Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 500: The world is shocked!

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Chapter 500 The world is shocked!

not far away.

There was a scream:

"Not good! What sword array is that!"

"Who is so bold, dare to strangle my disciples of the Nine Great Fighting Sects!"

"Stop talking, save them!"

The five elders of Xuan Tianzong, as well as the elders of Xuan Mingzong, Moon God Palace, and Chixiaozong, all changed their faces.

There was no more calmness and pride on his face.

All were pale and rushed towards Spider Hill frantically.


When they rushed to Spider Hill, they were shocked to discover.

The ancient Chinese character "kill" covered the world and formed a supreme sword formation.

Cut off the other side of the world.

Even if they exhausted all means, they could never enter it.

The middle-aged man searches around for Yang Xu's figure.

The horror in his eyes couldn't hide it:

"All this Yang Yang did?"

"This kid is so brave!"

Boldness is one thing.

But what shocked the middle-aged people even more was that this Yang Xu actually had the ability to kill all geniuses.

Even all the elders are helpless!

"Fourth, what are you looking for?"

"From the beginning, I felt that you were not right, and your mind was not in the same way."

"Don't hide from us, who are you looking for? Tell us what you know!"

The three brothers of the middle-aged man questioned.

Brush brush!

All the elders of Zongmen also looked to middle-aged men:

"What the **** do you know? Could you tell us quickly, these children must be rescued!"

"They are all our hopes for the rise of Zongmen!"

In the killing array I saw, the killing was getting stronger.

Rolling sword qi and breadth flew.

One after another, the genius disciples gradually couldn't resist, and were strangled and cut by thousands of swords.

The middle-aged man's heart slandered:

"Why did you know why you were today? This is the price you pay to look down on Yang Xu and seize the treasures of others."

"It's a pity that they are about to die, maybe they are not sure. It was the boy they didn't see from beginning to end. Kill them all..."

The middle-aged man directly ignored the staring eyes of the elders.

But he couldn't help but sigh:

"I don't dare to be 100% sure about this matter, but perhaps the killing is related to Yang Xu."

"Yangxu? Who is Yangxu?"

Almost all the elders were puzzled.

Only the five elders of Xuan Tianzong changed their looks:

"It's him!"

"Really that kid!"

"Damn little thief! My Xuan Tianzong will kill Yang Xu!"

When the middle-aged man heard the words, he rolled his eyes wide:

Just because you still want to kill Yang Xu?

You don’t have this idea.

Dare to think so, maybe Yang Xu will kill you all together!

When middle-aged people think so.

"Kill me? Don't you want to save your disciples?"

A cold voice sounded in the air.

Brush brush!

All the elders' fierce and angry eyes all gathered in midair, the proud figure of the young man standing.

"Well, you finally started to look at me."

"It's not easy to get your attention."

Yang Xu smiled and said:

"Introduce yourself, my name is Yang Xu, oh right, the killing array you see is called Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation."

"Don't talk nonsense! Quickly take back the killing array, and then kneel down with us to guilt!"

An elder shouted angrily.

Yang Xu suddenly looked at him like a fool:

"Old man, are you stupid?"

"Or did you use your brain as a placenta when you were born, and it fell into your mother's belly?"

Let them go?

how is this possible!

A devilish smile appeared on Yang Xu's face:

"Today, I will use their blood to announce the whole world! I am Yang Xu!"

"Anyone who looks down on me at Yangxu and wants to calculate me will have to weigh it!"

Yang Xu's voice spread to the Quartet like thunder.

The present world of the dragon dragon veins, and the horrific battles of Xiaozhu Xianzhen.

It has long aroused prying eyes on all parties.

With the power of clairvoyant eyes and downwind ear-like star souls, the sight here is in your eyes.

All of them changed their faces:

"What's the reason for the young man against the elders of Douzong?"

"Never seen him! Where did it come from?"

"His name is Yang Xu, and that horrible sword array is called Xiaozhu Immortal Array."

"Xiaozhu Xianzhen? Isn't it possible to have Dazhu Xianzhen?"

In all directions, all major forces are confused.

And the three powerful powers that are coming here, including the Blaze, Hongze and Dingjiang.

Can't help but stop:

"There is still such a ruthless character who won the Dragon Vessel this time? Dare to stand alone against the Nine Great Fighters?"

"It seems that it is not so easy to seize the Dragon Dragon Vessel..."

"Oh, things seem to be in trouble. Qinglong, are you sure that Yang Xu's kid can handle so many forces?"

Lingguang Shenjun, dressed in a red dress and a face covered with red yarn, with black hair like a waterfall, smiled faintly.

Her voice is as sweet as a bell, fascinating.

Qinglong didn't care to appreciate it, his eyebrows turned into pimples:

"It's really troublesome. Since Yang Xu deliberately made it big, must he have a way to deal with it?"

"Right," Lingguang Shenjun looked at Qinglong with strange eyes:

"You tell me the truth, who gave him the Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation? The power is so great, could you return to the Dragon Plane again?"

With a bitter smile, Qinglong's voice showed helplessness:

"Do you doubt that I gave him? Ha ha, although my dragon clan is powerful, but such a horrible sword formation, if my dragon clan possesses it, it will not be forced by the human clan to escape into another face."

"If you are small, you are big. This little Zhuxian sword array is so terrifying. I don't know what terrible power the big Zhuxian sword array is born!"

Qinglong sighed.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's gaze is full of dignity:

Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation such a terrible killing array.

Don't talk about him.

Even the entire dragon family might not be able to get it out.

This also made Qinglong realize for the first time:

Among the many mysterious forces supporting Yang Xu.

He Qinglong is not the strongest one!

This made him very uncomfortable:

"Damn it! Is this boy Yang Xu so optimistic about it? It seems that it's not enough to just pull a Suzaku, you have to pull the old thing from Xuanwu!"

"Help the Lord! Yang Xu's approach is different from what we expected?"

"Yang Xu actually dared to provoke the Nine Fighters at the same time! The current strength of our Flying Eagle Gang is not enough to fight against them at the same time, and we can't help even if we want to contribute."

The three chiefs of the heaven, earth, and man stood in front of the leader of the flying eagle caged in black, with a dignified look.

The Flying Eagle Lord stared at Yang Xu's direction for a long time.

a long time.

He sighed suddenly:

"Yangxu is still Yangxu. You can show him his way. Whether you walk or not depends on his mood."

"Following the notice, the Flying Eagle will accelerate the speed of encroaching on the surrounding forces and at the same time make a training plan for the Nine Great Fighters!"

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