Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2947: Nirvana of life and death!

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The majestic aftermath of energy, centered around Yangxu, swept in all directions and blew the practitioners from a hundred meters away.

The crowd couldn't help but change their hearts, and there was a lot of horror in their hearts:

"What's the matter with Tian Qing Cang? Isn't some strong man occupy the flesh?"

"He just said he was the undead lord, is that really the case?"

Looking at the gloomy "Tian Qing Cang" and the Shizun he had summoned, who had already died, there was a lot of suspense in everyone's heart.

Shi Zun was attacked and flew by Yang Xuyi, and his feet were in the void. A circular ripple appeared in the space. Shi Zun's hands turned into an arc in front of his chest. The space in front of him seemed to be thrown into a stone, and a ripple of space appeared. .

In everyone's surprised eyes, a huge sarcophagus emerged from the ripples in the space.

Shi Zun gently grabbed the sarcophagus in his hands, and the onlookers could not help changing their faces one after another:

"That turned out to be... a huge stone sword!"

The huge sarcophagus showed the shape of a giant sword. Shi Zun was in control of Wan Shi by nature, and he grabbed the sarcophagus in his hand.

There are tens of thousands of sarcophagi in Shi Zun's hands as if they were paper sacks, light and unrestrained.

His figure flashed, appearing above Yang Xu's head, waving a stone sword, and Chao Yang Xu fell down.

Suddenly, the void was distorted, making a loud bang, squeezed and exploded by the huge sarcophagus sword.

A sonic boom accompanied by huge pressure, Chaoyang Xu rolled down.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, too lazy to say even half a sentence, and flicked at the sarcophagus giant sword suppressed by the master.

A buzzing sound, the Sun God Mountain suspended above him, released a golden brilliance, this golden light was like a flying arrow, accompanied by Yang Xu's bomb, Biao shot towards the sarcophagus giant sword.

It was in the horrified eyes of everyone.

The golden flying arrow and the sarcophagus giant sword collided heavily together, and the golden and gray light burst into the four directions.

Void seemed unable to withstand this destructive force, making a loud noise, tearing open black cracks of nothingness.

"My God, Xu Yang blocked the man's attack with just one finger?"

"This Xu Yang is really amazing!"

Not only the spectators, but also the strong men of Taiyin Gods, not only stunned.

Along with the crowd exclaiming, Yang Xu popped a ray of golden awns, just like a flying arrow off the string, like a broken bamboo penetrating that giant sarcophagus.

With a loud bang, the sarcophagus cracked and exploded into countless pieces. After a rush of rock like rain, it shot into all directions.

Some cultivators who were too late to respond were hit by these stones and were seriously injured.

The faceless expression of Shi Zun, with one move, all the stones were set in the air, as if there was an invisible force, and they were nailed to the void.

Shi Zun's empty gaze looked at Yang Yangxu and waved his hand violently, whizzing...

Thousands of stones were like arrows, hitting Yang Xu.

At the same time, a statue of a stone man appeared in the broken sarcophagus.

This statue resembles a terracotta warrior, but with a long knife around his waist.

With Shizun's hands sealed, a peculiar rune shot from Shizun's heart to the stone statue.

The next second, "Shi Zun" burst, and at the same time, the eyes of the stone man's eyes flickered and groaned!

A ray of knife light, chopping Xiangyang Xu where.

"The stone man is alive!"

"What means is this? Shi Zun's attack is too weird?"

Seeing the stone men falling from the sarcophagus, they seemed to have vitality, and everyone was surprised.

On the contrary, it was Yang Xu, his expression was always flat and Gujing was waveless. Even in the face of the stone man's attack, he did not panic and waved easily:


The void seemed to be torn apart, with nine golden sword spirits, like nine golden pillars of gold, standing in front of him.

Yang Xu had a look in his eyes, and a ray of sword light burst out, violently colliding with the knife.

"Dayan has a lot of sword energy, go."

Yang Xu waved his hand, and the beam of nine swords towering in front of him directly rolled towards the stone man.

Along with the crowd's cries of exclamation, Nine Dao Sword Light Pillars will get the stone man and wrap it directly.

Holding a stone knife, the stone man exudes magnificent power, and has a domineering breath that destroys the world, "cut!"

There was a thunderstorm in the stone population.

The stone knife in the hand cuts through the void, forming a white sword-like awn, wherever it passes, the void takes on a blue and secluded color, as if petrified, covered with moss.

Nine Dao Sword Light Pillars, when they touched the white sword awn, they clicked loudly, and they all turned into nine stone pillars!

"What's the trick?"

Everyone's pupils could not help shrinking.

Undead Lord "Tian Qing Cang" smiled faintly. In his view, Yang Xu had no room for resistance and was dead.


When the ray of petrified blades swept over to Yang Xu, Yang Xu raised his eyebrows and said lightly:

"Strength is okay, but it's a pity that after all it is the undead, the dead Shizun has no soul!"


Yang Xu's "san" exit, the sun **** mountain and lunar tree above him, suddenly turned into golden and silver brilliance.

Between the golden and silver brilliance, it condensed into a yin and yang tai chi picture, like a baggage, directly covering the knife and mang, Ka Kaka!

The yin and yang taiji figure's baggage was tightened, and the petrified sword was smashed directly, and the stone chips were like dust, blowing away to all directions.

The Yin-Yang Taiji diagram did not stay at all, like a light flying out, and a muffled noise, the stone man fell down from the void, grunted, and the stone head slipped off his body and smashed to the ground.

Yang Xu's finger lightly ticked, and the Yin-Yang Tai Chi figure seemed to have long eyes, and flew towards the undead world master:

"Take me a trick."

When it was said that it was too late, the Yin-Yang Tai Chi map exuded golden and silver brilliance, just like a sword from the sky, soaring to the undead master in an instant.


The main pupil of the undead world suddenly shrank, and it was completely unexpected that Yang Xu not only avoided the attack of the stone man, but also organized a counterattack so quickly.

A mass of black devil qi swayed and rolled from behind him, forming a huge demon cloud, blocking the void in front of him, with a loud explosion, the faint Taiji figure rushed into the demon cloud.

The brilliance of gold and silver rose into the sky and penetrated the black magic cloud into two holes. The black magic cloud creeped madly. Behind the undead lord, the magical energy rolled into the magic cloud.

Yin-Yang Tai Chi picture, rotating rapidly, stalemate with the black magic cloud.

The Undead Lord stared at Yang Xu with a sneer:

"Look at what else you have! Life and death nirvana!" Behind the void of the undead lord, a Phantom phantom from the Nine Nethers emerged and slashed to Yangxu!

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