Chapter 10 Unlocking New Talents

The next day, Xing Yi didn’t go to class, but went to school, not for other things, just for own Spirit Power water.

What Xing Yi thought was that he would take it all, so he might as well give it away.

After all, this class teacher treats himself quite well. He took most of the Spirit Power water from the third class. Without these Spirit Power water, the results of the third class would definitely have an impact.

However, Xing Yi would not be so kind, and gave them all back. After all, he had won it, but he just gave them a bottle as a thank you to the old class, and kept the rest.

Why do you want to bet with yourself in the first place? Isn’t it because you are afraid that your participation in the game will drag them back! If they really didn’t participate in this competition, can they win it?

It’s fun enough to give them a bottle by yourself.

It’s impossible. If it was the first thirty people who were just worried, the next five people just wanted to take money from themselves. Their Spirit Power water, you can buy it if you want it.

In other words, a total of 71 bottles of Spirit Power water, if you remove 35 bottles, you can still have 36 bottles of Spirit Power water.

At the same time as returning it back, I can probably get 3000 Friendship Points, which is enough to unlock the talent once.

“Xing Yi, you are here this time to take your Spirit Power water! Don’t worry, you have already prepared it for you, and there will be no shortage of a bottle.” Chen Dou said, pointing to a box on the table.

“No, teacher, I think…”

Before he finished speaking, Chen Dou interrupted him, “I know what you want to say. The children in the class did not do the right thing. I also put their Spirit Power water in the box. This is what you deserve. .”

And what Chen Dou thought was that he would spend more money to make up for them in the future, which is not too much for him who has a faculty fee, so he said that Xing Yi forgave them and gave them a bottle, which would save them near graduation. Remember Xing Yi’s life.

They are all own students, and have been with me for two years. I originally planned to give them a bottle of Spirit Power water as my wish near graduation. Now it is estimated that I can only fill up the grievances of those bear kids.

“No, teacher, I think…” Xing Yi felt helpless when he was interrupted by the class teacher before he finished speaking.

“You can rest assured Xing Yi, don’t worry about them complaining. If you lose, you lose. If you know today, why bother! It’s just a lesson for them.”

“Teacher, I want to return part of the Spirit Power water to them. There are not many 30 bottles, and there are 5 bottles to spend money to buy. The price of the school will do.” Xing Yi hurriedly said, for fear that Chen Dou would interrupt again.

Is it wrong to question a “very weak” Xing Yi? Anyone who concerns his interests will be questioned.

Not allowing Xing Yi to participate in the martial arts test was at least correct for them at the time, but those five were not, and those five were too greedy.

“Very good, really good!” Chen Dou looked at Xing Yi with a complex expression. He really didn’t expect Xing Yi to return a part of them. You must know that Xing Yi was insulted when he was going to take the martial arts test. It’s a young owner, it’s good if you don’t fight, let alone give them some back.

Friendly value +3000

“Sure enough, friendliness is worth it.”

Xing Yi took out 36 bottles of Spirit Power water and put them on the table with a payment code, holding the box and preparing to leave.

“Teacher, then I will leave first.”

“Well, be careful on the way.”

The second and third grades of high school are in self-study, and they can’t learn at all at this time.

Most of them are blaming why Yang Jiankang had to represent himself at the beginning, and if he wanted to pretend to be popular, he would come out by himself, and why he should bring them.

“No, I represent you, but didn’t you sign the original characters? Now I’m all to blame. If you didn’t sign like Ding Qi, would you end up like this?”

“You think we are all you! We have money at home and don’t care about the bottle of Spirit Power water.”

“Why don’t I care, I signed it too!”

“Okay, don’t make any noise. If I want to say it, blame Xing Yi. He just wants to pit our Spirit Power water. He has the strength but has been hiding. He is a scheming dog.” This person was the same person who came to Xing Yi. Fill one of the names.

“You don’t really think that we can win without Xing Yi!” Ding Qi stood up and looked at the man playfully.

“But at least everyone in our class has the same resources. Unlike now, some people have two bottles and some people don’t have one.”

“Yes, it’s usually evenly divided. Are you embarrassed to say that you have two bottles of Spirit Power water? Do you all want to learn from Xing Yi’s selfishness!”

As soon as these words came out, the class became silent. It is hard to imagine how they were spoken, but after all, there was a precedent. The other day, they openly asked Xing Yi to return Spirit Power water, and they could also believe that this was their classmate.

Just about to break out, when Chen Dou came in, he became silent again.

“The Spirit Power water for this competition has come down. I also know your bet with Xing Yi, but Xing Yi has a noble personality and gave you a bottle. Remember to be grateful.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone became even more silent.

Recalling the scene of Xing Yi in the class, she was insulted from time to time, and often discussed Xing Yi secretly. Looking back now, I can’t wait to stuff my head under the table.

“I haven’t finished talking yet. There are five other people after Wang Wu. Even if Xing Yi is willing to give it to you, but I don’t agree with you, spend money to buy it! School price, money for class fees, long memory “Chen Dou had already paid for it and passed it to Xing Yi.

Back at home, he arranged another 30 bottles of Spirit Power water and a spar and walked out.

“Chen Aunt, you take these Spirit Power water and keep it for your son. It’s time for him to cultivate.” Xing Yi is really grateful to the landlord Aunt, and has been taking good care of him all these years.

Even though it is the residence contacted by the government, the government will give itself a sum of money every year, barely enough to pay the rent.

But that was before. Over the past few years, the rent has risen so much. Chen Aunt not only did not increase the rent, but even waived the rent. Usually, he would go to her house to eat and give himself food. She went to deliver meals, even the parent meeting.

“Xiao Yi, where did you get so many Spirit Power waters, wouldn’t it do anything bad, right? Follow Aunt quickly.” Chen Purong’s first reaction when seeing these Spirit Power waters was to take Xiao Yi to surrender.

Finally, after explaining all the results to no avail, he called the head teacher, and Chen Aunt laughed.

“Xiao Yi is awesome, but you can’t ask for these aunts, wait for you to use them in your future cultivation, and try to get admitted to Wuhan University.” Chen Purong still didn’t want it.

She knows how Xing Yi came over these years, and how bitter Xing Yi is. She can see it every day when she eats. Steamed bun with water is the same all day at school. It’s pitiful enough, and I’m already satisfied with this heart.

“Aunt, I will go to the Body Tempering class in two days. There are a lot of resources inside, and I can’t use up these things.” Xing Yi explained.

“Body Tempering class?” Chen Purong suddenly became worried. She would rather Xing Yi honestly take the test of an ordinary school. His grades are completely acceptable, and she doesn’t want Xing Yi to go to a Body Tempering class, which is too bitter.

“Well, so I can’t use it anymore.” Xing Yi turned around on the table and ran away.

Looking at Xing Yi’s back, although worried, there are still some reluctances. Over the years, she really regarded Xing Yi as her son.

Friendly value +4000

Xing Yi returned to the room and saw the reminder of the increase in friendliness. He was really afraid that Chen Aunt would send it back again.

Open the system panel, Xing Yi is ready to unlock the talent.

Friendly value: 7002

Blood value 49 calories

Spirit Power Value 01 Card

Talent: balance body

Unlock Talent: 1000 points

Xing Yi decisively unlocked.

Looking at the refreshed system panel, Xing Yi felt painful.

Friendly value: 6002

Blood value 49 calories

Spirit Power Value 01 Card

Talent: balance body

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 5000 points

Don’t be too cheating, Xing Yi suddenly recalled all kinds of things.

The own system appeared on the first year of high school, which is the 16th birthday, and there was no balance of self at that time.

At that time, the system interface only had two lines of friendliness and unlocking talent, which was useless at all. The balance body was not obtained by unlocking his talents, but suddenly appeared in Breathing after his cultivation was completed.

At that time, I made up my mind to train my body, dual cultivation of gas.

Now Xing Yi also knows one thing, that is, the system has nothing to do with “Breathes” at all, otherwise it is impossible to give him two identical talents.

Xing Yi looked at the balance body to be extracted, his face was speechless.

Decisively unlock the talent again.

Friendly value: 1002

Blood value 49 calories

Spirit Power Value 01 Card

Talent: Balance Body, Practitioner Body (Martial Body: Absorb all substances that are considered unfavorable to the body to temper the body and strengthen the body’s recovery ability.)

Balance body (to be extracted)

Looking at the newly arrived talent, in simple terms, Xing Yi is now immune to all diseases, not only is not afraid of toxins, but can even use toxins for Body Tempering, and the body’s recovery speed has also been accelerated, just don’t know what it is. degree.

The most common thing in body refining is injury, and the martial arts will speed up the recovery speed of own, which could not be better.

I just don’t know if Dirty Poison counts, if it counts, it would be too strong.

As for the latter to speed up the recovery speed, its entity Practitioner will speed up the recovery speed, and as the strength becomes stronger and stronger, it is almost impossible to die when it comes to the late stage.

Of course, what the Practitioner can do, the Qi Practitioner can do by practicing Qi, but it is not as powerful as the Practitioner.

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