Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 482: Come to me, spare you not to die

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Chapter 482: Surrender to Me

The moment when Yang Xu's voice sounded.

Long Tianfeng's complexion changed suddenly:

He was always impressed with this joking voice.


He and Jiang Yu turned back at the same time.

Resentful eyes stared at Yang Xu:

"You actually dare to send to the door to find death!"

Long Tianfeng gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

The two of them could be miserable by this bastard!

The only trace of reason left in the heart forced Long Tianfeng to press the impulse to fight Yang Xu.

When he really fought with Yang Xu, his plan to "dispel tigers and benefit from wolves" failed.

Seeing Long Tianfeng's war intentions flashed under his eyes.

Yang Xu's heart suddenly became clear:

Sure enough, the kid's system capabilities have been restored.


The two homologous systems met again, and the [Unlimited Upgrade System] showed no signs of dormancy.

"The two of them took the initiative to find Lord Sanfeng. They wanted to use three people to deal with me. Are they so fishy?"

Yang Xu sneered.

Sorry, your conspiracy brother has already seen through.

"You are Yang Xu? How brave you are to dare to come to Dianyun Peak alone."

Lei Yun sat on the throne of iron and steel, gazing sharply at Yang Xu.


Long Tianfeng's pupil shrank suddenly:

It was not until now that he discovered that Yang Xu had come by himself.

Isn't Yang Xu afraid of being killed by Lord Sanfeng?

Long Tianfeng's eyes flickered, and he soon understood:

Yang Xu's power must have been restored.

And he is very confident in his ability.

What makes Long Tianfeng even more annoying is!

Yang Xu put more pressure on him than he thought.

So that as soon as this guy appeared, all the attention of Long Tianfeng was unconsciously focused on him.

Lian Yangxu only came to one person and did not find out!

Taking a deep breath, Long Tianfeng depressed his restlessness.

It seems that I feel the pressure from my brother.

Jiang Yu gave Long Tianfeng a soothing look.

Long Tianfeng nodded, his face quiet.

Inevitably, there is a trace of complaint in my heart:

If Jiang Yu's serious injury dragged him down, he could attack and retreat, but how could he be so embarrassed?

Long Tianfeng selectively, Jiang Jiang was seriously injured in order to save him, and left behind.

Yang Xu naturally did not know that he only appeared here, which caused Long Tianfeng to produce a series of complex mood swings.

Looking at the thunder cloud above, he also looked at the dissatisfied look of the other two peaks.

"The three peak masters, now surrender to Yangxu, I can give you a way to live. If you do not surrender to me, your end will be reduced to slave puppets!"

Yang Xu stood down with his hands and spoke amazingly.


Long Tianfeng and Jiang Yu's pupils shrank.

Even if you know Yang Xu's self-confidence and strength, you have some understanding.

At this moment Long Tianfeng still feels that Yang Xu is crazy!

A person came alone, but he was too ashamed to let the three peaks surrender?

They cultivated to the lowest, is it also the eightfold of Dongtianjing?

Yangxu only has six layers of heaven now!

"Where does this guy come to rely on? This is simply to die."

Jiang Yu sneered.

"What's the point! You kiddie!"

The grumpy Thundercloud slapped it **** the Iron Throne.


The Throne of Purple Thunder struck with steel, oh!

A purple thunderbolt, like a spear, burst into the face of Yangxu.

Yang Xu sneered coldly, motionless.


With a red spear out of thin air, the flames lingered, and the light was dissipated at once.

The red spear king was engulfed in fire and appeared behind Yang Xu.

"He got one!"

Long Tianfeng's eyes suddenly became scary:

If only the white tiger is left guarding Spider Mountain.

How much confidence can you win if you attack yourself?

Long Tianfeng thought flashing.

But listening to that fat white man who didn't need to, suddenly burst out with a cry:

"Brother Lei, be careful!"


Behind Thundercloud's void, a black sword ripped out of the void.

Jianguang was cold and slashed to Leiyun's neck.

"Yushan Star Soul, now!"

The third peak leader who had been silent for a while, waved his hand violently:


The black sword suddenly weighed heavily, and the speed of the beheading suddenly slowed down.

At a slow pace, Thundercloud turned into a purple thunder, crackling!

Instantly flashed at the entrance of the hall dozens of meters away.


The other two peak masters also flashed to Leiyun's side in a tacit understanding.


The black long sword flashed.

A white tiger in black appeared.

"Both men are here!"

Long Tianfeng was ecstatic.


When Yang Xu and the two men arrived, Spider Mountain was left unattended.

Now it is a good time to collect Zhizhu!

His eyes flashed quickly, and Long Tianfeng was looking for an opportunity to get away.

"On the basis of the three of you, but also want to shake the status of our Sanfeng Lord?"

"Well, today we will use your three boys' heads to lay the foundation for our throne!"

Lei Yun sneered:

"Sky Thunder Star Soul!"


Above the sky dome, a purple thunder crossed.

A large purple star, circling the whole body of purple thunder light, Shenhua Wandao, flashed above the thunder cloud.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but blink:

"Nature is a star soul, and it is known as the most explosive thunder star soul!"

Feel the power of Lei Yun's tyrannical star soul.

Jiang Yu was amazed.

"Flying Elephant Soul!"

The fat man who didn't need white shouted.

Above the head, there was a loud rumbling pass.

I saw a snow-white giant elephant that was ten meters high and nearly 100 meters long, rushing from the mysterious plane.

The fat man's body suddenly haunted a strong breath.

"Animal Star Soul, the endless elephant star Soul!"

Jiang Yu sighed again.

Look at the remaining expressionless guy. There is a void above his head, a white feather overlaps a black mountain.

Jiang Yu's eyes flashed:

"He just made the long sword suddenly sink. Is he able to control the weight? Is it the superpower star soul?"

It is different from Hongtu Continental's multiple cultivation methods.

In Destiny Continent, Star Soul Cultivation firmly occupies the most mainstream position.

The most common is the plant star soul, which is generally not powerful.

However, the star soul of the plant system can enable the cultivator to have the general recovery ability of plants.

And can use the power of the earth to greatly enhance perception.

The sword is the star soul, mainly based on the assault.

It can make the cultivator's affinity for swords surge, and the skill and speed of practicing swords and swords can be greatly improved.

Power can also be enhanced a lot.

The rarer ones are the animal soul and super energy star soul.

It is also recognized as the two types with the greatest development potential among Star Souls.

The animal is the soul of the star, which enables the cultivator to possess the animal's super physical strength, powerful strength, and rapid response and explosive power.

For practitioners who practice martial arts, the animal star soul is simply a dream ability.

The super energy star soul can allow the cultivator to possess a variety of unique abilities.

Such as clairvoyant eyes, downwind ears, such as perspective, stealth, etc.

The Super Star Souls are the most difficult to guard against.

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