Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2928: Emperor's Burial

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"It's okay, anyway, it's okay to be idle, let's see what's going on."

Yang Xu glanced in the direction of the beggar's departure.

Yang Xu did not expect it.

When he and Tian Qing Cang walked to a valley, the rune flashed in front of them, and a magic circle directly enveloped them.

Tian Qing's eyes flashed:

"Brother Xu said that someone really stared at us. Since the other party dared to start, there must be a lot of assurance. Brother Xu paid attention to the danger."

He reminded Yang Xu very carefully.

Yang Xu smiled faintly, a funny look flashed in his eyes:

This Tianqing Cang got along, it's really good, and there is not much difference from those in Yuxu Hall.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared in front of me, and a line of patterns flashed beneath my feet. It was really the beggar Yang Xu saw.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Tian Qing's eyes flashed, "I have a grudge against you, it's my Jade Xumen, it has nothing to do with this friend next to me, how about letting him go?"

Beggar sneered:

"Let him go? Huh, since this lore is activated today, don't kill you all, no one wants to leave."

Tian Qing Cang's face suddenly sank:

"Supremacy Array? My Tianqing Cang is worthy of you to deal with it? It's really an honor."

He smiled bitterly at Chaoyangxu:

"I'm afraid it's troubled this time. The lore is not something we can fight against. It's almost the same as my master."

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly:

"They must kill you and demonstrate to Yuxumen."

Tian Qing Cang nodded, and without warning, a beam of sword light flew out of his palm, instantly slashing towards the shadow.


Black Shadow was not guarded for a while, and was directly cut in half.

However, the torn black shadow still sneered:

"Hahaha, fortunately this is not my body...I have been guarding against your sneak attack..."

His voice did not fall.

On seeing Yang Xu's palm, the five-color divine light flashed into five little snakes, and he directly dived into the void.

The next moment.

"Ah... what is this? Let me go!"


The beggar's body, entangled with the five elements, was thrown directly at Tianqing's feet.

Tian Qing Cang looked at Yang Xu in surprise:

"Brother Xu..."

"It's just a little trick. Solve this kid early, let's hurry."

The beggar wanted to say something, and there was bitterness in his eyes.

Tian Qing Cang was too lazy to ask, the sword light flashed, and the beggar's head flew directly.

"Let's go."

Tianqing Cangdao.

As soon as the beggar died, the spirit array dissipated.

Yang Xu looked at the body and smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, this beggar is kind of a doorway, almost I have concealed it."

If he had nine eyes of heart, he wouldn't find this clue:

The beggar was beheaded, but he was still not dead.


Yang Xu waved his hand, the Five Elements Avenue turned into golden flames, and wrapped the corpse and head directly.

The other party could no longer pretend to cry, screaming with a broken heart.

"He actually pretended to be dead? He was cut off and still alive?"

Tian Qing Cang was surprised.

Seeing the corpse and head, it was gradually burned to ashes by the five elements.

Tian Qing Cang looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, a little more admiration:

"Brother Xu, your experience of walking in rivers and lakes is indeed much richer than mine."

Yang Xu smiled and said:

"Not too much, I just just noticed it."

Originally Tian Qing Cang also believed that he was comparable to Yang Xu. The only difference was probably that this sword had a weapon, but he didn't have it for the time being.

Now this matter has made him realize that the Brother Xu is probably not that simple!

"Brother Qing Cang, do you know the tomb that was born?"

The two chatted while walking.

Tianqing Cangdao:

"The tomb is said to be of the emperor's burial level, and the emperor buried in it was once an emperor who was repaired to reach the time and space realm!"

In Immortal Realm, after the cultivation base breaks into the Hundred Cave Realm, it can be qualified as an emperor.

Unlike the "Mixed Cave Realm" in the lower realm, the Xianjie Mixed Realm really controls the power of creation and can create a mixed cave world.

The power of the emperor is even more unfathomable. Only by repairing the mixed cave into a very powerful position can it stand out and become an emperor without falling down.

The emperor in the tomb was strictly not qualified enough, saying that the emperor was under siege, and Gou Yan was left to breathe for hundreds of years, and eventually fell.

"I just didn't expect that the tomb of this great emperor would actually be chosen in Yuxu Continent."

Tian Qing Cang felt some emotion.

Yang Xu did not feel strange:

The weak, naturally choose the least dangerous place.

However, by coincidence, he knew something about the one in the tomb, and he would never choose the unknown Yuxu mainland with his personality.

But in the end, the tomb is still here.

"Hope don't let me down, after all, your fall, and part of my reason."

Yang Xu secretly said.

The birth of a burial of an emperor caused quite a stir in Yuxu Continent.

Countless cultivators, for the sake of chance, all gathered towards the emperor's burial place, so that when Yang Xu and Tian Qing Cang came to this border town.

There are bustling crowds everywhere, mixed with dragons and snakes, more lively than big cities.

"Brother Qing Cang, you are here too!"

Several young disciples with the same breath greeted Tianqing Cang.

But for Yang Xu next to them, they were curious:

"Who is this……"

"Oh, this is a friend I met on the road, Brother Xu Yang Xu."

"Xu Yang? Never heard of it."

Several young people looked up and down at Xu Yang. "Which martial arts is Brother Xu?"

Yang Xu shook his head with a smile, "There is no school."

"It turned out to be loose repair."

The smiles on the faces of several young people lightened a little, "Which mountain gate is Brother Xu?"

Yang Xu still shook his head, "There is no mountain gate."

The smiles on the faces of several young people disappeared completely.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, he was a little cold:

"Not even the Shanmen, would you come from other continents?"

Yang Xu nodded.

The faces of these young people have completely changed, pulling Tian Qing Cang aside:

"Brother Qing Cang, how did you know a foreigner? Even his roots are unclear, don't you worry about being counted by him?"

"That is, a foreign repair, without roots, and dare to join the emperor's burial, must have come to the idea of ​​robbing the tomb and digging for treasure, Brother Qing Cang, be careful not to be used by him."

Tianqing smiled:

"Relax, this character of Brother Xu is very reliable. You..."

"Huh, knowing people knowing faces and not knowing! You have forgotten Ye Jiaolong's lesson? If he had snatched your chances, why would you be trapped in the life fountain and hard to break through?"

"As far as I know, Ye Jiaolong has broken through the frontier of life a few days ago..."

The voice did not fall.

A cold voice came over here:

"Brother Tian Qing Cang, I haven't seen you for a long time. How's it going?

Tian Qing Cang's original relaxed expression suddenly froze. Yang Xu looked at the coming person curiously, and saw a man in a Jinyi, who was sharper than Tian Qing Cang, looking at him with cold eyes.

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