Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2931: Death Blade Light

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The desire for emperor-level inheritance made these cultivators all forget the danger and rushed towards the pillar of light.

When they rushed into the beam of light, their bodies were suddenly wrapped in five-color runes and disappeared instantly.

Ye Jiaolong, as his name implies, turned the whole person into a dragon, violent, squeezing away the crowd and rushing into the beam of light first.

Affected by Yang Xu, Tian Qing Cang was not in a hurry, and several friends couldn't help but grab the advanced.

Tian Qing Cang smiled, and entered into it together with Yang Xu:

"Brother Xu, I really admire you, you are so suffocating."

Yang Xu smiled, "You are not bad."

The five colors flashed, the runes wrapped them, and the two disappeared instantly.

Next second.

They appeared on a huge cliff.

All cultivators gathered here, across a 100-meter-wide crack, and looked across the bank.

Yang Xu could not help but raise his eyebrow:

This kid really came back to this set.

Among so many younger brothers, this kid has the most tricks.

But the brain is also the smartest...

"You guys, let me take a step first!"

After a careful observation, a monk stood up and tried to jump over the 100-meter gap and go to the other side.


He really took a step first

Just halfway through, hurriedly!

A sharp blade of light was like a waterfall, rising from the bottom of the crack, and in a short time, the cultivator was cut in half.

Blood splashed and two bodies fell into the abyss.


Everyone could not help but take a breath, secretly rejoicing, did not venture forward.

Ye Jiaolong's expression could not help but dignified:

"There is knife repair in this abyss? Or, is it just an organization that releases knife mang?"

He came to the edge of the abyss, his eyes flashing, trying to look at the bottom of the valley.

However, a strange mist enveloped him, and even though he activated his eyes, he could not see through.

"I'm afraid this is not so good...who knows there is nothing else besides Daomang?"

Tian Qing smiled wryly.

Yang Xu shook his head, "Don't worry about this, if you are sure to escape the ray of thorns, just go. The first test will not be too complicated."

Tian Qing Cang's eyes lit up:

"Really? How did Brother Xu learn?"

Yang Xu smiled, "Just guess."

Somehow, Tian Qing Cang has some inexplicable trust in Yang Xu.

Since he said that, Tian Qing Cang observed it with confidence, and could not help but come out of the crowd and came to the edge of the abyss.

Many cultivators, suddenly exclaimed:

"It's the genius of Yuxumen, Tianqing Cang! Is he going to break into the abyss?"

"I heard that Tian Qing Cang's magic sword technique is extremely fierce. Should I rush over with it?"

Everyone's comments made Ye Jiaolong's face steadily change.

He stared at Tian Qing Cang with cold eyes, but found that the other party didn't even look at him.

Ye Jiaolong gritted his teeth:

"Never let this kid take the lead! The Imperial inheritance is mine!"


Ye Jiaolong's figure moved, and the whole person unfolded in the void, just like a Dapeng bird, even rising up and rushing across the abyss.

As expected.

When he flew halfway, a sharp knife like a waterfall swept up and split Ye Jiaolong in half.

Ye Jiaolong was already prepared, his eyes flashed coldly, shout!

The whole person was in the void, and he actually moved half an inch out of thin air, dangerously avoiding the wisp of sword.


He landed on both feet and successfully reached the opposite bank.

"I succeeded!"

Ye Jiaolong turned his head, Zhao Tianqing sneered:

"I'm one step ahead of you!"

He rushed forward without looking back:

"This imperial inheritance must be mine!"

Tian Qing looked at Ye Jiaolong to take the lead, but he was not in a hurry.

He glanced at Yangxu and saw that Yangxu nodded himself, unable to calm down more.


A ray of swordmands, condensed under his feet, lifted Tian Qing Cang body, rushed to the opposite side.

The fiery blade of the sword swept up from the bottom of the foot, trying to cut Tian Qing Cang in half, Tian Qing Cang pointed at his finger:


The long sword behind him flashed like lightning, and with a sudden bang, the sword was instantly defeated.

Tian Qing Cang stepped on the sword and went to the opposite bank instantly.

Many people could not help but exclaimed, and repeatedly praised:

"It's a disciple of Yuxumen! Beautiful hand!"

"It doesn't look too difficult, I will come too!"

A few cultivators, seeing Tian Qing Cang in the Life Spring Realm, could all pass, letting go of their guards and jumping up.

How could they know that halfway, when they confronted Daoguang, the power of the Daomang was far beyond their imagination.


They were all slashed by the knife, torn in half, blood spattered and fell into the abyss.

"This sword is very strong, everyone should not underestimate the enemy, be prepared to come over! Brother Yang, you can use your light-wing body method, with the sky dome sword, can pass."

Even if Tianqing Cang passed, he didn't move forward in a hurry, but turned his head and directed everyone.

He turned his eyes to Yang Xu and wanted to speak.

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling, shout!

With a little pressure under his feet, he rose into the air and flew to the opposite side.

"Another who knows nothing!"

"That kid just broke the palace, and he dared to take risks? What a joke!"

"That kid is dead! The knife light in the abyss is very powerful, and the Golden Que Realm can't withstand it, let alone the Palace Realm..."

Everyone shook their heads one after another, regretting it.

Tian Qing Cang and his friends, but all stared at Yang Xu with bright eyes:

Somehow, when they saw Yang Xu's calm and calm look, they were very sure that Yang Xu could pass it safely!

In the complex eyes of everyone.

Yang Xu flew over the abyss, wrangling!

The blaring bright sword-mans, like the light of death, came from the bottom up, and Chaoyangxu came torn apart.

"is coming!"

"Dead or alive, look at this!"

"Can the boy in the palace realm really block it?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Yang Xu.

Yang Xu looked at the Daomang, his expression did not change at all, the golden light flashed under his feet, Keng!

He actually stepped on the ray of thorns.

The dazzling daggers, in the void, seemed completely unexpected, and he was actually regarded as a stepping stone.

Regardless of how it cuts and how to release the sharp edge, it still can't cut the bottom of Yang Xu's feet, the golden glory.

With the help of this step, Yang Xu came to the opposite side easily.


The golden brilliance of the sword was so scattered in the air.


There was a series of inhaling cold sounds around:

"That kid... broke the blade with one foot?"

"My God, is he a strong bodybuilder? The physical strength can actually resist the ray of thorns!" "It's terrible! No wonder he opened up the palace realm, and he can take Ye Jiaolong, the long-lived realm, one Fist smashed, it turned out to be a physical trainer!"

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