Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 440: Kill easily!

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Chapter 440 Easy Kill!


Yang Xu took a gleam of gold and shot at the blond man.


The blond man slammed the golden light.

His face couldn't help changing:

"A strong metal energy is actually more pure than the energy of our gold family! How is this possible?"

"Whether it is the Hongtu Continent or the Destiny Continent, there is no better understanding of the energy of the gold system than us. How can you..."

"Account your secrets, or die!"

The blond man stared at Yang Xu like finding a treasure.

Yang Xu smiled quietly, slap!

He snapped his crisp fingers.


The golden light in the blond man's hand exploded at once.


The flesh and blood flew in the right hand, and it was fried.

"Dare to count my gold wind, you are dead!"

The golden light of his ruptured right hand flashed and he recovered suddenly.


Behind the blond man's void, a golden cloud rose.

Thousands of golden lights burst out, scorn!

Among the golden clouds, a golden lightning beheaded out.

The sharp breath fluctuated and even shattered the void, blinking in front of Yang Xu.

"Humph, carving insect skills. Stop!"

Yang Xu pointed out.


Golden Lightning was blocked by Yang Xu's one finger, floating in front of him out of thin air.

With a faint smile, Yang Xu flicked his finger:


The speed of the golden lightning surged tenfold, flew back, and rushed into the golden clouds.

I saw the golden clouds, tumbling wildly, and the golden lightning crackled.

The face of the blond man changed greatly:

"Impossible! My Jinyun, why can't I control it myself?"

The voice did not fall.


The golden cloud burst at once.

The blond man was blown away for a while.

"Not good! Save the young man!"

The men in gold armour behind him rushed forward to help.

Yang Xu sneered, waving his right hand:

Brush brush brush brush!

The golden sword swept across.

The sharp sword mansions surrounded them all.

Puff puff!

Heads flew up.

In Yang Xu's ear, the clanging system prompt sounded again and again.

His eyes brightened:

"Sure enough, everyone will burst out the gold inheritance runes? It's just that the stronger the person, the higher the rune rank of the rule of law!"

Blink Kung Fu.

The helper beside the blond man was killed.

The blood flowed across and the limbs were broken.

"Damn it! Golden cave sky, open!"

The blond man's body shuddered and banged!

There was a void above his head, and a golden hole appeared.

But compared with Yangxu's horror cave sky with a diameter of 100 meters.

The blond man's hole is only ten meters in diameter.

Moreover, the built plane channel has a pitiful strength, and it is very broken at any time.

"The power of gold, blow me!"

The blond man thundered and thundered!

A lot of golden energy, like a waterfall, landed from his golden cave.

The blond man waved his big hand:


The golden energy was like a golden laser cannon, rushing towards Yangxu.

Yang Xu sneered, his palm stretched out:


A golden vortex, the diameter is more than one meter, the golden light is shining, and Ruixia is flashing, blocking him.

The moment the golden energy rushed.

The golden vortex suddenly turned up, and all the energy was swept away by the golden vortex!

"It's impossible! My golden cave sky is the second highest level of outer space! No one in the entire Golden Tribe can refine my energy. How can you... Pooh!"

He didn't finish.

A white flame spear penetrated his head.


His head and body were directly burned to fly ash by Nanming Lihuo!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the Seventh Heavenly Golden Wind of the Cave Heaven Realm and reward +27000000 experience points! True Power +2700000! Points + 270000! 】

[Obtain Rune of the Gold Lineage x1! Is it integrated? 】

This time it broke out, it was actually a top-level rune.

The breath of law contained in it is more powerful!

"Merge immediately!"


At the moment of successful fusion, a glimmer of golden light flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

Suddenly, he felt the metal energy in front of him, as if he had become supple like water.

Yang Xu felt that he could make them easier!

It was at this time.


A cluster of golden flowers fell at the foot of Yang Xu and burst into burst.

A smiling young man wearing a golden robe appeared in midair.

Yang Xu easily flashed through the explosion and sneered at the robe:

"Hidden to watch for so long, and finally appeared."

"It's really admirable to watch your clan kill, but you can actually look on the wall."

The golden robe man smiled faintly:

"It's just a group of ants, you can't get on the countertop, if you kill, you will kill."

He stared at Yang Xu with a smile:

"Walk in front of me and test out your details for me. This is their value."

He floated in mid-air, condescending, and looked down at Yang Xu from his head with his eyes looking down.


Before Yang Xu could speak, he said lightly:

"Okay, the farce is over, you generally have a few pounds or two, I know the same. The biggest thing about me is not greedy. As long as you hand over 100,000 pounds of Tianyan Lingquan, and put you just The method of condensing the golden vortex tells me the word, I can spare you forever

The Jinpao man looked at Yang Xu with a smile:

"Human, it's your luck to meet me. What do you think of my deal?"

He stood above him, with a look of "you have taken advantage" and "you should be honored".

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows before he spoke.

"Forget it, you don't need to go through your consent. Obediently hand over one hundred thousand pounds of Lingquan, and hand over the golden vortex method, you can go!"

The Jinpao man embraced his shoulders, leisurely and calmly, eating Dingyang Xu.

"Uh, I'm curious, who is stronger than the blond man you just said?"

Yang Xu asked.

The golden robe sneered suddenly:

"Golden wind? Huh, he was just lucky to reach the same level as me. It is a pity that his bloodline purity is far lower than mine. Therefore, he can only exert the strength of Qizhong."

"And my golden cloud, can leapfrog beyond the strength of the Nine Heavy Caves!"

Yang Xu's eyes lit up suddenly.

The man said nothing, he didn't care.

Only "purity of blood" makes Yang Xu happy:

"It seems that you are more advanced than his lineage, that's fine, I will send you on the road!"

Yang Xu, like a dormant beast, suddenly revealed cruel fangs.

The poor man in golden robe always thought he was a hunter

As everyone knows, Yang Xu is the hunter who is good at dormancy and camouflage.


A golden mountain, formed from the condensed void, rumbling down to the man in the golden robe.

Yang Xu was very happy:

"With the integration of so many gold runes, my control of gold energy is obviously easier!"


Jinshan fell to the ground.

The golden robe man of course evaded.

"Damn it! Jinling Dongtian, open!"

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