Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 420: One gasification three clear!

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Chapter 420: One Gasification and Three Clearances!

In front of Yang Xu, Yi Tianheng was repeatedly frustrated.

First, the supernatural power was broken by Yang Xu, and then beat back step by step.

Then, his hard work of refining and refining the sky was even taken away by Yang Xu.

So much so.

He can't even play half of his five-strength strength.

And Yang Xu's poisonous tongue and provocation became the last straw that crushed Yi Tianheng's reason.

Yi Tianheng, completely out of anger!

"Yangxu, I am going to kill you! I am going to smash you to pieces!"

"Hunyuan is refreshing!"

Yi Tianheng pair of angry eyes, burning blue anger.

His tiger body shook violently, bang bang bang!

The cyan blood vessels in the whole body exploded, and a cyan gas spirally wound the whole body.


Yi Tian took a breath, hula!

All the green energy was sucked into the body by him, leaving no trace at all.

"One gasification three clear!"

Yi Tianheng burst into a scream.

Almost everyone, all surprised:

"One gasification and three clearings! Isn't this the immortal magical technique in the ancient legends?

"I heard that when Yi Tianheng was a boy, he accidentally fell into an ancient cave and had some adventures..."

"My God! One gasification and three cleansing, won't it be the legendary fairy magic?"

Not just them.

Even Yang Xu shuddered:

"One gasification and three cleansing! Nima, isn't this supernatural power? Is this thing in the other world?"

While Yang Xu was confused, he couldn't help staring at Yi Tianheng and watching carefully.

I saw Yi Tianheng bit his tongue sharply:


From the Baihui acupoint above his head, a strong green air rose into the sky.


Qingqi is divided into three, and turns into three Qinglian.

Three green lotus flowers, a little bit of radiance, a misty green, falling down.

The moment of landing:


The three Qinglians transformed into three figures, which was exactly the same as Yi Tianheng!

Everyone was stunned:

"God! It really turned into three Yi Tianheng!"

"One gasification and three clearings, actually exist!"

But Yang Xu was relieved for a long time:

"Nima, I was scared to death. I thought it was the old god's supernatural power."

The old man's qi and sanqing are much stronger than Yi Tianheng.

If nothing else, Yang Xu saw at a glance:

The three lines that Yi Tianheng developed were only similar in form.

But his eyes were slightly dull.

I am afraid that the real strength is not even half of the body.

See the contempt of Yang Xu's eyes.

Yi Tianheng's green forehead bursts, and his heart is even more annoyed:

"Damn! What qualifications do you despise me? What qualifications do you despise me!"

With a heart in mind, he simply put the last hole card, which is also his most powerful hole card, together to:

"Blood jade exquisite fan, now!"


Yi Tianheng burst out a blood stain.

A drop of bright red blood flew from the heart wound.


The sperm blood twitched sharply, throwing away all the blood.

It rose in the wind, blinking into a basin-shaped fan.

The round and round fan, the whole body is bright red, like blood stained, Hongxia Road, like a red sun transpiration.

The blood jade exquisite fan appeared.


"It turned out to be! Yi Jiaran even gave the blood jade exquisite fan to Yi Tianheng!"

Someone recognized the origin of this fan:

"The Yi family is training Yi Tianheng as the current head of the family! It's too much money!"

Especially Yi family, see this blood jade exquisite fan.

The original frustration was swept away immediately, shouting proudly:

"Hahaha, this treasure fan appears! Yangxu, just wait to die!"

"As long as you hit a fan, you will be transformed into blood and die within a moment!"

Yi Tiandao and his uncle laughed proudly.

In the muddy eyes of the old Yi family, there is a flash of yin and mang:

"Tianheng now has a bleeding jade fan, which can at least suppress Yang Xu and crack down on his morale! It's just..."

Putting Yang Xu's old look in his eyes, the old Yi family's eyes showed deep concern and fear:

"This kid is so suffocating, could he have a stronger card?"

The old man stared at the shining jade bottle above Yang Xu's head:

"The jade bottle can even be plundered by the sky and the sky. I wonder what the **** is? What other function does it have?"

Thinking of this, the old Yi family's lips flickered slightly, and the sound came out:

"Heaven, try to find out the bottom of the jade bottle. All of Yang Xu's reliance may be on the jade bottle! Have the opportunity to take it, or destroy it if you can't get it!"

The old man's voice just fell.


Yi Tianheng made a decisive attack, and the blood jade exquisite fan waved:

A beam of blood like an arrow burst into Yang Xu's eyebrows.


Blood Arrow appeared in Yang Xu's heart.

Yang Xu ducked away.


The blood arrow collapsed.

Yi Tianheng smiled faintly:

"Is the attack made by Blood Jade Linglong Fan so simple?"


The broken blood arrow turned into a blood rain.

After a sudden change, it turned into a thinner flying arrow, poo poo poo!

Shoot at that jade bottle!

"Want to test my jade bottle?"

In the ear of Yang Xu, a system prompt suddenly sounded.

"Hahaha, the Yujing bottle has been repaired! If you want to try it, you are the one!"


Yang Xu, like an old monk, entered the station and went there one stop.

It didn't move at all.

Everyone was stunned for a moment:

"I'm going! What does this mean?"

"Is it impossible to hide after seeing it?"

Seeing the dense blood arrows, he was about to hit the jade bottle.


On top of Yang Xu's head, the Yujing bottle shook gently.


All blood arrows are broken directly!


Yi Tianheng's pupil shrank suddenly:

"That jade bottle is really not simple!"


Yi Tianheng flicked the **** jade fan, and the blood jade fan suddenly floated above him.

Yi Tianheng glanced at the three avatars:


Three blood lights flew out, and the tops of the three avatars condensed a blood jade fan.

Each is a little bit of Hongxia, the light is bright, the breath is amazing!

"Four hit me one, it's uncomfortable. I also find one!"

Yang Xu smiled.

People around could not help casting doubtful eyes:

"What do you mean? He also got one?"

The friends of Yang Xu and those who had seen the battle of Ling Yunzong all changed their faces:

"Yang Xu is also going to summon that powerful doppelganger!"


Above Yang Xu's head, the eight-phase world twirled.

In a world full of white flames, the breath of flames is thin.

The expressions of everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Seeing the billowing flames, Yang Xu, dressed in white, had his eyes closed and sat in the void.

Above his head, a long sword gleamed with five colors of brilliance, and the shapes of unicorn and phoenix faintly fainted.

"It's time to do things."

Yang Xu ordered.


Bai Yi opened his eyes.

Two sharp eyes like swords exploded five meters away.


He flashed behind Yang Xu.

Five Fire Linhuang swords follow the shadows, floating above the head of the white clothes.

The inexhaustible Nanming fell from the fire and fell down.

"Just call out one? Four out of two, you also have no chance!"

Yi Tianheng coldly said.

"No, no, you are wrong."

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"It's not four-for-two, it should be two-for-four!"

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