Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 422: The treasure fan is mine!

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Chapter 422 The treasure fan is mine!

The words of the three men in black made the old Yi people stiff.


He swallowed hard, and seemed unwilling to believe, he asked hoarsely:

"Are you sure he was his apprentice? Didn't he say that his sword heart was frustrated and Xiu Xiu was retired? How could he..."

"This is not important, what is important is that it is indeed the case! And we also got the news that thirteen days ago, the sword maniac had investigated Yi Tianxing, and then within two days, Yang Xu killed Yi Tianxing!"

"This this……"

The Yi family's breath is a little unstable:

"What's the good news? Come and listen."

"The good news is that before we came, we found that he seemed to be following the people of the Golden Tribe. He made a few gestures and probably could hold him for a long time."

The three men in black looked at the old man with dim eyes.

The meaning is obvious:

To kill Yang Xu, it is best to decide quickly.

The Yi family's breathing became rapid.

Various signs indicate that Yang Xu has an important relationship with the sword maniac.

Do you want to kill?

"No! Nothing can match Yang Xu's threat! We can explain to him the sword maniac, but Yang Xu's potential is too horrible. If he grows up, he will become my Yi family. Nightmare! Be sure to kill it here!"

The eyes of the Yi family elders were full of bloodshot eyes, flashing an extremely determined murderous opportunity.

The three men in black were slightly stunned:

"Clan elder, if you decide, start as soon as possible. Yi Tianheng...I can't support it."


There was a loud bang.

The Yi family was stunned when they looked old:

At this time, Yi Tianheng, his clothes were broken, and his hair was messy.

Footsteps are vain, and the whole body breath is scattered.


He was covered with blood all over.

There was a lingering air, trying to recover the wound.

However, in vain.

What shocked the old Yi family is even more!

Pushing Yi Tian to such a point is actually Yang Xu's avatar!

Yang Xu body, the old **** is standing aside.

On the head, the jade net bottle Shenxia little bit, the haze filled.

It seems to sense the eyes of the old man.


Yang Xu looked towards the direction of the old Yi family.

"Kill! Be sure to kill this kid here!"

The determination of the old Yi family has become unprecedentedly firm!

"I'm going to kill you! I can't lose to you!"

Yi Tianheng's face was full of madness.

Yelling, the whole person became hysterical.

Yang Xu was split, his coat was flying, and his eyes were cold.

The Five Fire Linhuang Sword in his hand has always been very calm.

He looked at Yi Tianheng indifferently without saying a word.

Each sword was cut out and went straight to the point of Yi Tianheng.


Blood jade exquisite fan burst into blood, saving Yi Tianheng's life again.


Long-term consumption, but can not get enough energy to supplement.

The light of the blood jade exquisite fan has dimmed more and more.

Yang Xu's eyes in white clothing suddenly cold:

"There are flaws!"


Thousands of fierce sword lights came out instantly.

Straight to Yi Tianheng's heart.

Yi Tianheng's eyes were dull, and he hadn't responded yet.

The red fan of the blood jade exquisite fan flashed over the head, just about to attack.


A crystal clear lightning suddenly hit the fan.

It was an attack by Yujing Ping.

With this blocked effort, the **** jade fan couldn't help but have a meal.

The sword light of Wuhuolinhuangjian has already torn Yi Tianheng's eyebrows and skin.


Everyone exclaimed:

"The victory or defeat is coming soon!"


A harsh voice suddenly resounded through the audience.


Yang Xu's avatar was struck by lightning, with three big steps back, his face ugly.

Opposite, Yi Tianheng side, suddenly appeared three strong men in black.

Their eyes were cold and their murderous sky was so obvious that they were obviously battle-hardened.

"What's going on? How did they play?"

"How can others intervene in the duel of life and death? The Yi family doesn't understand the rules!"

"Yi Tianheng was obviously dying. They dared to block and violated the rules. It was shameless!"

The entire mountain peak was screaming.

Even the young people of the Yi family looked a little ugly:

In the duel of life and death, openly intervened.

This will be ridiculed by the whole world!

Should the Yi family get out of the mix?

Everyone is angry about Yang Xu and curses Yi's family.

But in Yang Xu's eyes, he suddenly flashed:

"It's now!"

"It's time for you to show your talents!"

The jade bottle above him turned into a white light, and suddenly flew into the air.

The bottle mouth of the black hole seems to contain a mysterious universe.

A divine light rushed out, containing incredible power, and suddenly enveloped Yi Tianheng.

To be precise, it is the **** jade fan on top of his head.

"No! My treasure fan! Quickly take my treasure fan back!"

Yi Tianheng looked at it, and the **** jade was taken away by a mysterious force and flew towards the Yujing bottle.

He was totally desperate:

"How can this happen? The jade bottle can only receive living things, how can even the treasures be collected?"

"Hurry up and get me back!"

The three men in black were completely indifferent to Yi Tianheng's begging.


The blood jade exquisite fan turned into a red light and was received in the jade net bottle.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the artifact: Blood Jade Exquisite Fan! Is it equipped? 】

[Artifact: Blood Jade Exquisite Fan (Seal)

Grade: middle grade

Power: S

Description: The exquisite blood jade was born from the exquisite blood sea. It was refined by the technique of Yin and Yang for seven, seven, forty-nine days.

Description 2: Attack power + 500%! Bloodline attack power + 1000%!

Description 3: The more homicides, the more increase in attack power!

Description 4: Sealed!

Description 5: Finishing condition: With this jade fan, kill 386/10000 people! 】

"Evil soldier, this is definitely a evil soldier!"

When Yang Xu saw the sealed artifact for the first time, he actually wanted to kill him as a condition of unblocking.

more importantly.

The third attribute of the blood jade exquisite fan is "the more murders, the greater the power."

This clearly encourages the owner to kill!

At this moment, Yang Xu drove this **** jade fan into the cold palace:

With this weapon, it is really harmless.

【Ding! ! 】

[Yu Jing bottle's "purify" function is triggered, is it used? 】

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Can this fan be purified? Use it immediately."

[Purification begins, purification progress 1%, 2%...]


Yi Tianheng's mark left in the blood rain exquisite fan was immediately cleared.


Yi Tianheng spurted a violent breath, his face changed greatly:

He and the blood jade exquisite fan completely lost contact!

"Help me get the treasure fan back! I will order you as the heir to the family!"

Yi Tianheng roared at the three men in black.

The three men in black were completely indifferent.

They only surrounded Yi Tianheng in the center and protected him.

The countdown is silent in my heart:

"...8, 7, 6..."

"time up!"

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