Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 300: fulfill your requirement!

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Chapter 300 meets your requirements!

"The first yang of the Ten Yang Divine Skills!

"Ten yang reincarnation, awakening!"

Yang Xu roared to the sky.

"Hahaha, come again? There is no energy in the surrounding semi-ignition elements. What are you playing with me? What are you fighting with me? Have the ability to kill me!"

The sound of rampant wins spread everywhere.

"Kill you? Good! Lao Tzu will satisfy your request!"

"Do you think I have no energy to isolate the surrounding fire elements? You are too proud!"

Yang Xu sneered:

"Eight-phase world!"


Behind the void, the eight world portals flashed by.

It looks like eight mysterious picture scrolls, and it seems to communicate eight mysterious worlds.

among them.

In a world, the golden flames swept through, and the flames raged into the sky.

It is the world away from fire!

As soon as it unfolded, the energy of the rolling fire element suddenly flowed back like a vast sea, the galaxy rushed and poured out.


Yang Xu seemed to lift up the water pump, and the massive amount of fire elemental energy instantly drained away.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, inspire the first consummation of the ten-yang magical power: Chiyan Lieyang! 】

[Attack power + 300%! 】

[Defense + 300%! 】

[Speed ​​+ 300%! 】


Yang Xu's figure flashed and suddenly disappeared.

The next second, he suddenly flashed in front of the win.

The smile on Win's face didn't even disappear.

The consternation is mixed with the residual smile, showing a distorted and ugly state.

"Like I'm slow? Climbing like a tortoise? I'm fast enough now!"


Yang Xu suddenly punched.

With a 300% increase in speed, it's too late to win until it is too fast to win.


He was blown out with a punch.

Yang Xu smiled coldly:

"Fool, now the position is reversed, you are so weak! Weak like an ant!"


The figure of Yang Xu flashed and appeared again on the side of the win:

Boom Boom Boom!

"Flame of the Flame" fell on the winning body like a rain of pearls:

"Is it fast enough now?"

"Aren't you arrogant, you are fighting back!"

"Lao Tzu personally teaches you to be a person and makes you feel warm, don't you say thank you?"

Yang Xu's violent attack, mixed with playful joking through the void.


The spitting blood of winning, hurt the body and mind.

But his tragedy is not over.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger a crit! 】




On top of the winning head, the long damage values ​​continue to pop.

The 10% crit attribute is not a joke.

In particular, Yang Xu's attack speed is extremely fast.

The current win cannot be defended at all.

Kung fu in the blink of an eye.

The win has been beaten to pieces.

"Long Wanli! What are you waiting for! Take out your final hole card!"

Win slammed violently.

However, what responded to him was the silence of Long Wanli.

"Asshole! Long Wanli, dare to yell at me!"

Winning hard.

"I still have thoughts about others! Now I will send you on the road!"

Yang Xu sneered:


Long sword out of hand:




300% speed bonus, plus the speed of the "Bai Jue Sword" swordsmanship.

One thousandth of an instant!

Yang Xu cut a thousand swords!

【Ding! ! ]...

【Ding! ! ]...

【Ding! ! ]...

Critical damage continued to pop out.

The horror damage value surging from the top of the winning head has become a big piece.


To win the scarred body, hit a dozen meters away.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Yang Xu in disbelief:

"Impossible...how can you be so fast...so strong..."

"I lost to you again... I am not willing... not willing..."

Yang Xu smiled contemptuously.

Then, took a step back.


A blood stain broke out on the winning body.

Next second.

Puff puff puff puff!

Countless blood-colored sword marks burst open.

Blood flower shot.


The win burst directly.

Massive blood, hurricane in all directions.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, behead and win! Reward experience value + 100000! True Qi +10000! Points +1000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, you get the puppet of the Thousand Great Skills x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the key fragment x1 of the Blue Dragon Treasure! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the "Nine Nine to One Guishui Qinglong Ice Formation" x1, do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the skill "green scale dragon technique" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the middle grade spirit stone x2! Is it integrated? 】


"Why are you so generous this time?"

"I got two more spirit stones!"

Yang Xu was very happy.

He stared where the winning body disappeared:

"The scales, should there be scales this time?"


A blue scale appeared on the place where the winning body shattered.

Yang Xu grabbed:

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Blue Dragon Residual x1! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the power of nine lives x1! 】

The power of nine lives is a good thing, it can resist a fatal injury!

"Winning this idiot also failed, it seems that I can only rely on myself!"

Behind him, Long Wanli's indifferent voice came.

When standing with Win, Long Wanli deliberately hides his strength.

Until now, he showed real strength.

It's just a projection.

It has a triple breath!

More importantly, he also has twelve powerful men who have fallen into the realm.

Change to others, don't talk about playing.

Just facing these twelve people, I'm afraid the legs are frightened.

This is a real world!

Beyond the powerful existence of Soul Saint!

With the death of winning.

The effect of the large burst disappeared, and the mist disappeared.

The disciples in the misty palace around, together with the disciples in the Holy Land of Burial, will immediately see the two parties facing each other clearly.

"You're really a capitalist, I don't know where to hire so many powerful beings!"

Yang Xu coldly said.

Long Wanli smiled faintly:

"The world is so big that it is far beyond your imagination. Yang Xu, give you a chance. Now that you are self-disciplined, your relatives and friends can all get a good end! Otherwise..."


Responding to him, Yang Xu punched furiously.

"Yang Xu dare to take the initiative to attack, does he still have the cards?"

"Does Yang Xu have a certain victory?"

Yao Xueyi and Wanwan, expecting the road with full expectation.

Riyue Wenying thought quickly:

"Whether it is the champion who merged Shen Zhen, or that win, it is not an ordinary master! Yang Xu defeated them in succession, and the consumption must not be small. Now he is very likely to be barely supporting."

Think of here.

Her body was boiling with energy, and she was running with strength.

Ready to help Yang Xu at any time.


Yang Xu's fist of condensed flames hadn't hit Long Wan yet.

It was easily blocked by a strong man who had fallen away.

"It really was blocked!"

"Yangxu is in danger!"

The people in the ethereal palace all exclaimed.

Yao Xueyi and Wan Wan, the strength of the six reincarnations around him, boiled.

They are also ready to help.

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