Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 804: The fourth war, condense!

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Chapter 804 The Fourth Soldier Sha, Condense!

Just when Yang Xu started the military killing.

The nameless next to it seems to be stuck in a rage mode in general.

I saw him bang and grabbed a huge coffin.

Actually regarded it as a weapon, the rumbling force started, and the tigers grew up.

Wherever they passed, the dark devil babies either became ping pong balls, popped, and were knocked out.

Either it will die if knocked, or hurt when touched.

Within ten meters of the unknown square, there was an empty piece, and half of the enemies were gone.

"What a fierce man."

Yang Xu sighed.

"Xian Ji is here! Three thousand Jiang Dongerlang, follow me to kill the enemy!"

At the moment, a thunderous thunder bursts.

I saw the two-meter-tall Chu Bawang Xiang Yu, holding a Jin Cancan overlord sharpshooter.

Leading the three thousand Jiangdong children, like a torrent, rushed into the sea of ​​dark demon babies.

Puff puff!

Sweep the overlord gun and smash it directly into a dumpling of meat sauce.

The nameless eyes shined:

"Good arm strength!"

"Dou Jiang Dou Bing, listen to my orders, kill!"

In mid-air, Zhuge Kongming held a feather feather fan and waved his hand:


The dense red beans sprinkled like rain.

Before landing, it turned into a red armoured soldier.

The moment they landed, the sword and halberd rushed down in their hands, poo poo poo!

Have stabbed a dark devil baby.

Then, like a red torrent, it quickly swept through all directions.

The dark devil babies were torn apart by a huge button in the blink of an eye.

Yang Xu's side.

A stream of experience swept the screen frantically.

With a long experience bar, the growth rate immediately doubled.


Not over yet!

In mid-air, Zhuge Kongming Lupin fan scarf, and the snow-white goose feather fan gently waved:

The sky is over!


The golden sky seemed to collapse.

Rolling space energy, turning into the most amazing big killer, puff puff puff!

A large area of ​​dark devil babies are directly crushed into meat sauce by the force of space.


The massive experience value makes Yang Xu's experience bar soar again.

"Terrestrial array!"

Mr. Kong Ming waved his goose feather fan again:


The ground burst with a dark ground crack.

The large floor blocks with a radius of 100 meters are all tilted towards the dark ground joints.

Just like dumplings, a lot of dark devil babies rolled into the ground.


The ground seam merged abruptly, poof.

A **** waterfall burst into the sky.


The experience bar has skyrocketed again!

He heard Mr. Kong Ming in the air, waving his goose feather fan repeatedly:

"Wind Array! Long Fei Array! Tiger Wing Array! Snake Pan Array..."

A ray of light fluttered out.

Wherever they pass, the dark demon babies are all extinct.

Turned into Yang Xu's experience value.

Let Yang Xu have fun:

"Hahaha, you are simply Lei Feng, Dark Wutong!"

"Thank you!"

at this time.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, level up! Current level: Dan Yuan Realm 8 heavy days! 】

Haha, eightfold heaven!

One level left, you can break the curse!

Looking at the dark devil babies surrounded by dense ants.

Yang Xu called an excitement:

This is Lao Tzu's experience!

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the saber kills "Yitian Chessboard" and rises 9 levels in a row! Current level: lv20! 】

[Military kills "Yi Tian Chess Board" power increased! 】

[Bingsha entries, Bingsha Zhuge Kongming, increase the sha level by 1 and increase the combat power by 50%! 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, you can condense the fourth soldier! 】

In the ear of Yang Xu, a system prompt sound came.

Buzz, buzz!

Whether Chu Bawang Xiang Yu, or Zhuge Kongming.

Breath suddenly rose.

Their kind of light is getting brighter.

The fighting power of the three thousand Jiangdong's soldiers and Dou Bing suddenly soared!

"Gather the fourth warrior?"

Yang Xu's eyes suddenly flashed.

Until this battle today, Yang Xu realized:

The terrible power of military killing is not only about attacking an enemy.

The most terrifying thing about it is the group battle.

With the existence of Xiang Yu and Zhuge Kongming.

Yang Xu's efficiency in killing enemies has skyrocketed more than ten times!

"But when it comes to murder, neither of these two can match the tyrannical existence!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed:

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the fourth soldiers condensed successfully! 】


A figure flashed in front of Yang Xu:

Bronze armor, bronze sword, black combat boots, **** cloak.

A pair of fierce eyes, eyes as firm as mountains.

The moment I received Yang Xu's command to kill the enemy.

There was a sudden burst of blood in his eyes:

"Blood... Only by irrigating with blood can we avoid all future troubles!"

"Kill everything and leave no threats!"


The general pulled out his bronze sword.

Suddenly, under his feet, a **** whirlwind swept around his body.


The sky crossed the **** lightning.

Chu Bawang Xiang Yu, Zhuge Kongming's face suddenly changed:

"What a terrible murderous!"

"Who is this person?"

Both looked at the bronze general in horror.

Then he saw his bright red cloak, hunting.

A **** whirlwind rolled into the bronze sword in his hand.

I saw the bronze sword, flashing bronze runes, and gradually turned into a dark red hook sickle.

Xiang Yu saw Zhuge Kongming, his face changed greatly:

"not good!"

"Jiangdong children, all retreat!"

"Bean soldier, close!"


Jiang Dongerlang, who was fighting hard, and the red bean soldiers returned quickly like the tide.

Even the nameless guy felt something wrong.


Three of his ups and downs, he quickly retreated back:

"what happened?"

He stared at the bronze general.

Seeing the bronze general holding a dark red hook sickle, he waved violently:


Above the sky, there was a **** crack.

Wave the hook sickle again:


The ground was shocked.

Next second.

A terrifying scene appeared:

Wherever there is a dark magic baby, the ground collapsed instantly, turning into a huge bottomless pit.

All dark devil babies fall into the sky pit.

There is no hesitation.

The bronze general's dark red hook sickle waved again:


Above the sky, a **** symbol, like a **** innocent soul, wanders around.

Gradually, it turned into a blood-stained "kill" word.

Blood kills like a magic cloud, and presses down to the tiankeng:


All the dark devil babies, nearly 100,000, were killed in an instant!


Rolling blood, like a cascading waterfall, rushed back into the air, absorbed by the **** killing character.

On the light curtain in front of Yang Xu.

The stream of experience is like a waterfall, and the screen is swiped in an instant, bursting with dazzling light.


General Bronze snorted, and above the void, the blood-slaught killing characters flew over:


Imprinted on his dark red hook sickle.

Suddenly, the dark red hook sickle radiated.

The bronze armor of General Bronze turned into blood red.


Bronze general Chao Yangxu, kneeling on one knee:

"The last will be Bai Qishen! One hundred thousand enemies, kill them all!"

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