Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 430: Dual attribute magical power!

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Chapter 430: Dual Attribute Magical Power!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players! Reward experience value + 30000000! True power value + 3000000! Points + 300,000! 】

[Obtain Item: Thousand Beast Order Fragment x1! 】

[Get Treasure: Golden Cave Sky x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Obtained Item: "Dong Tian Hua Xing Xian De" x1! use or not? 】

[Get Divine Art: "Golden God Wings" x1! Do you practice? 】

[Obtain Artifact: Panlong Sword x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Obtain a gold crystal core (perfect) x3000! Is it integrated? 】

[Get the middle grade spirit stone x800! Is it integrated? 】

A series of prompts sounded in the ear.

Yang Xu ignored it for the time being.

While chatting with Master, they left Broken Edge Mountain.

In a mess, the crowd looked at the back of Yang Xu and the crowd leaving.

Lament repeatedly:

"Hongtu Mainland, another amazing genius is about to rise!"


Everyone agreed, looking at the Yi family.

The Yi family at this moment are all bitter and lost.

There are a few people now, flashing in front of Yi's family.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course it's for you to settle the accounts! Now your Yi family's backers are dead, and your Yi family robbed us of things, it should be back!"

Two days later, a news came out:

The Vientiane Guoyi family was successively attacked by multiple unknown forces.

The Yi family was slaughtered, and there was no blood!

Moyun cliff.

"It turns out that Yi Tianxing wants to kill you, actually because you killed him a piece."

When Jian Nantian accidentally knew that Yi Tianxing wanted to kill Yang Xu.

Yang Xu was notified in time.

But still wondering:

How could Yang Xu provoke people from Vientiane?

"Yang Xu, those 12-hole kings, except Yi Tianxing, are all in the Destiny Continent?"

Asked the Master Moyunya.

See Yang Xu nodded.

Sister Loli's father, Peacock King, couldn't help but reveal a strange color.

"Senior Kong, what do you have to say?"

Yang Xudao.

He knew that this predecessor turned out to be the king of the peacock family.

In the legends of the previous life, the great **** of the peacock clan painted everything.

Even Buddha is inferior to him.

And now.

Two little loli together with a colorful divine light, also has the effect of brushing everything.

It shows that the peacock family is powerful!

Seeing Yang Xu asked, the Peacock King couldn't help but smile:

"The Destiny Continent is a higher level of existence than the Hongtu Continent. The strong are like forests, and geniuses come out in abundance. If you want to break out, you still have to be careful. This thing is for you."

The Peacock King handed Yang Xu a peacock-shaped token.

【Ding! 】

[Get Peacock Order x1! use or not? 】

The system prompts.

"This is a peacock order. One day you go to the destiny continent. When you need someone, you can use the peacock order to call me peacock people. When they see the token, they will do their best to help you!"

"Ah! Father, you cheat! Didn't you say that this token can't leave? You used to want to use it, but you refused!"

"Father is not honest!"

Jian Nantian is not enough to condense:

"Brother Kong, Peacock Ling represents your position in the peacock family. How can such an important thing be given to Yang Xu?"

Yang Xu could not help but raise his eyebrow:

I go.

Can this thing represent Peacock King?

A big gift!

Worthy of being the king of the peacock family, it is good to kill the ancestors of the Yi family and send out the peacock order.

If you don't make a shot, you can make a big shot.

Say goodbye to Master and two seniors.

Yang Xu went to Wen Ying and Lian Yi for a while.

Yao Xueyi is still awkward and unresponsive.

Yang Xu was helpless.

Go back to the room and start to reflect on the experience of Broken Edge Mountain.

The combat experience suddenly improved again.

after that.

Start to sort out the gains of this period.

In the line of flame hell.

Yang Xu beheaded the Five Fire and Flame Kings and harvested the blood crystals, flame heart, flame **** blood, flame crystal core, and flame crystals of the flame king.

All are treasures of fire.

But compared to Yang Xu's bloodline today, it is more than one step away.

Yang Xu melted them into the world of fire.

With Yang Xu's fire separation, and Red Spear King guard.

The world of fire has formed a kingdom of flames.

It has also been strengthened by Flame Crystal Core, Divine Blood, etc.

The power has exploded several times!

After that, Broken Blade Mountain battle.

Yang Xu successively beheaded Yi elders, Yi Tiandao, black deceased, Yi Tianheng, and Yi family ancestors.

The old Yi family has exploded fragments of thousands of beasts, "Blood and Dragon", blood crystal nuclei and middle-grade spirit stones.

One of the most valuable is the Shard of Ten Thousand Beasts,

Although the power of "Blood and Dragon" is powerful.

But it is the same exercise that the enemy dies with.

At the cost of life.

Therefore, the practical value plummeted.

After killing Yi Tiandao, bits and pieces of things broke out, with little value.

On the contrary, it was the three Yi family deceased who contributed "The Chess-trapped Fairy Array" and "Dong Tian He He Shu" to Yang Xu!

"Chess cage trapped fairy array, can be used to trap people inside the array, but also can block people outside the array.

Only people with special patterns can enter and leave freely.

"The fools of the Yi family, in addition to the trapped people, the trapped traps in the chess cage have a better use, that is, they are used as a moat!"

"Look at the time to look at the old team to further increase the power of the team."

Yang Xu's eyes brightened:

"After we build a country, we can use it to guard the imperial city!"

[Divine Art: Dongtian Hehe

Grade: middle grade

Power: None

Description: It can enable many people to practice a skill together, and practice a hole in the sky, which is extremely powerful.

Description 2: Only those with a high degree of spiritual cooperation can practice. 】

This is simply for multiple births.

It is also a great way to train the dead.

Yang Xu took it solemnly.

Next is Yi Tianheng.

He has successively contributed artifacts such as blood jade exquisite fan, the skill "Hang Yuan Shang Qing Qi", the magical technique "Qi Qing San Qing", supernatural power "Bi Hai Qing Tian", treasure Wudao Taoist Lotus Seed, and a large number of middle grade spirit stones.

"One gasification, three clearings" and "Hangyuan Shangqingqi" need to cooperate with each other and practice together.

This is a bit tasteless.

To know.

Yang Xu has already practiced "Ten Sun Divine Skills".

And reached the third level.

I don't have time to practice a new exercise again.


Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Lianyi has the blood of ancient Qinglian, these two are more suitable for her!"

"There are also Taoist Qinglian seeds, which are also given to her."

The Taoist Qinglian seeds are somewhat similar to Yang Xu's supernatural seeds.


Enlightenment Qinglian seeds need to be watered with their own blood.

So as to understand the breath of magical power and Tao.

Lianyi, with its ancient Qinglian bloodline, is undoubtedly more suitable for it.

Yang Xu looked at the last supernatural power.

[Supernatural Power: Bihai Qingtian

Attributes: water, soil

Cost: 100,000 mana/second!

Description: It can conceive a supreme blue sea, transform all things, integrate offense and defense, and operate freely.

Description 2: It can conceive a heavy blue sky, ban ten squares, summon nine days of stars for your own use, and the blue sky is in the attack range!

Description 3: Up to twenty-four blue seas can be transformed, giving birth to twenty-four days! 】

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