Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2934: Believe me, get everything

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The four dark shadows, like ghosts, rose from the five ghosts and seven demons.

Their ghosts were generally suspended and flew to Ye Jiaolong.

Everyone exclaimed:

"what is that?"

Tian Qing Cang and a few friends all looked at Xiang Yang Xu:

They seem to be used to it, and Yang Xu knows everything.

"Oh, that's the five ghosts in the five ghosts and seven demons array... Of course, without Ye Jiaolong, there are only four ghosts."

I don't know, how long can Ye Jiaolong persist?

Yang Xu's eyes flickered.

For the five ghosts and seven demons array, he did not put it in his eyes, but this is an extremely ancient formation, and people who can know this formation must not exist in general.

"Who laid this demon formation in your kid's tomb? What is its purpose?"

The past is like smoke, and memories flash across Yang Xu's mind.

When he thinks like this, Ye Jiaolong is already surrounded by four ghosts at this moment.

The rune dragon resembled a bundle of fairy ropes, which bound him firmly and could not move, and in front of him, four ghosts transformed into four black ghost swords, and turned into his eyes and nose, piercing Come!

"not good!"

"Needling Lingbao, protect my life, burn!"

In Ye Jiaolong's hand, a slap-sized peach sculpture appeared.

That sculpture was exactly the same as him, accompanied by his order, Teng!

The peach wood sculpture burned, and Ye Jiaolong's body burned with flames at the same time.

In the blazing flames, Ye Jiaolong threw the burning peach sculpture to the front, and the peach sculpture fell to the ground.

Next second.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the peach wood sculpture on the floor suddenly dissipated, and turned into Ye Jiaolong's figure.

Among the five ghosts and seven demons, Ye Jiaolong turned into that peach sculpture.

"Li Daitao stiff technique, interesting, people of this age, also know this technique?"

Yang Xu's eyes could not help flashing.

Li Daitao stiffness, five ghosts and seven demons array...

Such ancient magic arrays have all emerged. It seems that those who died ten million years ago still exist in the world.

This is interesting.

They all seemed to have their eyes turned towards this tomb.

I do not know what is hidden in this so-called "Emperor's Burial"?

After the Five Ghosts and Seven Demons Array lost Ye Jiaolong, the four ghosts wandered there angrily, but they could not escape the restraint of the magic circle.

They seemed very irritable, a ghost flashed, and with a bang, the peach wood sculpture shattered into powder.

Just looking at this trick, I am afraid that the power of a ghost is not under the realm of life.

This made Tianqing Cang them, his face could not help but white:

"How should we pass?"

"The way forward was blocked by this array, I am afraid that it will not be so easy in the past..."

The faces of everyone showed anxious colors, and at the same time their eyes looked at Ye Jiaolong across the array without envy.

At this moment, Ye Jiaolong was lying on the ground, panting and gasping, and walked away from the ghost gate, leaving him with a lingering fear.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the treasure that the mysterious man gave him saved his life.

He was also blessed by the disaster, and passed the five ghosts and seven demons. At this moment, watching everyone like ants on the hot pot, he couldn't help laughing:

"Haha, see? This is the gap between you and me. I'm ahead of you!"

The tiredness and fear of Ye Jiaolong's original face were swept away and replaced with excitement:

"Every resource of the Emperor's burial is Ye Yelong's! Ye Yelong's luck is invincible in the world, you are all my foil!"

Ye Jiaolong unfolded his body and rushed forward.

Everyone looked at his back and lamented in vain, there was no way.

"Brother Xu, do you have any ideas?"

A friend of Tian Qing Cang asked Yang Xu.

The eyes that everyone expected looked like an arrow, and Chaoyang Xu shot over.

Tian Qing's brow furrowed slightly:

"Brother Xu Yang is not a panacea, we cannot rely on him for everything..."

He didn't want to put all the pressure on Yang Xu.

Although he also feels that the origin and background of Yang Xu is not that simple.

In response, Yang Xu patted Tian Qingcang's shoulder with relief, expressing his understanding.

Then he smiled and said, "The way to go through the Five Ghosts and Seven Demon Arrays is actually very simple. As long as you throw a person in, and are killed by the four evil spirits, and you have enough five ghosts, the prohibition of the Five Ghosts and Seven Demon Arrays will be eliminated. , The five ghosts ran out, the formation collapsed, and everyone could pass.


Everyone could not help but stunned:

"Release the five ghosts? Isn't all of us in danger?"

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"It's easier than facing four evil spirits directly, right? After all, we still have so many people."

"But who should throw in?"

Everyone looked at each other, all eyes were alert to each other:

No one wants to die, everyone wants to live to the end and get the treasure.

For a time, everyone was self-defeating and the atmosphere was somewhat dignified.

"Who can give me a drop of blood?"

Yang Xu asked.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, there is no promise.

God knows what Yang Xu wants to do with his heart. This boy is very weird.

Yang Xu looked at Tian Qing Cang's friends again. Their eyes dodged and they dared not stare at Yang Xu.

"Use mine, I believe the Xu Yang brothers are not malicious."

Tian Qing Cang said that a drop of Yin Hong's blood flew to Yang Xu, it was the drop of blood he forced out.

Yang Xu took out a Fulu made of a piece of yellow paper and smiled, "Are you afraid that I will use you?"

"Haha, if you can be used by the Xu Yang brothers, it means that Tianqing Cang still has such a trace of value."

Tian Qing Cang laughed, "What's more, the five ghosts and seven demons are blocking us all, and I should do my part."


His heart and blood blended with the yellow sheet paper rung in Yang Xu's hands.

Seeing that drop of red blood, the dragon and snake walked and twisted on Fulu, and finally turned into a strange symbol.


Fu Lu is like a sword, shooting at the Five Ghosts and Seven Demons, turning into a flame.

An astonishing scene appeared, and the flame suddenly dissipated, turning into a black ghost.


The five ghosts gathered together, and their patterns shone like stars, gradually turning into bright lights and bursting like fireworks.

Swish swish...

The five ghosts were like five flying swords. They shot towards the crowd, and suddenly screamed again and again.

Even if they had taken precautions, they still underestimated the power of the five ghosts.

In an instant, the cultivators were mostly killed and injured.

Tian Qing Cang's friends were also injured, but at the moment they were surprised to find that Tian Qing Cang stood there without any ghosts to attack him.

As if in the eyes of the five ghosts, he was completely transparent.

"Xu Yang! This must be because of Xu Yang!"

"I knew that the Xu Yang brothers were omnipotent!"

At this moment, they completely served. Tian Qing Cang looked at Yang Xu gratefully. Yang Xu smiled and waved his hand, "You believe me, so this is what you deserve. Let's go, we can't be dropped by Ye Jiaolong too much."

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