Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2938: Wuxing Mountain!

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The golden spiral boils over the town of magic stones, like a golden sun, born from the town of magic stones.

With the appearance of that round of golden sun, the silhouettes of gods and demons continually fell, and wrapped the devil stone.

At this moment, the Town Demon Stone seems to be the overlord of the commanding heroes, and all the gods and demon all obey its orders.

That domineering breath made the entire cave into a dead silence.


The phantom of the dark giant spirit god, wielding a large hammer, hit the town magic stone. However, before reaching the body of the town magic stone, he was directly blocked by the phantom of the **** and demon:


Those phantoms and magical phantoms transformed into a golden sword with a shank, cutting towards the giant spirit god.

At the same time, the town demon stone leaped into the sky and instantly merged with that round of golden little sun.

In an instant, the golden light was like a heavy wave, sweeping towards the black robe.


The black robe snorted coldly, "You still have some means, but unfortunately, if you want to fight against my Unreal Avenue, you still don't see enough!"

At the moment when the voice didn't fall, the black robe figure stretched out his right hand, and his finger gently ticked:


The piercing tinkle of torn gold foil swept through, and a golden-winged Dapeng bird covered with golden feathers rushed out of Unreal Avenue.

It is more than ten meters long, and a pair of huge wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun. The entire cave will be fanned up and down, and it seems to collapse.

The wings of the big-winged Jinpeng bird flicked lightly, and thousands of golden golden feathers, like raindrops, shot into the sky where Yang Xu was.

The crowd onlookers fell into a silence at the moment, and everyone's face was filled with shock.

They can't imagine what kind of person can perform such a horrible method?

That illusory avenue has such terrifying power?

"It's dead, that Xu Yang is dead, hahaha!"

Ye Jiaolong's eyes were red, and he stared at Yang Xu with anger and jealousy. The teeth and teeth looked like he could tear Yang Xu into pieces:

If it wasn't for this kid, he had already stepped Tian Qing Cang under his feet, and the inheritance of this tomb was his!

As a result, everything changed because of the existence of Xu Yang. He was almost killed by the weird Banshee, while Tian Qing Cang robbed him in front of him, and he inherited the mysterious swordsmanship!

This allowed Ye Jiaolong to wish to kill Yang Xu immediately!

"Brother Xu Yang will not be in danger?"

Several friends of Tian Qing Cang looked at Yang Xu with concern at this moment.

Up to now, Xu Yang has become the center of several people through his various magical means. They are very dependent on Yang Xu's ability and decision-making means.

"Ready to shoot at any time, in case the Xu Yang brothers are in danger, let's save him!"

Tian Qing Cang almost gritted his teeth and said these words in a muffled voice.

A few friends look at me, I look at you, nodded one after another:

"It's okay, just spell this! The Xu Yang brothers have helped us so many times! We..."


A sharp sword chant sounded, and Tian Qing Cang didn't wait for several friends to finish his speech. The whole person turned into a sword, killing Xiang Yangxu and the black robe.

At the same time, Tian Qing Cang sacrificed the matching sword for decades, and also turned into a stream of light, beheading the golden-winged Dapeng bird.

"Brother Xu Yang, let me help you!"

Tian Qing Cang turned into a flying sword, suspended in front of Yang Xu.

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling, although with his ability, there was no slight danger to the black robe, but Tian Qing Cang's kindness made him warm.

With a light finger tick, the Daoqi Tiantianjian sword came out of the sheath and flew towards Tianqing Cang:

"My sword is for your use, and be careful with the golden-winged Dapeng bird."

"give it to me!"

Tian Qing Cang Shi exhibited the exercises learned from the stone wall, and transformed into a fusion with the Heavenly Sword.

He and Split Heavenly Sword merged into one, turned into a dazzling divine light, and rushed to the golden-winged Dapeng bird.

The sword shook, clanging...

Thousands of swords and shadows rushed out of the sky, slashing the golden **** feathers shot by the golden-winged Dapeng bird!

Ye Jiaolong's face looked as if he were black:

"How is it possible! How can he block the **** bird?"

The power shown by the golden-winged Dapeng bird is the Ye Jiaolong in the long-lived environment, and there is no confidence to confront it.

But Tian Qing Cang even understated it, blocking the angry blow of the golden-winged Dapeng bird.

"It must be Xu Yang's sword! That sword's breath is extraordinary!"

Some practitioners exclaimed.

Ye Jiaolong's pupil flashed suddenly, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes:

"Wouldn't that sword be a weapon? If you can grab it, this emperor's burial will not come in vain..."

When he changed his mind, Yang Xu's situation changed dramatically.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird condensed on the Unreal Avenue, after being blocked by Tianqing Cang, a shadow of a black mandrel flashed in the eyes of the black robe. Yang Xu condensed the void above his head.

A majestic power suddenly rolled down towards him.

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile when he saw the five-colored Shenshan Mountain:

"This is... Wuxing Mountain?"

Around the time, the cultivators, seeing the five-color **** mountain at this moment, could not help but look strange. Especially Tianqing Cang’s friends, they know that Yang Xu has a rule of law:

"How do you think this scene seems familiar?"

Sensing on the Five Elements Mountain, lingering around the power of the Five Elements, Yang Xu glanced at the black robe without a word:

Is this guy intentional?

Doesn’t he know that I own the real Five Elements Avenue?

Seeing that the Five Elements Mountain is entangled with the dense Five Elements Law, the energy of the golden woods, water, fire and earth is boiling, and it is killing itself towards the town.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, and his hand caught the void, clanging!

The Wuxing Mountain suddenly solidified in the void, as if there was an invisible divine power, which enveloped it so that it could not move.

Then in the surprised gaze of the black robe, Yang Xu flicked it, bang.

The Wuxing Mountain seemed to be formed by the accumulation of sand particles, and it easily broke up.

The pupil of the black robe shrank, and in his horrified eyes, Yang Xu's hands shone with the five-color gods, and Ling Kong slapped him towards him, slapping it over:

"Let you see the real Wuxing Mountain!"

A huge palm-shaped mountain, surrounded by a series of five-element runes, shattered the void, and turned down towards the black robe. The black robe's face changed greatly, and he wanted to move his body, but he was shocked to find that no matter how he moved, the shadow of Wuxing Mountain always shrouded above his head...

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