Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2957: A little itchy hand

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The terrifying power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan" surprised Deyang Xu.

He couldn't help smiling slightly, and looked at Wang Chunyi's sighing expression:

"It seems that your promotion is really not small."

The white swordsman who bears the brunt is almost 80% of the real power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan".

The majestic and surging terror like a torrent of rivers made him almost unbearable and was directly flew out.

A silver ray of light flashed through his eyes, and the white swordsman stood in the void, and Kaka burst under his feet.

Just relying on his own physical body, blocking the power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan".

The air behind him was continuously compressed by his backward force, sending waves of sound.

The swordsman in white is full of long hair, dancing in the wind, the pupils of a pair of eyes are constricted, and the eyes are sharp:

"You are much stronger than I thought. No wonder you dare to be alone and break into the territory of my stalemate."

The white swordsman stared at Wang Chunyi faintly, and the breath on his body started to improve at an alarming speed.

"Well, it has been promoted from Changsheng Realm to Hundred Cave Realm. It seems that you have suppressed your cultivation behavior before."

Wang Chunyi was a little surprised.

The swordsman in white shook his head:

"No, I didn't suppress my cultivation."

His eyes flashed to Wang Chunyi, and he smiled:

"I should thank you. It was the pressure of your punch that gave me an opportunity to break through. The bottleneck that blocked me for five thousand eight hundred years was finally broken."

Accompanied by the sentence in white swordsman.

The void behind him thundered and thundered. The white long sword in his hand suddenly shattered and turned into pieces of snow petals, flying in front of him.

The white swordsman hooked his fingers at random, and the snow petals flew to the void behind him, condensing into a white giant sword up to tens of meters.

Suddenly, it looked similar to Yang Yan's, the nine proudly standing Da Yan Wuliang Qi.

In the hall.

See the changes on the light curtain.

The six strongests in the pinnacle of longevity can't help but look at me, I look at you, a strange face:

"Wang Lingwu's tricks are somewhat similar to that of a young man?"

"Well, it was probably inspired by the juvenile swordsmanship."

"Just don't know the power of Wang's new sword move, has it improved?"

This is Wang Chunyi. At this moment, seeing the new moves of the swordsman in white, he could not help looking at Xiang Yangxu without a word:

"Hey, people have exactly the same tricks as you, do you have no opinion?"

Yang Xu smiled faintly, and didn't see the slightest mind on his face. Instead, he looked at the swordsman in white and jokingly said:

"I naturally don't mind, he has only one sword light, and I have nine ways, the power is not the same."

The implication is the trick of the white swordsman, and it is not as powerful as its own "Yan Yan Wu Jian Qi".

The swordsman in white didn't argue, he raised his brow slightly and said coldly:

"I will cut Wang Chunyi first, and then let you see the power of free sword energy."

"Yo, did you even get the name? Comfortable Jianqi? The name is not good, but I can send you to Elysium to be at ease."

The moment when Wang Chun's words had not landed.

The figure burst suddenly, turned into a ray of black light, and gradually faded and disappeared in the void.

Next second.

The white swordsman's head was empty, and suddenly twisted, a black void crack appeared.

A majestic fist, tearing the void and falling down towards the white swordsman—

It is Heavenly Taoist Fist!

And it is more than ten times stronger than the previous Tiandao Shenquan!

"What kind of realm has the power of Heavenly Taoist Fist developed by this guy?"

Yang Xu looked secretly stunned.

He also received a copy of "Tian Dao Shen Quan", but even if he had realized Wuxing Avenue, undefeated Shen Quan and so on.

The power at the peak can't be compared with the "Tang Dao Shen Quan" Wang Chunyi currently uses.

"This guy, won't he get the complete Tiandao Shenquan?"

"Tian Dao Shen Quan" bombarded the swordsman in white from the top down, and the space above the swordsman in white was even compressed by the huge boxing intention layer by layer.

It seemed like a translucent space spring appeared above the white swordsman.

He was standing on the body of the void, and was pressed down by this huge pressure, banged and fell to the ground.

Under the feet, a crack like a cobweb broke apart and spread to a distance of more than ten meters.


Wang Chunyi's powerful boxing power can no longer do more damage.

A huge magic sword phantom enveloped the swordsman in white, and he seemed to turn into a great sword.

The sharp tip of the sword, standing steadily above the white-sword swordsman, will get the real destructive power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan" and completely resist it.


Wang Chunyi frowned slightly, seeming to be surprised.

This punch is almost 90% of the real power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan".

I thought I could solve this swordsman easily.


It was so easily blocked!

The pupil shrank slightly, and Wang Chunyi grinned at the swordsman in white.

Responding to him, it was the white swordsman who gave an unassuming blow:


While the white swordsman spit out a word, his hand gently pushed upward.

With a loud explosion, the giant sword that stood on top of his head was lifted out of the ground, bursting out the golden light, and the figure of Wang Chunyi was directly flew out!

There was a muffled noise.

The majestic power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan" completely collapsed in front of this golden sword, and the smoke disappeared.

"Well, it's interesting. It seems that after he broke through the bottleneck, he didn't improve much."

Yang Xu's eyes shone slightly, and he felt a sense of gratification.

The attack by the white swordsman clearly did not end there.

At the moment when Wang Chunyi was blasted out, the white swordsman took one finger at a time and drew an x ​​in the void.

Next second.

The void oscillates, and two golden swords with a length of more than ten meters are condensed in the void.

Behind the swordsman in white, the white excalibur lightly flicked, flew out two white snowflakes, and merged into the two golden giant swords.

"Go, strangle him."

The swordsman in white lightly said a word.

With a loud explosion, two golden giant swords instantly crossed the void and beheaded to Wang Chunyi.

The majestic and sharp sword lights intersect at Wang Chunyi's place, and the two sword lights pass to Wang Chunyi in a staggered manner.

The X-shaped sword energy trajectory, Wang Chunyi is in a staggered place, withstanding the most terrifying destructive power of the two sword lights.


The black magic energy surrounding Wang Chun was torn apart by this sword light, and his defense was completely broken.

The tyrannical body was even torn apart by this sword.

A golden blood spilled into the sky.

Wang Chun's body shook, and the playful expression on his face finally disappeared.

at this time.

With a smiling voice, Yang Xu came over: "Wang Chunyi, you have failed. Next, it's a little itchy for me to hand it to me."

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