Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 424: Embers sword!

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Chapter 424 Residual Fire Too Sword!


The huge flame energy rises from the sky behind Yang Xu.

A flaming remnant of fire shroud covered the whole body, and the fire was lingering.

Yang Xu, holding a remnant fire sword, stood in the void and conquered.

Like a flame god.

Yuanzhu Yuezhi's terrifying breath made everyone take a breath:

"This... what kind of energy is this?"

"Is it a brand new supernatural power?"

People looked up in the air, the figure standing proudly.

Yang Xu's friends, all relieved, laughed out loud:

"Hahaha! I knew that I knew Yang Xu had a trick!"

"This guy is so lucky, I don't know what happened!"

Yang Rourou and Wen Ying sighed for a long time.

Yao Xueyi pretended not to care, but quietly lifted her heart.

"What kind of power is this? The breath fluctuates so terribly!"

Yi Tianheng stared at Yang Xu, unable to hide his horror.

The old clan of the Yi family is full of fear:

"You really have the cards! It's terrible, the background is so strong, the cards are endless! You must be wiped out!"

"What are you three waiting for! We must get Yang Xu even if we die!"

The three men in black have their eyes locked on Yang Xu.

But deep inside my eyes, it was full of strong uneasiness.

It is really Yang Xu at this time, too mysterious, too terrifying.

He was dressed in a **** suit, his coat was flying, and a pillar of flame was rushing straight into the sky behind him.

The hot temperature makes the void appear to be distorted.

Within five meters of Yangxu, all matter was evaporated and no longer existed.

Kaka Kaka!

The void around can't bear this energy, there is a tendency to crack!

"What are you waiting for? Come on! The family raises you not for you to be stunned!"

The old Yi people yelled.

Yang Xu stood in the air, carrying a residual fire knife, looking down at the Yi family.

The original menacing Yi family is still a little bit taller now.

Yi Tianheng, who doesn't say an unbelievable look.

Even the old Yi family's face showed a bitter regret.

"Now I regret it? It's late."

Yang Xu smiled quietly and looked at the three hesitant black men:

"Don't come and kill me? You don't shoot, I want to shoot myself."

Not waiting for the man in black to answer.

Yang Xu's residual fire Taidao waved easily:


A ray of flame flew out.


Daoman split the time and space directly, blinking in front of the man in black.

The eyes of the three people suddenly widened.

They just felt numb and looked down, looking terrified:

Their bodies completely disappeared from below the waist.

Not being cut off.

Instead, it is completely erased as if there is no such thing in this world!

Boom Boom Boom!

Only half of the three corpses were left and fell to the ground.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, slash and kill the celestial warrior x1, reward experience +20000000! True power value + 2000000! Points + 200,000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, slash and kill the celestial warrior x1, reward experience +20000000! True power value + 2000000! Points + 200,000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, slash and kill the celestial warrior x1, reward experience +20000000! True power value + 2000000! Points + 200,000! 】

[Get the formation of "Chess Cage Trap" x1! Do you practice? 】

[Obtain the magical technique "Dong Tian He He Shu" x1! Do you practice? 】

[Get the middle grade spirit stone x900! Is it integrated? 】

[Get the lower grade spirit stone x3000! Is it integrated? 】

Yi Tianheng froze.

The Yi family froze.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned:

"What did we see just now?"

"With a knife, will you solve the three cave dead?"

After a brief silence.


The entire Broken Edge Mountain was suddenly occupied by the stormy cheers:

"Good job!"

"Yangxu is too good!"

"This is the real genius! Yi Tianheng is more like Yang Xu than Yang Xu!"

Yang Xu's arrogant strength completely conquered everyone.

Yi Tianheng and the clan elder staggered together.

Yang Xu unknowingly played the residual fire sword, smiling at the two of them.

"Old man, it's your turn."

Yang Xu stared at the old Yi family with a smile.

The old eyes of the Yi family flashed quickly:

"Yangxu, I admit that I am confused and I am wrong. Now I apologize to you on behalf of the Yi family, if..."

"I don't accept apologies, I only accept corpses!"

"Keep your neck out and let me cut it off. I can consider letting Yijia go."


Yang Xu sneered on his face.

The Yi family's old body was shocked and his face was uncertain.

"Aren't you thinking about the family wholeheartedly? As long as you obediently let me kill, I will let go of the Yi family, how about letting Yi Tianheng?"

The old face of the Yi family is gloomy.

Yang Xu glanced at the ugly Yi Tianheng and smiled:

"Or you can hand over Yi Tianheng to me, and I can also pass the Yi family and you. How?"

Yi Tianheng's face changed with horror.

Watching the clan elder with eyes full of vigilance.

The Yi family saw the old one and couldn't help but feel a pain.

Didn’t you trust yourself even when you saw the big sky from childhood?

He couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha! Silly boy, don't be fooled by Yang Xu! It's still a long way away because he wants to play the game in front of the old!"

"Tianheng you remember, Yang Xu is a serious problem for my Yi family, as long as there is a chance, be sure to kill it! Otherwise, my Yi family will never have peace!"

The words are not falling, boom!

A strong arrogance broke out in the old Yi family.

His whole body was full of blood, like a blood dragon, rushing to Xiang Yangxu.

"Blood Dragon Slay! The clan elders must die with Yang Xu!"

Everyone in the Yi family exclaimed and discolored.

Yin Yang!

The blood dragon spreads its teeth and claws, trying to resist Yang Xu's burning flames.

"I actually committed suicide."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed with admiration.

Although this old guy has no bottom line.

But in front of life and death, at least very spineless.

And he tried to use his last life to test Yang Xudi's details and lay out a line for Yi Tianheng.


Too high on him.


The remnant fire slashed gently.

The flames soared into the sky, and the fire was boiling.


The blood dragons aging into the tribe evaporate to an instant.

Did not touch Yang Xu at all!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, kill the deceased Jiu Zhongtian Yi Zhonglai! Reward experience value + 19000000! True Power +1900000! Points + 190000! 】

[Obtain X1 Beast Fragment x1! 】

[Obtain the practice method "Blood and Dragon" x1! Do you practice? 】

[Get bloodline crystal nuclei (perfect) x300! Is it integrated? 】

[Obtain the middle grade spirit stone x200! Is it integrated? 】

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