Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2959: The Return of the Thief

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The palm of Yang Xu not only possesses the power of "Tian Dao Shen Quan", but also possesses the overbearing majesty of "King of Divine Fist".

A palm burst out.

The defensive spirit sword was directly destroyed.

With a loud bang.

The whole swordsman in white was blown out by Yang Xu.

The swordsman in white shot backwards, knocking the void into a crack, and the whole person was embedded in the sky.

His pupils contracted suddenly, looking at Yang Xu below incredulously:

"How can you see through my sword light avatar?"

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile:

"I didn't see through your Jianguang avatar."

These words made the white swordsman and Wang Chunyi both have their eyes widened, and their eyes are full of unbelief:

Without seeing through the other party's tricks, how did Yang Xu block this trick?

Looking at the skeptical look of the white swordsman, Yang Xu smiled slightly:

"It seems that your thousands of years of cultivation have all been used to polish the swordsmanship. Although your swordsmanship is mentioned, it is a pity that the combat experience is really poor."

"Jianguang Doppelganger" is indeed very subtle, but the white swordsman used it in the wrong place.

If it is used to escape the battlefield and confuse the enemy, it is indeed very effective.

But when used in the offensive, it is a bit different. After all, even if the white swordsman plays more bells and whistles, the ultimate goal is not to kill Yang Xu.

So no matter what means he will eventually come to kill Yang Xu.

It was through seeing this that Yang Xu made a small plan, and let the swordsman in white fall into a disadvantage.

The opponent's combat experience is too little. For some powerful tricks, I still haven't figured out how to use it.

of course.

This point Yang Xu will never tell the enemy.

He pointed his finger at the swordsman in white, and Yang Xu showed a provocative smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Come on, what other means are used, I'm waiting for you to move."

The swordsman in white dress frowned slightly.

In front of the light curtain.

The six powerhouses of the stalemate all frowned.

That human teenager is too difficult to tangle. Not only does swordsmanship become powerful, but the combat experience is not generally rich.

Their king has met their enemies!

"Well, what a wonderful fight, how can such a good thing be less me."

A voice rang out abnormally in the ears of Yang Xu and others.

The sudden appearance made the looks of Deyang Xu, Wang Chunyi, and the white swordsman all changed.

Based on their cultivation practice and the realm, there are irrelevant people waiting to come close, they did not even notice it!

Brush brush!

Three sharp eyes, all looked at that figure together.

The six strong men in the hall, with the help of the Moon Eye, also looked at the coming people.

When he saw his face clearly, the six of them widened their eyes together:

"This is not possible! Didn't he leave the continent of the imperial country and go to the continent of the immortal country? Why is he still here?"

The face that smiled and appeared quietly in front of the three Yang Xu was the general!

Looking at the light-hearted look of the general in the light curtain, the six strong men in front of the light curtain fell into one heart:

"We've been fooled! I'm afraid he has long known that Wang is not in that golden coffin!"

"Won't he want to kill the king, General?"

"Can't hesitate anymore! We set off immediately to protect the king!"

The six stalwart powerhouses, without a word, rushed out of the hall and rushed in the direction of the general.

Yang Xu's side.

Looking at the tall man with sharp eyes like a falcon, he could not help frowning:

"who are you?"

There seems to be no such person among the deadlocks?

In Yang Xu's memory, there is no trace of this person.

General Zhaoyang Xu swept and sneered:

"Don't know me? It seems that you know the masters of the zombie country very well. I was still wondering about your identity before. Now I am sure that you must be the reincarnation of a strong man. Maybe you have been in contact with my zombie country before. ."

"However, even if you are reincarnated, why do you want to come to my continent to take risks?"

The general's curious eyes stared at Yang Xu, a very interested look.

This made De Yangxu's heart sink slightly:

He just said a word, this guy actually guessed his origins.

This person's mind and thinking are not generally sensitive.

"Well, although I have long known that the king of the zombie is not in that golden coffin, but now I am still a bit surprised to see you. Well, you, have you seen me surprised, the king of the zombie, the zombie Bai Yu?"

He stared at the white swordsman.

The swordsman in white is stiff and has white feathers. His eyes are as sharp as electricity. He looks directly at his general:

"General, I used to think that you were loyal to the zombie country, and even followed your plan to strengthen the country and the soldiers. It was not until I entered the golden coffin and suffered rune suppression that I realized that you have something else to do!"

The stiff white feather looked cold and glanced at the general:

"Speak, what is your purpose? Now that you dare to appear in front of me, should you rely on it?" "Naturally, it was. I originally planned to go to the mainland of Immortal Kingdom, and I thought about it, just like that. It’s not polite to visit old friends empty-handed without any gifts. No, I’m back to find you again, I hope the king of the stalemate can

Reward me some babies so I can take them as gifts for my old friends. "

Jiang Chenpi stared at the stiff white feather with a smile.

The stiff white feather said coldly:

"What gift do you want?"

The general raised his eyebrows:

"I think Wang's heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys seem to be pretty good. After all, he is a part of the king of stalemate."

"General, you are arrogant! Dare to arrogantly lie in front of my king, and not kneel!"

Six black smokes gathered in front of the stiff white feathers, transformed into six tall figures.

The breath of the ten peaks of Changsheng Realm, which is the top six of the stalemate.

They were angry at the generals, and their eyes were full of murderous opportunities.

"Um, it's all together, there is more fun to watch now."

Yang Xu laughed inwardly.

Don't talk, and watch Wang Chunyi lively there.

Instead, the stiff white feather swept Chaoyang Xu over:

"I'm afraid you will postpone the battle with you. After I clear the portal, I will fight you again."

Yang Xu grinned:

"It's okay, you fight, I'll just look around."

The stiff white feather frowned, unpleasantly saying:

"Also invite you to leave my dead country."

This is to drive Yang Xu to leave. After all, if he fights against his general and makes a loss, he will be robbed by the fire. Who can bear it?

Zhuang Baiyu hasn't seen Yang Xu's true strength until now, but he feels about the general. The strength of this rebel is probably not under his own. Even with the help of six guards, the stiff white feather cannot guarantee that he will win the general without any damage!

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