's fist is like a broken bamboo, and the outline of the fierce jade temple is so fragile as tofu in front of his fist, poof!

Punched by Yang Xu! The remnant dignity of "Fist of the King", rumbling and rolling towards the body of the heavenly son!

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