Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 417: It's your turn to abuse you!

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Chapter 417: It's Your Brother's Turn!

Towering giant trees, 100 meters in diameter, straight into the sky, surrounded by green clouds.

The rich vitality is glorious, the sky is scattered, and the glow is flying.

"So strong vitality!"

"Wood-based supernatural powers deserve to be the most creative supernatural powers. Yangxu's wooden supernatural powers are especially terrifying!"

"He planted the young willow seedling in his eyebrows, not like anything!"

One after another, with marvelous and shocking eyes, gathered from all directions on Yang Xu.

People saw a smile on Yang Xu's face.

Yi Tianheng's brows suddenly turned into pimples:

"Where did this guy come from?"

Seeing that the horrible giant wood is about to collide with the falling stars.

at this time.

Yang Xu's eyes suddenly flashed:


A terrifying vitality erupted from the huge tree.

The tree, which was terrifying enough, was so high!

It looks like a giant pillar of Optimus, stabs hard at that star.


The void creates an explosion.

The terrifying aftermath of energy spreads wildly around.

The sky was enveloped by waves of energy.

The blue magic clouds were dissipated and turned into blue air to dissipate in the air.

"Yi Tianheng's Qingtian dissipated!"

"Yangxu won?"

"No, not yet!"

The Yi family elders know the magical power of "Bihaiqingtian" best.

On top of Yi Tianheng's head, the dark blue moon glowed with chaotic blue light.

The Yi family old man secretly relieved:

"As long as it is still there, Tianheng will be invincible!"


The stars that fell in nine days were broken and shattered by the towering giant trees.

The green vines, like dragons and snakes, fluttered all the meteorites into the sky.

The sky seemed to be raindrops of stones.

The dense stones fell down.


Mu Gongzi, dressed in white, waved his hand and formed a protective cover over the head of the ordinary teenager.

Others are not afraid of this.

Because the whole broken blade mountain, only this kid is an ordinary person.

"Look! It seems that Yi Tianheng's offensive is not over yet!"

Wan Wan suddenly pointed at the Wuqing Moon Road above Yi Tianheng's head.

In the beautiful eyes of Sakura, a flash of strange color flashed:

"This moon is very weird, but it looks like an evil moon."

"I always feel that the moon is very disturbing."

Wanwan was worried.

"Relax, Yang Xu is mean and shameless, scheming, and more cunning than a fox. It won't be so easy to be fooled."

Yao Xueyi said coldly.

Wen Ying and Wan Wan brushed at her without a word.

"Yangxu, your strength is beyond my expectations, but..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about your scenes. Use the tricks as soon as possible. It's getting early, I don't have time to waste with you."

Yang Xu interrupted Yi Tianheng.

Yi Tianheng's face suddenly became cold:

"If you want to die, I will complete you immediately! Wuyue Strikes!"

"What? May squash? What a terrible trick!"

Yang Xu's vomiting is endless, whispering!

Yi Tianheng bright moon above his head suddenly burst out of a blue light.

Above the blue light, the color of chaos lingered, and the void was penetrated.


They are like threads of silk, nailed to the void.

"What trick?"

When Yang Xu was wondering.


The cyan silk thread flew and spun violently.

The void was cut into pieces.

The space was also torn apart, revealing a black hole.

And just at this time.

Yi Tianheng sneered, rumbling!

The blue light was like a line, stirring a ball, and suddenly turned.

Those void fragments and black holes in space can not be stirred together, forming a vortex.

The terrifying destructive power emerged from the vortex.

"Give me nothingness, sink forever!"

Yi Tianheng shocked suddenly.


The dark blue moon shattered everything and exploded toward Yangxu.


The mouth contains a vortex of endless black holes and nothingness, and rushed towards Yangxu.

"He wants the vortex of nothingness to devour Yang Xu!"

"Quickly! It's too late to dodge!"

That Wuqing moon is too fast.

Almost surpassed the speed of light, and blinked above Yang Xu's head.

at the same time.

The terrible vortex immediately came:


It exploded with a breath of destruction and devouring together.

The appalling destructive power and destructive power shrouded Yang Xu.

"Dead, Hahaha, Yang Xu is dead this time!"

"Big Brother won, all of Yang Xu's women are mine!"

Yi Tiandao laughed.

The Yi family was also excited.

Only the old man suddenly blinked:


"What's wrong?"

"Yang Xu's reaction is wrong! He seems to have been waiting for this trick..."

The old man's voice did not fall.

Seeing Yang Xu smiling calmly, he pointed out:


His fingers were shrouded in a faint, **** breath.

One sand and one world, Yang Xu's fingertips seem to have born a blood-blooded kingdom.

Yang Xu pointed to the Wuqing moon and pointed out:


The dark blue moon looks like paper.

From the middle position, it began to collapse and collapse.


Above the dark blue moon, there were spider web-like cracks.


Wuyue collapsed.

The whirlpool that swallowed everything disappeared silently.

Everyone was stunned.

One by one dumbfounded, speechless.

The Yi family who were originally screaming in excitement seemed to be pinched by their necks, and couldn't spit out a word.

Even Yi Tianheng and his cold face showed a stunned look:

"How is this possible? What was that trick just now? Is it supernatural?"

Only the old Yi family, their muddled eyes suddenly burst out, and fixed their eyes on Yang Xu:

"What a terrifying comprehension! It turned the power of supernatural power into a little, breaking the face!"

"The potential of this child is really huge. If he is allowed to continue to develop, it will be difficult for my Yi family to end well!"

At this moment, the old Yi family's eyes flashed a strong murderous opportunity!

And just at this time.

Yang Xu sneered, breaking the dead silence:

"Yi Tianheng, you have a few tricks, but the power is really boring! Let you try my tricks!"

Everything has contacts.

You are very happy, right?

Then it's your turn to abuse you!

Through Yi Tianheng's move, Yang Xu already knew his fighting style.

It has both offensive and defensive, and is in compliance.

Unfortunately, it is still too conservative!

"Magic? The Golden Kingdom!"

Yang Xu hands seal, hum!

A wave of gold-colored ripples spread rapidly around Yangxu.

From the gold fusion card extracted from the mysterious treasure chest, Yang Xu finally chose the fusion magic power.

The Golden Kingdom is the product of the Gold Fusion Card!

Brush and pull!

The golden energy flowed out from the void.

The sky above Yang Xu's head was empty, the golden sun rose, and the golden light shone everywhere.

The sky was dyed in gold, and the light was dazzling.

And an iron scale **** tree, floating in the air, a little golden light flashed around him.


The ground cracked and cracks exploded.

Big golden trees and golden vines rose from the ground.

"Golden Kingdom, strangle!"

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