Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 435: Keep giving me a break!

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Chapter 435 Continue to give me a breakthrough!

at this time.


In Jian Nantian's palm, a flying sword appeared.

The size of the slap, crystal clear, countless strange runes flashing.

With a big grasp, he caught all the weather outside the sky, and shot into the flying sword.


Feijian suddenly had a touch with the outer world.

The peacock king's eyes flickered:

"Brother Jian, do you want to..."

Jian Nantian smiled:

"Fortunately, I am also the master of this kid, and the disciples are opening up the sky, and they should be able to do something for the teacher."

"When he breaks into the second day, I will help him again!"

The eyes of Moyun Yazhu and Peacock King are all bright:

"It just happens that we owe this boy a big favor, and it's also our share!"

"With your help, I will grasp more!"

Jian Nantian raised his hand into the flying sword, and entered a pure energy.

The flying sword glowed dazzlingly.

"I come."

The peacock king raised his palm, hum!

An extremely powerful breath, but the fluctuating but plain weave energy surged into the flying sword.

The slap-sized flying sword suddenly burst into dazzling light.

The Master of Moyun Cliff also did not fall behind, shaking his hands and hitting a pure energy.


Feijian's brilliant work, the blooming Shenhua, actually torn the surrounding void.

Peacock King and Moyun Cliff are all white.

Obviously, they played too much energy, so that they all lost.

The green muscles on Jiannan's sky burst, that is, his talent for swordsmanship is amazing, so he can control the flying sword with such a huge energy.

However, he can't hold it anymore:

"Yang Xu smelly boy, hurry up, because the teacher can't control it!"

The slap-like flying sword, with its unruly spirit, struggled frantically and wanted to get rid of Jian Nantian's control.

But at this time.


The sky dome collapsed suddenly.

A terrifying breath of terror has crashed down from nine days.


The top of Moyunya Mountain was actually cracked by this breath, and it burst into a huge crack.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to players breaking through barriers and entering the second heaven and earth! Reward experience value +100000000! True power value + 10000000! Points + 1000000! 】

The sound of the system's promotion becomes clearer and sweeter.

"The second heaven and earth are also breaking through!"

Everyone screamed in surprise.

The terrifying fluctuations are still spreading in all directions.

All the forces around were shocked:

"The second heavy day also broke through? Do you want to be so perverted!"

"The second heaven and outer heaven! How terrible that should be! Find a plane in it and open a hole in the sky. They are extremely arrogant!"

"Yang Xu has transformed into a real dragon! From then on Hongtu Mainland, Yang Xu will be invincible within the same rank!"

"Don't say the same order, even if it is a Dragon Seal Realm higher than Dongtian Realm, I am afraid it is worse than Yang Xu!"

The ten strong players were all horrified and sighed again and again.

Envy has it, jealous has it.

The only one who wants to be an enemy with Yang Xu is none!

Not to mention that the other party has a terrifying master, and a more terrifying master.

But the talent of this evil is so powerful.

Isn't it death to fight against him?


"Break through the second day, should we stop here?"

"Even if Yang Xu is a genius again, he has to be supported by tyrannical force! The second heaven and outer heaven should have consumed all his energy!"

"It's impossible for him to break through the third heaven and earth again. You know, the higher the breakthrough, the higher the strength of the space barrier and the greater the energy it consumes!"

"Not to mention, there are terrible plane meteorites rain, plane gangue winds, plane debris flows and so on in the heavens and the sky. Yang Xu should not be able to withstand it!"

The ten strong parties communicated with each other in their minds and thoughts that Yang Xu's entry was over.

"So far? Yang Xu looks unsatisfied."

Jian Nantian smiled faintly, "Yang Xu, take a drop of essence blood! Master helps you!"

At this time, Yang Xu was pale, and it was the most critical time.

He is striving to support Lihuozhuzhu and resist the pressure of the second heaven and outer space.


Planar winds, plane meteorites, etc., which are more horrible than the first heaven and outer space, are bombarded and destroyed by the Vulcan Pillar.

Even the golden dragon couldn't stop it.

The huge dragon body was covered with scars, and the light was slightly dimmed.

Master's words seemed to send charcoal in the snow.


On Yang Xu, a bright red blood flew to Jian Nantian.


The scarlet blood hit the flying sword.

Suddenly, the crystal-clear flying sword turned into blood and blood.

"Get me up!"

Jian Nantian's tongue burst into spring thunder and burst into thunder.


The Scarlet Flying Sword directly penetrated the void, blinking above the nine days.


The Scarlet Flying Sword and Yang Xu's pillar of Lihuo seem to have a connection.

It whirls up along the pillar of Vulcan.

Wherever he passed, hundreds of thousands of **** sword qi, shot in all directions.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

All plane meteorites and plane winds were crushed.


Scarlet Flying Sword blinked into the second heaven.

"what is that?"

"Jian Nantian's flying sword!"

The ten strong players were all disturbed by the Scarlet Flying Sword:

"The sword maniac has finally shot! He wants to help the apprentice break through the third heaven and earth?"

"Joke! A little flying sword, but also want to resist the energy of heaven and earth?"

"If you can break through the second day, let's burn Gaoxiang! Let's try to break through the third day?"

Some strong think that Jian Nantian and Yang Xu are not self-confident.

The Peacock King was also the Lord of the Cloud Cliffs, but all looked at the sky expectantly.

The second heaven is heaven.

At this time, the golden dragon condensed by Yang Xu had a dim light and was already damaged. It was almost impossible to support it.

From the top of the Vulcan Pillar, there are also cracks, almost breaking up.

Buzz buzz!

As soon as the Scarlet Flying Sword appeared, he was immediately irritated by this scene.

Good guy, dare to bully my master!


It shattered suddenly.

Incarnate into hundreds of millions of sword-shaped runes, **** and clear, shot into all directions.

The blood sword rune is like a mighty red torrent.

What has passed, what is the plane wind, plane meteorites, plane mudslides, all broken up, broken into the powder!

The blood sword flooded into a crimson protective umbrella, covering the entire space around the Vulcan Pillar.

A lot of energy of the plane, mixed with the breath of the law of the plane, rolled down from the hole of space.

"Gold volcano, let me absorb, refine!"

Yang Xu urged the golden volcano with all his might.

"Yu Jing bottle, collect and purify!"

All of Yang Xu's handy cards came out.

Massive plane debris is absorbed, purified and refined by gold volcanoes and jade net bottles.

Goo, goo, goo!

The two fed back to Yang Xu's pure energy.

"The third barrier to heaven and earth is over. The more I break through, the stronger the strength I can gain! Never give up!"

In Yang Xu's eyes, firm will and confidence flashed.

But even brighter is the wise light that controls everything:

"But this time I can't do it any more, away from the Vulcan Pillar, the Golden Dragon, follow my orders and condense me!"

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