Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 432: Incredible magic!

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Chapter 432: Incredible Magic!

"Is there a strong magic technique for me? What magic technique?"

"A magic that can grow."

Jian Nantian's words made Yang Xu's eyes suddenly brighten:

"Can I grow? Isn't it evolution?"

Yang Xu has seen a lot of magical techniques that can evolve.

Not uncommon.

"Evolution is only one-time, it is not uncommon. But growth is accompanied by life. The divine art I got can grow continuously according to your cultivation attributes and combat characteristics, and gradually become the most suitable for you!"

"To be honest, so far, I have never seen any magic that can grow."

"What else do you want, I practice!"

Yang Xu's eyes glowed:

"Just use it as my foundation stone!"

Each reaches the heaven of the cave heaven, and the cultivator who opens the cave.

They all need to practice a powerful divine art to determine their attributes.

Originally, Yang Xu planned to lay the foundation with the divine art of "Origin God Eye".

But now there is a magic art that can grow.

Choose it naturally!

"Yang Xu, you have to think clearly. Although this practice has great potential, it is extremely dangerous! The failure rate is too great!"

Jian Nantian smiled bitterly:

"Since I got this divine art, I tried to practice several times, but each time I ended in failure."

"It can be said that the probability of success of this divine practice is less than 10%!"

"10% success rate?"

Yang Xu sighed in his heart and said:

"This success rate is not too low."

"Isn't this low?"

Not waiting for Jian Nantian to speak, the Lord Moyun Cliff said:

"Yang Xu, I have seen this magic technique. Although the potential is not small, the success rate is indeed too low! It is a waste of time!"

"If you don't have a suitable foundation for the magic arts, I have an emperor-level magic art here, and it's still from the fire department. It is for your foundation!"

"Emperor class!"

Yang Xu's eyes lit up sharply:

"Emperor level is a very rare magic!"

He turned his head and asked Master:

"What kind of divine art are you talking about? Unique quality? King level? Holy level?"

Seeing Master not nodding, Yang Xu's eyes became brighter:

"Isn't it also the emperor level? My God, is it an emperor level stronger than the emperor level?"

Jian Nantian shook his head firmly:


"What grade is that?"

Jian Nantian smiled bitterly:

"No grade."


No grade?

Yang Xu's eyes widened.

Jian Nantian smiled helplessly:

"It doesn't even have a name, where is its grade."

"Jian Nantian, you are too unreliable! Without the magic of grade and name, you dare to let Yang Xu practice?"

Lord Moyun Cliff was a little angry.

Yang Xu is the brother of her baby apprentice, and she is humble and polite.

It also helped her a lot and saved the gourd fairy vine.

For this sensible and potential younger, she loved it in her heart.

Otherwise, he would not kill the Yi ancestor for him.

"Yang Xu, practice my fire magic, it is of high grade and powerful, it is the best for you!"


In the palm of Moyunya, a red booklet appeared.

On the cover, there are four large characters "Shenhu of Ten Thousand Territories", with gleaming treasures and clouds of fire.

Two meters away, Yang Xu felt a sea of ​​heat.

"Oh, that's a coincidence. I happen to have a divine skill here, and I'm also an emperor, but it's a wood."

The palm of the peacock turned over and a green booklet appeared.

The cover is also composed of four large characters, "Shen Emperor Mu Huang Gong".

Let Yang Xu feel comfortable.

Moyunya Lord and Peacock King looked at Jiannantian together.

"Oh, compared to yours, this one is too common."

Jian Nantian flipped his hands with a wry smile, and showed a leafless booklet.

The size of the slap, the edges are burred.

And there is no slight difference.

The appearance is not so bad.

Yang Xu looked at the emperor-level fire magic and then the emperor-level wood magic.

Enclosed by a strong wood and fire breath.

Yang Xu's gaze fell on the pamphlet that had no grade, no name, and a bad look:

"Master, can you tell me how to practice this practice?"

"Its cultivation method is related to the shape of the cave."

"What! Dongtianhuaxing!"

Yang Xu was shocked:

"What kind of divine arts can be practiced only after being transformed into a natural form?"

Master couldn't help smiling:

"It's not transformation that can be cultivated, but this divine art that will help you transform into heaven..."

There was a trace of mystery in his eyes:

"Yi's second ancestor's golden cave, right?"

Yang Xu nodded:

"Of course great!"

"A shaped cave is so powerful, what about the nine?"


Yang Xu heart shock:

"This divine art can open and transform nine caves? How is this possible!"

To know.

There are very few practitioners in the world who can reach the cave heaven.

And those who can open up the sky are a dozen or two less.

The remaining ones, even if they were lucky enough to open the cave, they hardly transformed into the sky.

Only those talents with vertical and horizontal will, willpower and a little luck can succeed!

But transforming into a cave is already the limit!

Not to mention Yang Xu.

Even the Master Moyunya and the Peacock King have never heard of any strong man who condensed more than two caves.

Not to mention nine seats!

It can be seen that Jian Nantian looks like, condensing the nine caves is not the most difficult place.

"Master, is there a more difficult part?"

Jian Nantian smiled bitterly:

"It’s not too difficult to condense the nine caves. After all, with your talent and will, you have a certain chance to do it. However, if you want to cultivate it to the top, you must be in each of the caves. , Condense a fierce beast! With fierce aura, to suppress the powerful forces of the nine caves!"

"And the Longyin Realm, Chongyang Realm, etc. in the future may be more difficult!"


This is not just Yang Xu.

Even Mo Yunya and Peacock King exclaimed:

"Need nine beasts to suppress Dongtian? How powerful is that Yangxu's Dongtian!"

The Golden Cave of the Yi family's second ancestor only sealed a ray of soul from the gluttonous beast.

The power is so powerful!

Replaced with fierce and destructive evil spirits, the power might increase tenfold!

And a real fierce beast requires not only the soul of the god, the fierce soul, the beast soul, but the three souls.

It also has a tyrannical body.

And this divinely condensed cave sky, actually needs a fierce beast to suppress.

"Yang Xu, although this magic technique sounds powerful and extraordinary, in our opinion, the success rate is too low, far below 10%!"

"To persuade you to think carefully. Opening the sky is a matter of life, not a trivial matter. Not to mention, the fierce beast is not Chinese cabbage. It is not so easy to seal."

Moyun Yazhu and Peacock King urged Yang Xu to seriously consider it.

"Yang Xu, it is up to you to decide whether or not to practice."

Master Jian Nantian looked at Yang Xu calmly.

"Practice! Why don't you practice such a bull magic!"

No one can afford to lose, I can afford to lose Yang Xu!

"Isn't it the nine beasts! Let's do it!"

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