Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 478: Surprise!

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Chapter 478

"Spider Mountain? Zhizhu Mountain? Haha, this name is interesting."

Yang Xu looked at Bai Hu with a smile:

"No wonder you said that Spider Mountain is good, it really is a good baby."

White Tiger shrugged:

"Unfortunately I don't know how to collect it. Otherwise, this Spider Mountain cannot be thrown here for hundreds of years and no one has collected it."

"Is this Zhizhu awesome?"

Yang Xu asked.

"I heard that it is related to Star Soul."


Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Related to Star Soul? Get it! Be sure to get it!"

Yang Xu is now greedy for Star Soul.

But he is from Hongtu mainland, and there is no brand of destiny in his soul.

It is difficult to awaken the star soul.

If this Zhizhu is related to Star Soul, it may be helpful for awakening Star Soul.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player. Trigger the main task. Do you accept it? 】


[Main task: to capture wisdom beads

Task difficulty: S

Task requirement: collect the complete wisdom beads

Mission reward one: experience value + 10000000! True power value + 1000000! Points + 100000!

Mission reward two: Star Soul Seed x1! 】


Star Soul Seed?

With this thing can you awaken the star soul?

You are so kind to the system!

Yang Xu was thinking about it.


A shadow stumbled up the mountain.

Yang Xu's black line:

"It's so ridiculous. Whose hands are so dark?"

Watching the little black dog with bruises all over, limp.

Yang Xu was speechless.

The little black dog still gave him a cold look and didn't speak.

The path walked in front of Yang Xu, and his tail swept his ankle.


Yang Xu hit a Tianyan Lingquan, and the injury to the little black dog suddenly recovered.

Seeing it trembling, I got there to rest.

Bai Hu's voice sounded:

"This little guy should have met an opponent whose strength is not below it."

"Oh? That's interesting. There are still those who can suppress the little black dog in the black wind mountains?"

The little black dog's powerful and aggressive, Yang Xu has seen it with his own eyes.

The ordinary fierce beast is not its opponent at all.

What's more, it has a powerful doppelganger in the sky.

That's really amazing.

"You can beat the little black dog with bruises and bruises, it is estimated that at least it must be a beast."

In a mountain forest.

The boy in white and the man in black looked solemnly at a large shrub that fell:

"This is a trace of a fierce beast fighting. There has been an unusually fierce battle here before."

The man in the black man's eyes flashed:

"These two fierce beasts are not simple. According to the breath, at least they are at the level of gods and beasts!"

He, always calm and calm, couldn't help feeling excited at this moment:

"It's luck, I can't think of the dark wind mountains, there are two magical beasts!"

"If they can be surrendered, my combat power will definitely increase dramatically, and my status in Sect will also be greatly improved!"

The more he thought about his heart, the hotter he became.

"Brother Jiang Yu, let's go! I will accompany you to charge Spider Mountain, and then you will accompany me to capture those two beasts!"

The man in black first walked towards Spider Hill.

Just walked ten meters.

The mutation happened suddenly:


The man in black fell to the ground, his face pale and his limbs weak.

[Ding Ding Ding! ! ! 】

[Red alert! Red alert! 】

[Aware that there is a homologous system approaching! Perceived that there is a homologous system approaching! 】

[Unlimited upgrade system starts the same source data collection program! 】

[In order to avoid being swallowed, the infinite upgrade system temporarily goes to sleep! 】

Yang Xu was training his flesh, and suddenly felt dizzy.

His footsteps shook, he stabilized his body.

Several harsh system prompts, but he smashed him:

"What's going on?"

"How is the system still sleeping?"

Question mark on Yang Xu's head.

[Unlimited Upgrade System] This has never happened!

Yang Xu quickly calmed down.

He checked the system and tried his ability again:

Physical strength can still be exerted at will.

Especially after the fusion of the golden heart.

His power surged and he is still strong today.

Various techniques can still be used.


All skills and all artifacts are unavailable.

Including the attribute bonus of the golden heart, the attributes of the ten-yang reincarnation **** body and the spirit **** stone are temporarily unable to be activated.

Yang Xu's arrogant fighting power is equivalent to being half sealed at once.

"There must be a reason for this change in the system."

"Crisis crisis, danger and opportunity coexist!"

The glimmer of light in Yang Xu's eyes:

"Homologous system is nearby? Is it the same as [Unlimited Upgrade System]?"

to be frank.

This discovery, Yang Xu was not too surprised.

Since there is an unlimited upgrade system, why can't there be anything else?

Infinite rage, infinite doppelgangers, infinite pretense...all may exist.

"My system is turned off, will the other party's system also be affected?"

Yang Xu also noticed a word:

"Avoid being swallowed"!

In Yang Xu's eyes, a terrifying flash of light suddenly flashed:

"This shows that homologous systems can swallow each other!"

"If I can devour the other party's system, can I get the other party's abilities?"

The system did not answer.

But as soon as this thought came up, Yang Xu's excitement could no longer be suppressed.

He produced an infinite fighting spirit:

"It's good! It's just that brother is going to do a big job, and the good things that come to the door will be accepted by the brother!"

"White Tiger, King Red Spear, I have a plan..."

"...Let the people on the tops of the mountains watch closely, and find that people with abnormally weak status report immediately..."

Yang Xu's violent conquerors finally came in handy.

"Whether it was the other party or the person I sent was found by the other party, we will definitely meet!"

In Yang Xu's eyes, flashing the inevitable war intent!

In a sheltered cave.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! Wake up!"

The boy in white was holding the man in black with a look of surprise.

To know.

His brother, he always felt very powerful.

Its terrifying star soul ability, even if you look at the entire sect, it is also the top of the line.

How could it suddenly become so weak?

"Senior brother, are you in danger? Wake up!"

The teenager in white was anxious.

"I...I'm fine..."

The man in black was pale and extremely weak:

"Sure enough, relying too much on this ability... will cause backlash...but my opportunity has come!"

A flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, humming.

He dissipated into a ray of light.

The boy in white seems to be used to it, and looks around calmly:

"Brother, where are you?"

"I'm here."

A fist-sized stone beneath the feet of the young man in white spit out the words:

"Senior Brother Jiang Yu, I am now lacking energy, and temporarily turn it into a stone to reduce consumption. I have a busy time, and I can only help me with Master Jiang Yu."

"Senior brother, but no matter what!"

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