Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 298: Life and death crisis!

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Chapter 298 Life and Death Crisis!

The champion Hou is tragic.

Without God's blessing, he once again became the commander of the bare rod.

"No! I still have a strange star beast! Haha, that's my real star soul!"

The champion Hou was beaten up.

Fortunately, he reflected it in time:

"Poor and strange beast, star soul into the body!"


Champion Hou's head was empty, and a star suddenly lit up.

A phantom of ancient fierce beasts roared upwards.

"Hahaha! Yangxu, you can't think of it, my soul does not belong to this continent! This lord was taken from my house. My real soul comes from the destiny continent, so I have the unique power of the destiny continent cultivator: Star Soul!"


Champion Hou arms, Ka Ka Ka!

There were black scales.

In the eyes, a cold light like a fierce beast burst out.

Champion Hou's breath has soared to an amazing state!

"Send treasure boy, it turns out that your soul also came through! But in front of me Yang Xu, everything is in vain!"

Yang Xu laughed loudly.

"Also? Is your soul also..."

The champion's face changed dramatically.


Behind Yang Xu's void, the red sun suddenly broke into billions of red awns.

Brush brush!

The red light was like an arrow of the gods, burning the void, and bursting towards the champion Hou.

"The poor star soul devours the starry sky!"

The poor beasts roared, wow!

All the red flying arrows were swallowed by the poor.

"Fool! My red flames are not that good to eat!"


The poor strange beast suddenly gave a painful howl, and his whole body flashed red.

Puff puff!

It was burned directly!

"Champion, you are a tragedy! Even if you have the power of the star soul I don't have, you are not my opponent!"

"Your mission is to send the treasure boy! Thank you for sending me the Lingming God Stone, the Poseidon Water Halberd, and the Fierce Beast God!"

"Now your mission is over, I will send you on the road!"

Yang Xu burst into a sigh.

"Ten Yang Samsara Body!"


Behind the void, ten golden suns rose.

Brush brush!

They turned into divine light and merged into Yang Xu's body.

Above the forehead, the blue reincarnation rune flashes:

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, awaken the ten-yang reincarnation **** body! 】

[Attack power + 300%! Defense +300%! 】

[Fire attack power +500%! Defense +500%! 】

"Attack power, defense power, soar again! This time, even if you awaken God's Star Soul, it's useless!"

Yang Xu snorted, "Flame of the Flame!"






The fierce flame fist, containing the violent lethality, fell on the champion.

The surge of 800% of the attack power caused the champion Hou's internal organs to collapse.

The violent fire rushed into his body, and all the organs burned into coke instantly.

This time!

Send the treasure boy champion Hou, complete play!

Even if the fairy is here, it is difficult to save him!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the champion! Reward experience value +100000000! True power value + 10000000! Points + 1000000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Poseidon Water Halberd x1! Is it equipped? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get Soul Beast: Shenyi x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Poor Residual x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the military kill x1! Do you practice? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the middle grade spirit stone x1! Is it integrated? 】


It's bursting again!

The champion Hou is worthy of being a gift boy.

Everything that burst out is baby!

Soul beast gods don't have to say, the identity of the super big boss, if not the champion Hou this lucky guy, use the luck of Tianfeng Kingdom to surrender it.

No one wants to refine it.

Now Yang Xu is cheaper.

Poseidon water halberd, an artifact of water attributes!

Yang Xu threw it directly into the Kanshui World, and suddenly the energy of the water element came.

"Haha, Spirit Stone! Finally got another one!"

Yang Xu held a gleaming stone shining in his eyes, containing violent energy fluctuations.

It's not warm yet.

【Ding! ! 】

[Detected the middle grade spirit stone x1! Successful melting, physical strength +1000! 】

As soon as Yang Xu warmed up, he suddenly felt that his body was stronger.

Especially the crystal-like film under the skin, the mysterious runes almost doubled.

Dense and dense, the charm flashes.

Make Deyang Xu's physical resistance greatly improved!

"You should be able to enter the second stage of Lingming Shenshi immediately?"

The first order of the Lingming Divine Stone is to increase the damage absorption by 10% and the spiritual strength by 500%.

Second-order attributes are definitely more powerful!


Yang Xu's heart warning sign:

"The champion Hou is already dead, even the military killing burst out, why hasn't the fog around yet dispersed?"

"Are there still enemies?"

Yang Xu's heart flashed a bad hunch.

"Golden Eye!"

His eyes flashed over the Rune of the Condor, and his super vision suddenly opened, looking around.

"No need to watch it. Your real enemy is me."

A pale, familiar figure appeared in front of Yang Xu.

"It's you! Win!"

"You dare to show up!"

Yang Xu's pupil shrank.

"Haha, why didn't I dare show up? It was only my soul that you slaughtered last time, and now I have been reborn."

Win grinned unscrupulously.

"I can cut you once, I can cut you a hundred times! A thousand times!"

Yang Xu's eyes were cold.

"Hahaha, Emperor Tianfeng, did you see it? This is Yang Xu. No matter how desperate he is, he dares to speak wildly!"

Win sneer.


Behind him, a huge projection appeared.

It is the emperor of Tianfeng Kingdom:

Long Wanli!

Long Wanli stared at Yang Xu with a pair of falcon-like eyes:

"I had expected that the unlucky champion Hou could not kill you!"

"Can't kill you and let him give someone a head?"

Tianfeng Emperor Long Wanli smiled:

"At least it consumes a lot of your strength, doesn't it?"

at this time.

Win Yin cold smile:

"Yang Brush, your "Ten Yang Divine Skills" and the ten-yang reincarnation **** body are all fire attributes, right?"

"This time, I will restrain you to die!"

The voice did not fall.

Win with open hands and sip:

"Nine Nine to One Guishui Qinglong Ice Formation!"


There was an irregular shock on the earth.

The mist around Yangxu turned into coldness at an alarming rate.

Kaka Kaka.

The clothes around him had formed a layer of frost.

In all directions, nine phantoms of Qinglong suddenly appeared.

Next second.

Nine Dao Qinglong virtual shadows, nine and nine are united into one true green dragon.

It was surrounded by a breath of ice.

When the dragon's tail swings, all the fire energy is expelled and evacuated.

Yang Xu's face suddenly dignified:

Without the fire attribute energy, several soul spells can no longer be used!

"Right," Win Youyou smiled:

"Yangxu, you still have a powerful illusion, right? It's a pity that Emperor Tianfeng came with only a projection, not affected by your illusion."

"And this monarch, the supreme treasure has been penetrated into the body long ago: the Soul Clock! No illusion can hurt me!"

Yang Xu looked cold:

This is good, even "The Tomb of the Coffin" is also passed!

"Oh, there is!"

It seems that winning is not enough, and the finger flicked gently:

Brush brush!

Twelve tyrannical figures flashed below the projection of Emperor Long Wanli.

Winning laughter:

"Yang Xu, your biggest hole card should be that you can enter the realm of decay, and your strength has increased. Unfortunately, your state of decay can only be maintained for a short time, and your twelve strong men, all of them It's a real world!"

Yang Xu's complexion suddenly became ugly:


He was even beaten to death!

The hole card is lost!

"Hahahaha! Yang Xu, you will die this time!"

"God to earth, no one can save you!"

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