Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 428: The Emperor Jiao's Lord of Demons!

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Chapter 428: Emperor Jiao's Devil's Demon!

At this moment.

Seeing the gluttonous evil spirit swallowed into the net bottle.

The second ancestor of the Yi family is stupid:


Is it so exaggerated!

Even my fierce beasts can plunder?

Shall I take away my golden hole?

At this moment there was no more calmness on his face.

Eyes stared at Yang Xu solemnly.

"Old guy, I was very happy, right? It's my brother's turn now!"

Yang Xu teased a smile, eyebrows world **** Liu seedlings, Lvxia rises to the sky:

Supernatural? The tree world is coming!


A large number of giant trees and vines rose from the ground, straight into the sky.

They were like dragons and rushed to the second ancestor of the Yi family.

Eight pole demon tail, red spear king, and blue dragon also joined the battle group.

Three huge figures, mixed with a towering giant tree, turned the entire top of Broken Blade Mountain into a colorful battlefield.

Yang Xuru Electro-optical Flying


It seemed that a cannonball rushed in front of the old guy.

In the hands of the five fire Linhuang sword cut out:


Five-color sword light tears the sky.

Blink to the old guy.

"Not good! The Emperor Jiao's plot!"

The old guy burst into tears and swiped!

A picture scroll flew out of the golden crater behind.

A dragon was painted on the antique scroll.

Its dragon scales are fierce, its head and corners are like a crown, and its huge body is wrapped around a golden wand.

Longkou opened wide, and the dragon's eyes wept blood, like a demon, and seemed to swallow the wand.


The moment when the Emperor Jiao's demon figure unfolded.

Five-color sword light suddenly rushed into it.

As you can see in the picture, the Emperor Dragon Tail flicked and snapped!

The five-color sword light was scattered directly.


The Emperor Jiao's Voldemort Map spread over the old guy's head.

It seemed like a world, protecting the second ancestor of the Yi family.

"Huh, why do you think I can catch a gluttonous evil spirit? It is through the emperor's demon figure!"

"As long as it is there, I will be invincible! If you want to kill me, you are still a thousand years away!"

The second ancestor of the Yi family laughed wildly.

He regained his confidence before coming.

Brush brush brush brush!

Four consecutive fierce Jianguang cut out.

The old guy was not afraid, and the Emperor Jiao Vol.

All Jianguang's income is broken down directly!

"It is not easy to surrender a gluttonous evil spirit.

Yang Xu looked at Qinglong.

Qinglong shook his head solemnly:

"The Jiaolong family has unparalleled combat power. Some Jiaolongs who are good at fighting even surpassed the dragon family. Especially this Jiaohuang is the king of the Jiao family, and he has a wand, and I can't surrender."

Red Spear King and Eight-pole Demon Tail also have no choice.

Yang Xu frowned.

Seeing the menacing look of the second ancestor of the Yi family.

Yang Xu secretly hates:

"Do you want to give up? Even if you want to give up, the other party may not agree."


The second ancestor of the Yi family saw that Yang Xuna couldn’t help herself, and he immediately became courageous:

"Yangxu Little Thief! You even killed my four geniuses from the Yi family, and beheaded my old Yi family, taking my gluttonous evil soul! If I were not to be killed here today, what could my Yi family face to survive? ?"

"Now I will give you a chance, obediently return my gluttonous souls, I will give you a happy death method! Otherwise..."

He didn't finish.

【Ding! ! 】

Yang Xu's ear suddenly sounded the system's crisp reminder.

[Congratulations to the player, Yujing bottle successfully merged with gluttonous evil spirits! The grade of Yujing bottle is improved! Power up! 】

Yang Xu's eyes lit up suddenly, and at a glance:

【Artifact: Jade Bottle

Grade: top grade!

Power: SS!

Description: A strange-shaped treasure born from the cold spring under the ground, its quality is like jade, and its shape is like a bottle, so it is called the jade net bottle.

Description 2: Can be captured! After calling out the other party's name, you only need to make a voice out of the other party, and you will be able to earn their income! (The higher the goal is to surpass the protagonist, the lower the success rate will be!)

Description 3: Can be purified! Contains powerful purification power, can purify fierce and dirty things. (The higher the goal exceeds the net bottle level, the lower the purification efficiency!)

Description 4: Lootable! Contains incredible gravity, can plunder other people's treasures for their own use! Description 5: Containing gluttonous evil spirits, the success rate of capture, purification and plunder is +30%!

Description 6: Unknown! 】


It's so perverted!

Six consecutive attributes!

Can be captured, purified, and looted.

Although there are certain chances of failure.

But after the fusion of gluttonous evil spirits, the Yujing bottle directly increases the chance of success by 30%!

This is a huge property upgrade!

Isn't the old guy arrogant?

With this thing, I see how you resist!



The second ancestor of the Yi family suddenly spurted blood.

"My gluttonous evil spirits! What's wrong with your gluttonous evil spirits?"

The second ancestor of the Yi family is connected to the gluttonous soul.

Once the gluttonous evil spirits were refined and merged, the old guy was immediately affected.

His face was unusually pale, and a pair of hatred eyes stared at Yang Xu:

"Little bastard! I wanted to give you a good time, but I didn't expect you to be alive and dead, and refine my gluttonous soul! Today I am going to kill you!"

The second ancestor of the Yi family burst out and swiped!

The emperor's emperor's vampire masterpiece of golden light, a breath of surrender to the devil in the world, filled the sky.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the blood jade exquisite fan purification is successful! Grade improvement! Power up! 】

The ear reminded me of the pleasant sound of the system.

【Artifact: Blood Jade Exquisite Fan

Grade: top grade!

Power: SS!

Description: The exquisite blood jade born from the exquisite blood sea is carved, and after seven to forty-nine days of tempering by the technique of yin and yang, and purifying the fierce air by the jade net bottle, it is the blood jade exquisite fan.

Description 2: Wind attack power +500%! Fire Attack +500%! Bloodline attack power +500%!

Description 3: Sealed!

Description 4: The condition for unsealing is to defeat 0/100 wind repairers, 0/100 fire repairers, and 0/100 blood repairers with this fan! 】


The purged blood jade exquisite fan, the fierce anger all disappeared.

The blood jade exquisite fan is still in a sealed state, the real power is unknown.


The way to unlock the seal has become that you only need to defeat the opponents of the three lines of wind, fire, and blood.

No more killing.

Bloodline attack power has also been reduced from +1000% to +500%.


However, there are two horror attributes: wind attack +500% and fire attack +500%!

These two attributes are simply tailor-made for Yang Xu!

You know, he happens to be practicing the fire department.

With the blood jade exquisite fan, a fan came out, the fire borrowed the wind, and the wind helped the fire.

Yang Xu's combat power can explode several times!

"It's better to have come by chance than before, so this comes in handy!"

Holding the Blood Jade Linglong Fan, Yang Xu swung violently:


Nanming rolled away from the fire and suddenly rushed towards the emperor Jiao.

The second ancestor of the Yi family displayed the Emperor Jiao's Voldemort figure and tried to put away all the flames.

Yang Xu sneered, suddenly another fan:

A hurricane burst out.


Nanming suddenly exploded from the fire, turned into a white flame, and rushed to the emperor's map.


Above Yang Xu's head, the jade bottle mouth was aligned with the treasure map:

"Jade Jing bottle for me!"

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