Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 455: All Beasts are ready!

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Chapter 455 Ten Thousand Beasts Order!

Yang Xu looked at the Beastmaster whose power suddenly rose.

A sigh flashed in my eyes

"The power of Ten Thousand Beasts is really powerful. I heard that there are all the wealth of the previous generation of Beast King..."

Yang Xu's eyes sparkled.


As expected.

His appearance suddenly stimulated the beast king, who already regarded the wealth of thousands of beasts as his own.

"Go to hell!"


The blood behind the Beastmaster turned into a **** wings.

Suddenly shocked, wrapped in **** gang wind, and rushed to Yangxu.


Yang Xu hit with a palm.


The two flew a dozen meters away.

His body shook, Yang Xu stabilized his body.

Seeing that the Beastmaster's blood wings waved, he also stabilized his body.

Yang Xu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"The speed is fairly fast, but unfortunately the power is not dripping."

The voice did not fall.

Kaka Kaka!

Behind Yang Xu, a pair of golden sword wings suddenly appeared.

The sharp sword, the golden light flashed, shocked:


He rushed towards the Beast King like a golden light.

Next second.


The Beastmaster was hit into the sky and burst the roof.

Blood spilled out.

Yang Xu turned into golden light and rushed to the Beastmaster again:


Three consecutive punches burst out.

The Beastmaster turned into a ray of blood, flying from the sky above the Beastmaster Palace, and fell thousands of kilometers away.


He crashed into the belly of a mountain.

The energy remaining in Yang Xu's body made a huge mouth hollow in the mountain belly.

Yang Xushuang is half empty now, sneering:

Fire escape? Hao fire **** soldier!


Massive flame energy, with golden light, covered the beast king.

The entire sky has turned into a flame-like color.

Inspired by the ninjutsu in that island country's blood, Yang Xu transformed the Fire Department Divine Art, and the first time he debuted, he burst into a terrifying power.

Brush brush!

Among the golden flames, there are knives, guns, swords, halberds, cavalry, infantry, and heavy armor, which are constantly changing shape.

They were transformed into thousands of horses and horses, rushing towards the beast king in the mountains and charging quickly.


The mountain was tumbling and tumbling.

Then, like the heated butter, it quickly melted into magma, and bubbles bubbled up.

And now.

The Beastmaster has long since disappeared.

"Did you die, or did you escape?"

"Of course I escaped!"

Yang Xu burst into his head and turned his head:


There is still magma flowing, and the fists of the beast king, whose bones are exposed, are rapidly magnified in front of Yang Xu's eyes.

"Ah, is there only this power? What a pity."

Yang Xu smiled.

Not waiting for the attack of the Beastmaster to fall on himself.


The Beastmaster collapsed and flew out.

Supernatural? Twenty-four battle swords!

Brush brush!

Twenty-four golden war swords emerged from the void behind Yang Xu.

But compared with before.

The current golden war sword is only half a meter long.

If you look closely, you can find that every golden war sword outlines a rune of energy.

Moreover, the lines of the blade are smooth, and the blade is extremely sharp.

Compared to the huge, rough golden sword blanks before.

At least a dozen times stronger!

This is naturally the result of Yang Xu’s understanding of gold energy, which is becoming more and more profound.

Combining so many runes of gold heritage, Yang Xu's use of gold energy has already reached the level of pure fire!

"It seems that you have reached the limit and will not play with you."

In this battle, Yang Xu played dull.

It would be better if it ended earlier.

Behind the golden sword wings trembling, Yang Xu suspended in midair, overlooking the beast king from the top.

"Damn it! You forced me! Even if I lose my mind, I will smash you into meat sauce!"

The beastmaster felt that his self-esteem as a king had been trampled on.


The incomplete order of the thousands of beasts turned into a blood, and rushed into the head of the beast king.

Puff puff!

His body swelled at an alarming rate.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant one hundred meters high.

The whole body was gleaming with blood, and it was amazing.

Its pair of blood-red eyes locked Yang Xu.

The palm as big as a hill, like a fly, came to Yangxu.

Kaka Kaka Kaka!

Twenty-four battle swords behind, galloping at an amazing speed, intertwined with each other.

Actually formed a golden sword net formed by Jianguang.

The golden sword net glowed and brushed.

The big hand that shrouded you towards the beast king giant.


One thousandth of an instant.

Flesh flew.

The hand of the beast king giant is directly vanished.


The Beastmaster completely lost his mind, and the animal nature replaced the human form, launching the most furious attack:

Clang clang clang!

He turned the rest of his fists, covered with a layer of **** energy, like an iron hammer, and smashed hard into Yang Xu's golden sword net.

Stalemate for a minute.

The Beastmaster giant is still not exhausted.

"It's boring. Solve it early."

Yang Xu palmed and brushed.

Jin Baobao was thrown into the sky by him.


The smooth mirror flashes slightly and brushes.

A golden light burst out, poof!

Directly nailed to the beast king's eyebrows.

He was suddenly there.

Even the void seems to be fixed.

"Please Bao Jian slaughter me for this!"


It was as if the sword had just begun, and the second golden light flew out of the golden treasure.

Jin Guang revolved around the head of the beast king.


Beastmaster's head flew into the air.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, kill the triple beast king of the cave heaven! Reward experience value + 23000000! True Power +2300000! Points + 230000! 】

[Obtain Items: Ten Thousand Beast Order Fragments x7! Is it integrated? 】

[Obtain Equipment: Beastmaster Jinxi x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Obtain Equipment: Beastmaster Gold Armor x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Obtain Equipment: Beastmaster Golden Foot x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Obtain Equipment: Beastmaster Golden Helmet x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Get the middle grade spirit stone x3999! Is it integrated? 】

[Get bloodline crystal nuclei (perfect) x300! Is it integrated? 】

I go.

Actually burst out of the suit!

Yang Xu was a little surprised.

It's been a long time since I got a decent suit.

Yang Xu looked at the attribute, artifact set!


It's just that the weapon is actually a gold mace.

I'm afraid I'm not used to it.


In Yang Xu's hand appeared a golden mace with a length of more than half a meter and a golden body.

At the top of it is a beast king head that looks like a tiger but not a tiger.

Hefeng next to him, his face stunned.

He was originally immersed in the shock of Beastmaster being easily killed by Yang Xu.

The moment he saw Jin Qiao, his eyes were sharp and sharp:

"Beastmaster Jincai! Symbol of the beastmaster's power! I didn't expect it to be in the hand of this beastmaster!"

Looking at the corpse of the Beastmaster, Ebon could not help but be filled with contempt.

It turns out that the beast king gold mace has always been one of the symbols of the beast king's power.

However, the gold mace of the previous generation of beast king was inexplicably lost.

It has not been possible to find it for many years.

I didn't expect to be hidden by the current Beastmaster.

"Probably afraid of Yu Wei, the former Beastmaster, threatening his rule."

Yang Xu's impression of this cowardly beast king was extremely bad.

[Congratulations to the player, gather all the Beast Order Fragments x12! Will it be merged into a complete Beast Order? 】

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