Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2969: Raging Dragon

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The stiff white feathers, which had become puppets, watched the master finally, blocking the terrifying sun.

And at this time.

A second sun appeared.

Seeing that the second sun is ten times larger than the first one.

That terrifying power is even more powerful hundreds of times!

The stiff white feather couldn't help but look desperate:

"Can't stop it! The host can't stop it!"

This remark came out.

The shocked Long Teng couldn't help but sink his eyes, and coldly swept toward the stiff white feather:

"court death!"


He had a look in his eyes, and the stiff white feathers suddenly shattered and scattered into a black puppet rune.

Turn into a black flame in the void, and burn away.


The second huge sun weighed heavily on the first one. The huge weight, the terrifying surging energy, and the instantaneous time, directly burst the dragon's four-elephant **** soldier beam of light.

The Qinglong white tiger Suzaku Xuanwu four-elephant beast was even forced out directly.

Boom Boom...

The Four Elephant Soldiers, as fragile as glass, burst directly.

The Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Four Elephants and Beasts even burst into mourning:



They followed the dragon and experienced too many battles.

Every time, it is almost an overwhelming advantage, which will easily crush the enemy.

But this time.

They really felt the fear.

A small humble human looks like a ant in their eyes.

Even this ant is a ant in the fairy world.

They are not in the eyes.

Until this moment.

They suddenly found out, what kind of ants did the master let them attack?

This is clearly a **** hiding power!

Take control of a fairy!

Summon the sun at will!

With such earth-shattering power, the master thought that they could suppress it?

Swish swish...

The Sixiangshen Beast almost didn't want to think about it, immediately backed away and shot back.

Seeing this scene, Long Teng was so angry that his eyes almost did not burst out:

"Have me hold it! Dare to step back and die!"


On the four elephant **** beasts, wisps of black puppet runes shone.

The four elephant **** beasts who retreated suddenly froze there.

The void behind the dragon, the purple ancestor dragon's gas, shining and fluctuating, the golden crown above his head exuded the majesty of the emperor.


He is not majestic at all.

Live like a toad, a toad full of pride and domineering face, rare expression of panic.

Lan Kerr saw Longteng look like this now.

Can't help but laugh, burst out of relief.

She couldn't help but admire Xiang Yangxu's eyes.

"How would you stop it? Don't let me down."

Yang Xu did not pay attention to Lan Kerr, and naturally did not see her admiration.

His eyes are now fixed on Longteng with interest.

This guy brings a lot of surprises to himself.

Yang Xu's intention to silence for a long time was slightly boiling.

"Hope don't let me down."

A look of anticipation flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

Long Teng saw Yang Xu's blessed expression in his eyes, and was deeply stimulated by Yang Xu's cat-like expression.

The void behind him, the purple ancestor dragon's gas suddenly became violent and fierce, it seems that there will be a ancestral dragon flying out of the next second.

"Even if it falls, I have to block the two suns!"

Long Teng gritted his teeth and issued an ultimatum to the Four Elephants.


Four puppet runes condensed on the four elephant **** beasts.

These puppet runes continue to swim and shine on them, and there is the breath of the law of the road, which diffuses out.

"Actually the puppet avenue? This kid was lucky and got a real avenue."

Yang Xu's eyes shone slightly, and he made a new discovery.

This dragon's luck is not under his own, and actually got one of the three thousand avenues.

Although "Puppet Avenue" is inferior to Wuxing Avenue in terms of status.

But if it is used well, it can also explode with great power.


This dragon is playing well.

"System, if it can swallow the infinite puppet system, can you upgrade the version?"

Yang Xu asked.

The system immediately responds:

[Swallowing other systems can enhance the power of the infinite upgrade system, but it cannot promote the version update! 】

Yang Xu could not help but raise his eyebrows:

"Oh? It seems that only when I make a substantial change can the system be updated."

Then come!

Yang Xu's eyes were cold, staring at Long Teng's eyes, and there was a lot of murderous chance.

The eye of the heart moved gently, and the sun **** suddenly released a ray of golden awns.

The golden **** blasted down and instantly merged with the two suns, booming!

The two suns directly burned a golden flame.

The power of the Five Elements Avenue filled the terrifying fluctuations.

"Unexpectedly, it was just a projection of the Sun God Disk, and with the Five Elements Avenue, it had such terrifying power."

Yang Xu saw his eyes lit up and exclaimed in his heart.

The sun **** disk beside him is not a real fairy body, but a magical body projected by the **** body, after breaking the space, a projection of a fairy artifact.

However, Yang Xu's spirited machine creatively merged the projection of the Sun God Disk with the Five Elements Avenue temporarily.

So much so.

This projection of the Apollo disc released the horror power almost comparable to the body!

"I don't know what kind of horror might be after the fusion of Wuxing Avenue and the body of the sun **** disk."

Yang Xu smiled in his heart.


A glorious figure flashed from the side, a pretty figure appeared.

Lan Keer's pair of smart eyes looked at Yang Xu up and down, revealing a strong interest.

Yang Xu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"You seem to be following me? Is there something wrong?"

With Yang Xu's perception, she can naturally sense the girl's tracking.

Not to mention.

The spirit whale, blue whale, is so huge that it can't be hidden at all.

Lan Kerr said with a smile:

"I'm chasing you because you have the breath of my sea clan, strangely, you are clearly a human being, how can you have the breath of my sea clan?"

Lan Kerr felt a little puzzled.

Yang Xu smiled faintly, and knew in his heart that this was the reason for the Poseidon's Halberd.

Or to be more precise, it is the reason of "Kunpeng Whale Swallowing and Destroying Power".

This amazing work may be inextricably linked to the deep-sea family.

Yang Xu sighed in his heart that he did not have any involvement with the deep-sea family in the battle and layout in the past years.

Unexpectedly this life, his strength has not reached one percent of the previous life.

It was actually related to the deep-sea family.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

Long Teng at this moment, madly urged the Four Elephants Beast and Puppet Avenue, trying to resist the suppression of the two suns.

However, when he saw that Yang Xu even looked at the Hai girl freely and had a good time.

A sense of humiliation that was not valued, completely angered Dragon.

"Zulong Shenwei, puppet Shinto, rush for me!" Long Teng gritted his teeth and released his trick!

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