Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 498: Kill all!

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Chapter 498 Kill All!

"It's the breath of Yinlongyu!"

"Yes! No wonder the Dragon Dragon Vessel approached Spider Mountain from a distance. I didn't expect Spider Mountain to be an advanced dragon jade!"

The four Douzong disciples all cried out in shock.

far away.

The five elders of Xuan Tianzong couldn't help but show their doubts:

"Dark winds and mountains actually have Yinlong jade?"

"Why haven't we heard of any news before?"

Middle-aged people can not help but snorted:

"Huh, if you have heard of it, you can still wait until now? If it weren't for that bead, you wouldn't even know the dragon veins here."

The five elders nodded as soon as they heard it:

"That's right. I don't know who can win Yinlongyu?"

Yinlong jade, which can attract the dragon's veins, is definitely not an ordinary product.

And getting the Dragon Dragon Jade means that you can collect Dragon Veins.

The five elders couldn't help but show their expectations.

Only middle-aged men, with complex eyes, look at the direction of Xiang Yangxu:

"Stinky boy, I can only help you to get here. This attracted Long Yu to appear to be headless. It is estimated that you are the ghost that you are pounding? Xuan Tianzong these five old guys, I helped you cover up the past, It’s all up to you later."

The middle-aged man sighed.

That crazy idea couldn't help but come to my mind again:

This Yangxu, is really wonderful...


Spider Mountain makes a terrifying wave.

A breath of terror turned into a golden glory and rose into the sky.

Occasionally, there was a fierce anger, haunting around Spider Mountain.

The disciples of Xuan Mingzong, Moon God Palace, and Chixiaozong all saw their eyes glow:

"Have anger! This is a treasure self-pollution, to avoid the punishment!"

"The quality of this dragon jade is definitely not low, at least it must be top grade!"

The disciples of Xuan Mingzong suddenly grabbed with big hands:

"Don't grab it, Yinlongyu is my Xuan Mingzong!"


They had dark sleeves all over their bodies, as if covering the heavenly demon cloud, and captured the spider mountain.


The void created waves, and a round of bright and bright moons condensed out, stopping the disciples of Xuan Mingzong:

"What are you Xuan Mingzong! This Yinlong jade is from my Moon Palace!"

"Whoever grabs the one who counts! My Chi Xiaozong also comes to share a piece of soup!"

Seeing the three Douzong robbed lively.

Obsidian looked like Yang Xu with conditioned reflex.

Although Yang Xu's face was also full of horror, greed and other emotions.

But Obsidian's heart always felt wrong:

It was too strange for Longyu to appear.

Everyone is in need of a high-level introduction of dragon jade.

It appeared.

Will this be Yang Xu's conspiracy?

"Whether it is true or false, we have to rob others! If it is true!"

Without saying anything, Xiaobai rushed forward.

Obsidian had no choice but to lead everyone to join the battle group.

"It must be Yang Xu's conspiracy! It must be!"

After the bushes, Long Tianfeng looked at Yang Xu at the foot of the mountain quietly:

"After Spider Mountain removed Zhizhu, it became a dead mountain, and even my system did not find a little bit of treasure. How could there be a dragon dragon!"

He saw Xiang Yangxu's eyes full of vigilance, and his heart was shocked, but he could not suppress it:

"Damn fellow, this time, even the people of the three big battles are counted by you!"

With a glance, Long Tianfeng looked at the white tiger and the red spear king beside Xiang Yangxu:

"These two are not idle people... Poor four big fighting sect, all ignored Yang Xu!"

"But my Long Tianfeng won't! When you Yang Xu wants to benefit from the fisherman, I will come to catch a mantis to catch the cicadas, and the cardinals are behind!"

The foot of the spider.

Bai Hu frowned, and Yang Xu's whisper suddenly came from his ear:

"do not look!"

White Tiger whispered:

"Someone is spying on us."

Yang Xu sneered:

"I found out long ago that it was Long Tianfeng's rat generation. He was frightened by me, and he only dared to hide in the corner and wanted to pick up the leak, which is not a worry."

"Understood. When will the killing team launch?"

"Wait a second! If you want to play, just play a big one and kill them all! Let the parties never dare to underestimate us!"

Yang Xu's eyes glanced at a terrifying fine mans.

at this time.

The five elders of Xuan Tianzong are still watching Obsidian's battle.

I don't know.

A catastrophic blow is coming soon.

The middle-aged man felt something wrong:

"They all fought, why didn't Yang Xu take the opportunity to win the dragon?"

"Could it be that he has no other plans?"


Three figures flashed behind the middle-aged man.

"Fourth boy! Let's come!"

The middle-aged man couldn't help blinking his eyes:

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, you are here too!"

The three people in front of him, like his duties, are all representatives of the Nine Great Fighting Sect Alliances, and sent to the Sect Gates.

The eldest brother, the second elder brother and the third elder brother went to Xuan Mingzong, Moon God Palace and Chixiaozong, which were the top three in the Nine Great Fighting Sect.

The middle-aged man is responsible for Xuan Tianzong, who ranks fourth.

As soon as the three appeared, the middle-aged man raised his eyebrows slightly:

"You are here, did Xuan Mingzong send them?"

The three couldn't help laughing:

"Of course, this is the Dragon's Vein. I am afraid that these young generations will not be able to conquer, so the three major schools have sent backbone forces to come!"


The middle-aged man giggled:

If the backbone of the three major schools arrives, Yang Xu's pressure will increase by a hundredfold!

How do you play this time?

"Why did the four big Douzong people fight? Well, where did those three little guys come from? The fourth one, how did Xuan Tianzong's five days perform, please tell us."

The three looked towards Spider Mountain.

When I saw Yang Xu, White Tiger and Red Spear King.

They stayed for a while, and soon ignored the three, paying attention to the Four Great Fighting Sects.

But this detail reminded middle-aged people.

The doubtful points in my heart were all connected at the moment:

"Oops! Yang Xu, would you like to kill all the geniuses of the four Douzongs?"

"He wants to warn all the ancestors, warn the people of the world, and dare not underestimate him! This kid is crazy!"

Middle-aged people are anxious:

"This kid doesn't know that the four major fighting sects have brought in the backbone, and he is more than enough to destroy ten!"

"No! Never let Yang Xu plant here, I have to remind him!"


The middle-aged man rushed towards Yang Xu.

"What's wrong with the fourth boy?"

"Something wrong, he is not like this at ordinary times!"

"Look at it!"

The representatives of the Alliance all rushed in the direction of Yang Xu.

The five elders of Xuan Tianzong saw this and immediately followed.


More than a dozen figures appeared, each with an extremely arrogant breath.

It is Xuan Mingzong, Moon God Palace, and several elders of Chixiao Sect.

"Xuan Tianzong's elders took the lead, and we will keep up!"

They all rushed in the direction of Yang Xu.

It was at this time.

"Go kill!"

Yang Xu ordered, boom!

The entire Spider Mountain, suddenly shining terrifying light.

A killing battle lined with the will of Sen Han suddenly rose up.

All the genius disciples of the four Douzongs are shrouded!

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