Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 404: Sneak attack from Dongtianjing!

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Chapter 404 The sneak attack from the cave heaven!

Only half of the arms of the Flame King of Fire were recovered by the system.

Huge corpses that are 100 meters high are left, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations.

Yang Xugang wants to get his income away from the world of fire.

"Hahaha, so pure flame energy, just can make up the energy of my **** fire spear!"

A harsh laugh started.


Five pillars of flames resemble five flame hills.

Suddenly captured the body of the Flame King of Fire.

Yang Xu's eyebrows are all raised:

"Nima's! You dare to grab even Lao Tzu's stuff!"

"Chop you!"


The Wuhuolinhuang sword came out of the sheath, and the five-colored sword light swept out.

"Magic? The tree world is coming!"


The ground cracked and massive towering trees rose to the ground and bombarded the five pillars of flame.


Five pillars of flame were shuddered.


Five colored sword lights flashed, five pillars of flame were all cut off by the waist.


The sky crossed a thunderous cold hum, poof!

Only half of the pillar of flame left, and it burst at once.

Turned into a raging flame, swept towards Yangxu.

at the same time.

The Void once again showed five giant pillars, and captured the body of the Flame King of Fire.

"You're Mal Gobi! It's endless, isn't it!"

Yang Xu cursed, swish!

The Yujing bottle was shot out, and the bottle mouth was aimed at the monstrous flame, hula la.

Absorb the rolling flames into the bottle.


Leaping fire avatar jumped in midair.

The energy of the fire tumbling between the hands turned into a huge grinding disc with a diameter of 100 meters. Nanming burned away from the fire and suddenly lost it:


Slammed into the flame pillar!


The Void snorted again.

The flame's big hand turned over, and five giant pillars' fingers flicked towards Lihuo Mopan.

"Take advantage of it now, the world of Lihuo will charge me!"


Above Yang Xu’s head, the eight-phase world rotates, and Lihuo World takes a swipe:

【Ding! 】

[Get the corpse of the Flame King of Fire x1! Is it integrated? 】

A clear and sweet system prompt sounded.

Yang Xuli ignored it. A pair of cold-eyed eyes stared at the flame giant:

"Dare to get your teeth out of the tiger's mouth, you will never die!"


The millstone with a diameter of 100 meters, burning away from the fire, slammed into the palm of the flame giant hand.


He even shattered that giant hand!


There was another voice in the void, a little more doubt and shock.

It didn't seem that Yang Xu's move was so strong.


The big flame withdrew.

Want to leave.

"Come here if you want, leave if you want, let Laozi pass through the city gate! Stay with me!"

Yang Xu swiped the Iron Scale God Tree with a jerk.


Before the seventeen or eighty blood, volley became a huge gate knife.


Actually, the flame big hand was directly cut off from the wrist!

This time.

There was no more sound in the void.

"Run away? Hum, you run fast!"

Yang Xu smiled coldly.

Came to the big hand that broke.

Yang Xu frowned involuntarily:

"This breath is at least the five heavens of Dongtianjing."


Yang Xu's pupil shrank suddenly:

"It's the Red Spear King! How did you shock this product!"

Just thinking about it.


Behind the void, a red spear speared fiercely towards Yang Xu's heart.

Even Yang Xu was wary.

But I did not expect it at all.

Such a surprise attack would happen.

And the goal is still his niche!

"What a shameless attack!"

Yang Xu spoke at the same time.

The five-strike sneak attack of Dongtianjing.

Has already stabbed his eyebrows.

On the red spear, a mysterious and unknown flame burst and burst.

Yang Xu has no chance to dodge!

"Thanks for saving the file before coming!"

Yang Xu thought finally.

His eyes were wide, and he wanted to imprint this shameless guy in his mind.

And just at this time.


In front of Yang Xu's eyebrows, there was a burst of fire suddenly.

The Vulcan Monument suddenly flashed, blocking the red spear.


There was a loud bang.

Yang Xu flew out.

The Vulcan Monument floats in mid-air, bright and beautiful, and little red glow.


In the void, a man appeared.

He wore a flaming crown and crimson robes, and a dragon-shaped flame lingered on it, burning like a cloud.

There was a red spear suspended in the void behind him, the tip of the spear soaring into the sky, red flames lingering.

"Red Spear King! It really is you!"

Yang Xu drank coldly.

The Red Spear King ignored Yang Xu directly, staring at the Vulcan Monument:

"I can actually block me with a spear!"

"Haha, this is a better baby than the old ghost body!"

"The Flame Monument is mine!"

Red Spear King grabbed a big hand:


A huge flame claw suddenly grabbed the Vulcan Monument.


The Vulcan Monument turned into a light and flew back to Yang Xu's palm.

"Want it, did you agree with Lao Tzu?"

Yang Xu sneered.


The Red Spear King looked cold, and was about to speak.

"Well, you, Gole Gobi! Go to hell!"


The Five Fire Linhuang swords came out, and the five-color sword light instantly collapsed into the void, killing him in front of the Red Spear King.


Five-color brilliance cut the void sharply.


Click when you rushed to the Red Spear King!

The void in front of him seemed to condense into the strongest plate.


Jianguang cracked directly.

Yang Xu's pupil shrank suddenly:

"So hard!"

The Red Spear King laughed:

"Various ants, also want to rebel against the will of the Red Spear King! Give me!"

With a big wave of his hand, his palm was pointed at Yang Xu.


Yang Xu's body rose uncontrollably.

"Nima, there is a difference of five levels, so you can't even control your body."

Yang Xu's brain is running fast.

In this flaming world, Red Spear King is confident and powerful.

There is a taste to control everything.

Although Yang Xu has a world away from fire.

But in front of the Red Spear King, like a kid who just started playing with mud, he struggled with the master sculpture.

Whether it is cultivation or understanding of flames, it is not an order of magnitude.


Red Spear King's finger snapped.

Yang Xu clenched the Vulcan Monument in his palm, and was suddenly entangled with a trace of mysterious power.


The Vulcan Monument flew towards the Red Spear King.

"Hey, chopping grass needs to be eradicated, you can't leave yourself any troubles!"

Red Spear King does things in the same way as Yang Xu.

Robbing the baby is not counted, but killing others.


Behind the Red Spear King, the red spear flew out.

The sharp spear, the dragon flying around the flame, brushed and swayed, and split into two.

They were assassinated to Yang Xu's heart and heart, respectively.

Red Spear King smiled sinisterly:

"Gaga, this time the Vulcan Monument was caught by me. I see what else can save you!"

The voice did not fall.


The red spear king's eyes suddenly glared:

"The breath of the sun's fire! What is that?"

I saw a golden seed, like a little sun, blocking Yang Xu's eyebrows.

There are thousands of golden glory and thousands of Shenhua, falling down.

Those two spears couldn't move forward!

Distant Linglong cave, among the natural race.

The Chief Mu's face suddenly changed:

"The Sun Seed is activated! Yang Xu is in danger!"

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