Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 446: Anyone want to cut the beard?

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Chapter 446

Swarms of **** characters, golden light, wrapped in **** electric light.


They form a gold chain, rush out along the **** electro-optics, and bind the gold treasures!


One **** of characters and characters flew, and the rune chain was a golden masterpiece.

There is faintly Sanskrit and Buddhism from the mysterious plane void.


The golden treasure is like a peerless beast, screaming furiously.


The **** masterpiece on Guanghua's mirror surface, the blood of the god, seems to be contaminated with the evil spirit of the evil mirror, brush!

Bloody runes rose into the sky, intertwined into a blood demon a hundred meters high.

It was full of viciousness, killing opportunities, and the gloomy eyes locked Yang Xu's eyebrows, the simple bodhi.


The blood demon burst into tears.

Big hand Xiangyang Xumei's heart hit hard.

Wan Miao Bodhi's masterpiece of Brahma Guang, dripping round and round, actually gave up Yang Xu and flew into the air.

Yang Xu was shocked:


You have no conscience, leave Lao Tzu and run away?

Seeing that the big **** hand came like a blood mountain.







The six-character Sanskrit sounds come from the distant plane, breaking through the void.

A golden Buddha, manifested in the sky.

The Buddha's face was merciful, and he made a speechless gesture and pointed it out.


The blood demon with a height of 100 meters burst with a little blood on his eyebrows.


The blood turned into golden flames, burning.

In that bright treasure, painful roar came.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Miaoyin Bodhi, attracting thousands of Sanskrit characters, **** characters flying, entwined the bright treasure.

Whether it is the three old bright people.

Still the captives, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.


Yang Xu's figure flickered and appeared in front of the three clan elders, his smile jokingly:

"I said why the elders of the Tang family are so rubbish, it turned out to be the price of using the bright treasure!"

"Without the bright treasure, it's time to send you on the road!"


The sky above Yang Xu's head, the heavenly **** of Liujindong soared into the sky, and Jinxia permeated.

The rolling energy rushed down like a waterfall.

"You can communicate such a terrifying force!"

"This kid is crazy! How can he refine with so much power?"

"He will be killed by energy!"

The three shouted in shock.


Behind Yang Xu, a golden spiral appeared.

The golden sarcolemma under the skin trembles at high frequency, pushing the spiral to work.



Massive energies were suddenly consumed by spirals and madly refined.

All the three clan elders were terrified and their faces were horrified:

"This is impossible! How can there be such a terrible refining speed in the world!"

"It's incredible!"

Rao is their effort to suppress their inner shock.

But still unable to control himself.

The impact that Yang Xu brought to them was really violent.

The invisible pressure made them all breathless.

Faced with a sharp rise in strength, Yang Xu.

The three clan elders felt the breath of death for the first time.

There was an unprecedented trace of fear on their faces.

Fear is like a highly toxic drug, once it breeds, it quickly spreads all over their body.

So that the elders of the Tang clan made a very ridiculous scene:

"You hold up! I will take a step first!"

The three old guys shouted almost simultaneously.

Turn around and run.


The captives below all burst into laughter.

The anger and hatred accumulated in the heart were completely vented.

"The benefactor is too powerful!"

"Good kindness!"

They all cheered.

Yang Xu looked at Gujing Wubo, staring at the direction in which the three left:


He flashed in front of a clan elder.

The old guy was stunned, and Yang Xu showed a grin:


A golden war sword pierced from behind him.

Nan Ming's energy from the fire exploded in the old guy's body and instantly burned him clean.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the eighth clan old x1! Reward experience value + 28000000! True Power +2800000! Points + 280,000! 】

[Obtain Rune of the Gold Lineage x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Get Treasure: Gold Heart Key Fragment x1! 】

[Obtain a gold crystal core (perfect) x1000! Is it integrated? 】

[Get the top grade spirit stone x50! Is it integrated? 】

Yang Xu turned to look at the clan elder running in the other direction.


The giant dragon bow appeared.

Yang Xu opened the bow string and thundered!

The golden energy rolled overhead, condensing into a golden **** arrow.

There were clusters of runes away from the fire, and the breath of the golden rules spun wildly.


The golden **** arrow appeared in front of the clan elder.

He widened his eyes, and saw the blood on the golden arrow.

The whole body passed quickly.

When he tried to lower his head, he saw his chest and was pierced with a hole the size of a human head.

The internal organs are already gray!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the eighth clan old x1! Reward experience value + 28000000! True Power +2800000! Points + 280,000! 】

[Obtain Rune of the Gold Lineage x1! Is it integrated? 】

[Get Treasure: Gold Heart Key Fragment x1! 】

[Obtain a gold crystal core (perfect) x1030! Is it integrated? 】

[Get the top grade spirit stone x61! Is it integrated? 】

Finally, the old clan looked back.

It happened to see that the corpse with a hole in the chest fell from the sky.

His face suddenly turned pale, and he just turned his head.


Yang Xushan appeared before him:

"Old guy, where do you want to escape?"

The clan was stiff.


The golden war sword beheaded to the old guy's body.


Without warning.

A big shaggy hand grabbed the golden war sword.

A tall man like a giant bear with sharp eyes, stopped Yang Xu:

"He can't die, my orc keeps him useful."

"The beast brought you here! You finally appeared, hurry up! Quickly tell the beast king that all the conditions he mentioned I promised by the Golden Race!"

The old man grabbed the clothes of the strong man.


Yang Xu moved his mind and thought of the content of Chu Tiange's material.

The strong man glanced coldly at the old guy, contemptuously saying:

"The Golden Clan has only one waste left. What qualifications do you have to talk to my orc?"

The old clan stiffened:

"You... don't the orcs want to be alone...the heart of that guy?"


The strong man stared at him for three seconds and snorted:

"You can only rely on it to talk about conditions, you..."

"Hey, you seem to have forgotten me."

Yang Xu interrupted the strong man.

The strong man frowned, and glanced at Yang Xu:

"It's nothing about you here, you can get away."

"You let me go?"

Yang Xu raised a brow.

The seemingly inadvertent little movement, the strong man felt suddenly, a terrifying coercion came to his face.


The strong man flew a hundred meters away.


He spouted a blood violently, his face pale as paper.

"Well, the orc's body is really strong."

Yang Xu shrugged, "I already knew that it would take more effort to get you on the road."

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