Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2912: Dragon fight, die!

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Tianlongjun, Tianlongzhan, and Tianlongjian are all incredible.

To know.

They are sitting in front of the Jade Deficiency Temple almost every day, enlightening every detail and every rule of the temple.

However, even so, the conceived Yuxu Palace does not have Yangxu's side and is powerful.

Tianlongjun, as the second brother, is undoubtedly the most powerful of the three.

Comparable to Yang Xu.

It's just a little witch see big witch!

"Brother Tianlongxin was so careless, how could he bring "The Archaic Vision" to him?"

In the eyes of Tianlongjun, a dignity flashed through.


He exploded a huge breath of golden Que Jing 9 heavy days, like a **** mountain, rising from the ground.

Obviously, he was ready to shoot.

Things have reached this point, the young man in front of him must never stay!

Otherwise, "The Archaic Thinking of Taihu" will be passed on. This is the unique magical power of the Jade Defence Hall!

"Dragon sword, dragon battle, this person can't be taken lightly. Let's join the three of us, don't give each other any chance!"

Tianlongjun wouldn't make a shot, and wouldn't leave any chance as soon as he shot.

Tianlongzhan and Tianlongjian looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in the other's eyes:

Brother, this is to kill Yang Xu completely.

Otherwise, with his strength, he can obviously deal with it alone.

"Okay! Kill this kid completely to prevent future trouble!"

Tianlongjian coldly said.

The Dragon Warfare looked at Yang Xu a little pity:

"Alas, it's just that you shouldn't learn the magic of my Yuxu Palace. Next life... learn to be smart, don't touch anything you shouldn't touch!"


The dragon is the first to fight, like an ancient fierce beast, the whole body shining with horrible golden gods.

Above his head, a golden aperture floated, like a god, bang bang!

Both fists were suspended by golden mountain phantoms, and slammed towards Yang Xu.


The void oscillated, bursting with golden ripples.

Immediately after the Tianlong Battle, the Tianlong Sword visualized the golden Excalibur above his head, tearing the void, and slashing towards Yang Xu from an unimaginable angle.

The second brother, Tianlongjun, in a black suit, suspended above the head of the Jade False Sanctuary, hung down and rolled the golden god.

There was a golden sun and a silver moon in his hands.

Really the Great Sun Seal and the Bright Moon Seal!

The Sun and Moon Divine Seal used by Tianlongxin was exactly what Tianlongjun imagined and gave it to his younger brother.

"Interesting, just right, I don't want to waste time anymore, I can solve it all at once!"

In Yang Xu's eyes, Jingmang flashed.

The eyes of the nine hearts in the shrine are running fast, and the best attack plan is calculated in an instant:


Behind Yangxu, an ancient deep-sea vortex rose up.

A breath of ocean permeates in the void.

Tianlongjun three people, their faces changed together:

"What's the trick?"

"This kid is very weird, with a lot of cards, absolutely can't carelessly!"

"Afraid of anything, attack!"

Tianlongzhan is very reckless, confident, and has strong physical strength, and the golden light shines like a **** of war rushing to Xiangyangxu.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, "then solve you first."

Kunpeng whale devours destruction, the first form, Poseidon!


Yang Xu's light and fluttering punch seemed to have no strength at all, but as he punched out, the ancient sea god's halberd phantom suddenly rushed out.

Poseidon's Halberd Phantom, together with Yang Xu's **** strength, suddenly released a terrifying power fluctuation.

"Not good! Be careful, Brother Dragon Warrior!"

Tianlongjun exclaimed, waved his hand, hum!

The Moon Seal in his hand flew forward and enveloped the body of the Dragon Battle.

So that his defensive power suddenly soared.

The Poseidon's Halberd had already rushed in front of him, and the terror fluctuated, making Tianlongzhan's face greatly changed:


The strange power of Yang Xu's punch really exceeded his expectations.

Although Tianlongzhan's character is reckless, he is not a fool. Without further ado, the Jade Deficiency Temple is visualized in front of him, blocking the halberd to the sea god.


Poseidon's Halberd didn't stagnate at all. When it came into contact with the imaginary Yuxu Temple, it collapsed directly.


The tip of the Poseidon's Halberd hit the Moon Seal.

The silver moon shrouds the Dragon War and turned into a silver protective mask.

It is full of resilience and resists Poseidon's Halberd for a moment.


Just for a moment!


The halberd of Poseidon heard it a little, and easily tore the seal of the Moon God.

"The gods of war, imagine!"

The dragon battle began desperately.

He sensed from the halberd of Poseidon that his life was threatened!

With the violent blood in the body, a fierce ghost image of the **** of war, from his front, visualized.

The God of War phantom, he accidentally glimpsed on a stone wall in an adventure.

But with just a glance, the God of War phantom soon dissipated.

Even so, the Dragon Warfare still visualized it with "The Archaic Vision of God".

The power released is still fierce!

Even the elder brother and the second elder brother did not dare to fight easily!

At this moment, Tianlong warfare imagines the ghost of the **** of war.

Block the Poseidon's Halberd, squeeze, poof!

Poseidon's Halberd collapsed instantly!

Tianlongzhan Yangtian laughed:

"Hahaha, this is what you do!"

Behind him, Tianlongjun and Tianlongjian, with terrified faces, stared in front of Tianlong Battle:

"Brother, be careful..."


An ancient **** halberd, surrounded by halberd bodies of magical runes, has brilliant rules flowing on it.

An obscure and magical breath emanated from the sharp tip of the halberd.

Yang Xu appeared holding the halberd of Poseidon in front of the Dragon Battle.

Before he could react, the Poseidon's Halberd was already gently sent out.

Without any ingenuity, Poseidon's halberd only slammed towards the **** of war ghost shadow:


It was like a balloon, and was pierced in an instant.

The tip of Poseidon's Halberd easily penetrates the body of the Dragon Fighter!

"Do not……"

Tianlongjun and Tianlongjian, their faces changed greatly, and the crazy Chaoyangxu attacked.

At this moment, Yang Xu missed the Longinus Ghost Gun:

If you have a sharp gun in your hand, you can plunder all the power of the Dragon War.

Unfortunately, the sharp gun is not around.


Yang Xu shook the Poseidon's halberd gently, and a force exploded in the body of the Tianlong Battle, which would destroy his internal organs and instantly collapse.

[Kill 1 x Thousand Thousand Powers, players get 100 points of life origin! 】

[Eye of the player's heart is enhanced, level + 1! Current level: Level 2! 】

[The player gets x1 of "Five Yue God Boxing!" Do you want to learn? 】

[The player gets the essence of the God of War x1! Are you enlightened? 】

At this time, a golden golden day, with a golden sword, fell from the top of Yang Xu's head.

Tianlongjun and Tianlongjian, covered with frost, had a murderous look in their eyes and locked Yang Xu:

"Die to me!"


Both angry, launched the most fierce and brutal attack towards Yang Xu.

Faced with this situation, Yang Xu shook his head slightly disappointed:

"Yeah, you're still too young. How can you be emotional in battle?" "I am very disappointed."

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