Chapter 105

After all, there is a gap in hard power.

Even Xing Yi can contend with it by virtue of his talent and experience.

This seems to be enough to outsiders.

All the people sitting in the auditorium stared with their own eyes.

I wondered if I was dazzled, or I heard it wrong just now.

“Is this the strength of fifty-six cards?”

“A liar!”

“Can you still fight after so much difference?”

How to play with a gap of dozens of cards.

Even the two commentators on the commentary booth changed their normals at this time and became energetic.

Because they know best that Xing Yi is the strength of fifty-six cards.

The test equipment of the boxing gym is unlikely to be abnormal.

When they saw that Xing Yi had only 56 cards, they even tested it again.

I tested it twice, and it was 56 calories.

Generally speaking, how can the strength of fifty-six cards participate in a period of competition.

What is the difference between going to die.

I thought it was a crushing round, but now it seems that the outcome is really hard to say.

It clearly seems to be the four fire advantages of fifty-six cards.

But they know that the four fires are Practitioners, and the energy in their bodies is not as much as their opponents.

If it is consumed, the advantage will surely disappear gradually.

Li Zhan stood in the VIP room at the top of the ring.

A piece of transparent glass can clearly see the entire competition area, but the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Look at the situation in the ring.

Li Zhan was also silent.

Eighty-five cards is Li Zhan’s ability to find the lowest fighter.

That’s right, the 85-card player of White Tiger was specially arranged by himself. The original idea was to let Xing Yi teach him a hard lesson.

But the current situation is actually being beaten by Xing Yi.

If Xing Yi hadn’t shot too indecisively and fisted to avoid the key, it is estimated that the White Tiger would soon be defeated.

Li Zhan was also shocked by Xing Yi’s current strength. The blood on Xing Yi’s body was only 56 cards, and he was also present in the test at the time.

But what is the situation now!

It is estimated that after this game, Xing Yi will not lose his desire for the arena, but will intensify.

It’s a bit difficult!

Li Zhan is also having a headache now. He knew that Xing Yi had such a strength, so he arranged some ghost to directly put a normal boxer to fight Xing Yi.

The guarantee can make Xing Yi lose confidence in the game.

On the field.

Xing Yi’s expression was a bit heavy, and it was difficult for him to really hurt this White Tiger.

Even own advantage is gradually hurting.

Xing Yi directly let go of his full strength, and his blood surged wildly.

Half a catty opponent is too suitable for Xing Yi now.

Just consume your own useless qi and blood.

“Huh, it’s more than expendable, it’s beyond your own control.” White Tiger sneered.

“Boy, I advise you to surrender, although I don’t know how you managed to have such strength.

“But in this game, you are sure to lose.”

White Tiger is very confident.

Suddenly, the Spirit Power in the White Tiger’s body also began to gradually burn.

“Now, the two boxers on the field are starting to compete with each other for consumption. You must know that four fires are just a physical Practitioner. I don’t know where his courage and bravery compete with a Qi Practitioner.”

“Yes, the key is still the signal of the consumption competition initiated by the four fires. I don’t know if it is self-confidence or conceit.”

“How should I say, I can only say that it is very irrational.”

“But there is no way. The advantage on the field is gradually being controlled by White Tiger. In the final analysis, it is still a gap in hard power.”

“Wait and see!”

The commentator on the court kept saying one sentence to another.

When Li Zhan saw this, he felt a little relaxed.

Fortunately, Xing Yi’s hard power is not enough, and the consumption in the competition is about the same as chronic suicide.

In the end, he still has to lose, and he will definitely be beaten.

After the game, it is estimated that Xing Yi will still recognize the facts.

That is to say, Li Zhan didn’t know that Xing Yi was suffering from bone quenching pain almost every moment.

Being beaten badly by an opponent, as long as he didn’t kill him, that would be a profit to Xing Yi, after all, he could increase his upper limit.

Now Xing Yi’s top priority is the same.

Over time, Xing Yi suffered more and more injuries.

The same is true for the opposing player.

I thought that Xing Yi would become weaker and weaker with the consumption of blood and the injuries on his body.

But unexpectedly, Xing Yi became more and more courageous.

The more he fought, the stronger his strength, as if Xing Yi’s injuries had no effect on Xing Yi.

“Is there any shady in this game?” someone couldn’t help asking.

This is too ridiculous, the difference in strength is so great, it is ridiculous enough to be able to play.

But now I was crushed and beaten, and I couldn’t believe it on anyone!

“A shady ghost! I am afraid that there is no one who places bets in such a game, so there is no shady.” Someone said.

“But this person is too strong, I suspect he has more than 56 calories.”

The combat experience is too strong.

In fact, the main reason is Xing Yi’s learning ability. Although it is difficult to change the habit of not being a dead hand, Xing Yi is still able to adapt to the opponent’s rhythm.

And to find out the flaws, coupled with Xing Yi’s characteristics that he is not afraid of pain, and his blood is not afraid of consumption, it is destined that the more it is delayed to the end, Xing Yi’s advantage will also be greater.

White Tiger resisted Xing Yi’s attack with a look of horror.

Is it possible to consume energy and blood like that?

I have consumed so much Spirit Power, how does this kid feel that his strength is not affected at all.

Now it was White Tiger’s turn to worry.

If the energy in both bodies is exhausted.

The advantage is on the Practitioner.

After all, the Qi Practitioner achieves its current strength by mobilizing the Spirit Power in the body.

If the Spirit Power is gone, if you rely solely on physical fitness, the Qi Practitioner is definitely not the opponent of the Physical Practitioner.

Gathering all the vitality and blood, Xing Yi slammed it out, and White Tiger hurriedly reached out to block it.

Xing Yi fisted and kicked out.

The Five Steps of Treading Clouds was also used at this time, three times in a row.

The White Tiger flew upside down in an instant.

Seeing this, Xing Yi immediately followed, grabbing White Tiger’s collar and throwing it back.

Following Xing Yi’s attack again, after a few rounds, Xing Yi won.

The victory came so quickly that the people sitting in the audience didn’t even react.

Originally, it seemed that White Tiger was slowly falling into a disadvantage, but it was only slightly better, and the two sides were still able to fight.

But why was it kicked and it ended suddenly.

Is one foot that heavy?

The four fires didn’t know how many times they were kicked, and nothing happened!

“The game is over, four fire wins!”

The referee came over and held Xing Yi’s hand high.

Scattered applause in the audience also rang.

Anyway, the game won.

Xing Yi is still very happy, but the opponent’s strength is a bit weak, not to mention himself, it is estimated that those in the potential class can beat him by any random person.

This is indeed the case.

Many people are complaining about Xing Yi at this time!

“F*ck, such a weak opponent, I can do it with me.”

“It can only be said that Xing Yi is lucky. He met an opponent with such a poor strength of mine, otherwise Xing Yi would definitely not end well.”

“Yes, just this time, do you dare to come here in the future?”

They call themselves geniuses every day, and even a place where they dared not go, a body-refining Xing Yi actually went, the key is that he still won.

They feel uncomfortable in their hearts, but they are still unwilling to let them participate in the competition.

After all, it is impossible for every luck to be as good as Xing Yi, and encounter a player with such a poor ability.

“Yes, just this time, does Xing Yi dare to do it again!”

Suddenly a voice from Xing Yi came.

“I continue to play!”

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