Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2920: Sheathless Sword

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Tian Guanlan's look at Xiang Yangxu was really full of overlooking.

And the elders around the Jade Emperor Palace sneered at this moment:

This young man does have some strength and talent.

However, he was overconfident.

It was just such a big land, rushed to the door of Yuxu Palace.

In our home court, let's not say that the brother-in-law has already received the recognition and strength of that existence.

Even if it is not recognized.

With the power of the jade virtual temple, if you want to kill this young man, that is a breeze!

With Tian Guanlan and the elders, the other disciples in the Yuxu Hall sneered and looked at Xiang Yangxu:

"It was this boy who killed the master brothers? They must be let him die without a burial place!"

"Yeah, let his soul never be born!"

They looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes full of coldness and anger.

Brother Master and Brother Two have always been very good to them, and the popularity in the Yuxu Hall is very good.

This scene fell into Yang Xu's eyes.

Can't help laughing:

"It's really interesting, Sect Master?" what do you think?"

Tian Guanlan will naturally not accept it.

Without saying anything, arms raised:


A magical golden giant blade came out of Yang Xu's head.

The golden light was dazzling and murderous, slashing down towards Yangxu.

at the same time.

The void at the foot of Yang Xu was suddenly twisted, and turned into a visual volcano, with billowing magma and flames.

Not only that.

In all directions, there are halberds of swords, guns and halberds, which come out of imagination and occupy the entire void, making Deyang Xu escape.

"Oh, is this going to kill me completely? It's naive."

Blaze of Fire!


A mouthful of treasure rose, and the mouth of the furnace twirled around, rumbling!

The real magma erupted, spreading in all directions.

All the disciples in Yuxu Hall changed their faces:

"How is this possible! That is the flames of the master brother!"

"How can he control the flames of flames?"

You know, it took brothers seven, forty-nine years to refine the flames of flame.

How do you know that Yang Xu has just gotten this, so that such amazing power can erupt.

Not only the disciples of Yuxu Hall.

Even the elders could not change their expressions:

"Yang Xu's talent is really scary!"

"It's my misfortune to get into such an enemy, but fortunately, he was reckless and overconfident and took the initiative to the door of Yuxu Palace."

"In any case, this kid must be completely killed! Once he escapes, the consequences may be unimaginable!"

They all felt the trouble and difficulty of Yang Xu.

And Tian Guanlan discovered the great potential of Yang Xu:

In such a short period of time, the flames of the great disciples have been refined, and Yang Xu's understanding of "Five Elements Avenue" has definitely reached an astonishing point.

Relying on the Five Elements Avenue, he can master the flame furnace so quickly!

Thinking of Tian Guanlan in this way, he couldn't help being cautious again:

"I can't overturn the boat in the gutter, beware of this boy's Wuxing Avenue at any time!"


As a suzerain, Tian Guanlan must show thunder-like strength in order to stand in front of his disciples.

With the void behind him, a light shock, a golden star, the Dapeng God Bird covering the sky and the sky, came out of imagination.

"The legendary beast, the golden-winged Dapeng bird!"

The disciples couldn't help being surprised.

Yang Xu raised his brow slightly:

"Well, have you even imagined this kind of beast? The Sect Master knows a lot."


Tian Guanlan didn't say a word, hooked his finger casually, and the golden-winged Dapeng bird came to fight in the morning sun.

Its huge body, covering the sky and sun, a pair of huge claws, as big as a house, shining golden light, as if cast from gold.

A pair of sharp eyes locked Yang Xu at this moment, cold and cold flashed.

"Look at me, visualize the temple."

Yang Xu grinned, and a huge building above his head came out.

It is radiant and the rules haunting. At first glance, it looks exactly like the Jade Defence Hall, but when you look closely, you can find that the temple that Yang Xu conceived has an ancient and desolate atmosphere.

It feels thicker than Yuxu Hall!

"What is this? Yang Xu has even learned the magic of my Yuxu Palace?"

Tian Guanlan frowned slightly.

Seeing the golden temple conceived by Yang Xuguan, the golden-winged Dapeng bird that covered the sky and sun was blocked in the void.

Imagine that the temple was just a shock, poof!

The golden-winged Dapeng bird screamed and shattered in the void, turning into pieces of light!

The temple of the imagination did not dissipate, but came with a glance of Yang Xu and suppressed from the sky.

"The sword is coming."

With Tian Guanlan's cry, a sword held on the altar in the Yuxu Hall suddenly rumbled.

The next moment, moan!

The Excalibur was out of the sheath, and Hanmang shot everywhere, flying towards the sky.

A bright light, like lightning, ran across the void.


Yang Xu's vision of the temple was torn in half and dissipated into light spots.

A sheathless sword, suspended in front of Tian Guanlan, killing, like a peerless sword.

"The fierce sword spirit...this is a sword."

Yang Xu sighed.

Tian Guanlan sneered:

"It's fair to know you. Give you one last chance, you..."


A touch of golden sword burst into the sky and Guanlan burst into the air, interrupting his words.

Yang Xu urged "Dai Yan Wu Jian Qi", beheading the sheathless sword.

"Toast without eating fine wine! Kill me!"

Tian Guanlan Chaoyang Xu pointed, scorn!

The sheathless sword suddenly flew to Yang Xu, clang clang!

Along the way, all the golden swords shattered, and they couldn't resist the blow of the sheathless sword.

The sheathless sword flashed in front of Yang Xu almost instantaneously, from top to bottom, a straight line of cold awns, which fell off.


Yang Xu's body was cut off directly, his head flying high.

Tian Guanlan sneered.

The elders in the Yuxu Temple secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

All the disciples in the Yuxu Hall were all happy.

And at this time.

A faint voice broke the atmosphere present slowly:

"The quality of this sword is not bad, and there is huge room for improvement. How about it, and how about following me?"

I don't know when.

Yang Xu's body has appeared next to the sheathless sword.

He probed his two fingers, but actually pinched the sheathless sword.

The sheathless sword is like a dragon, struggling frantically, trying to get rid of Yang Xu.

However, it was still impossible to get rid of.

Moan, moan!

The fierce and powerful Qimang flared from the sheathless sword, slashing on Yang Xu's body.


It was like hitting the metal. Yang Xu was unharmed!

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