Chapter 108 Balance Body, Fast Ascension Strength

Just turning his head, Scar’s face was sweaty.

“so horrible!”

Scar has an instinct, as long as he hits this punch, he will definitely lie down before taking the shot.

Scar did not even have the idea of ​​resisting.

Who are these four fires and why are there such strong people behind them?

And here is the arena of life and death, and the people on the field cannot be interfered by the outside world.

But the momentum just now obviously didn’t take the rules here seriously, and came directly at oneself.

Even if he didn’t make a shot during the game, what about after he got off the field?

It’s not worth it to take Own’s life for a game.

So Scar didn’t dare to make another move. After the referee announced the end, Scar quickly left the scene.

Xing Yi was carried down the first time.

And Xing Yi was also carried down.

His bones were almost broken all over his body.

The bones were reorganized crazily under the influence of the martial arts.

With too much blood, Xing Yi felt like he had exploded.

Xing Yi was not so uncomfortable.

And the upper limit of blood and vitality directly Ascension two cards.

Qi and blood just broke through, and Xing Yi now shows signs of breakthrough.

And this sign becomes more and more obvious over time.

The balance body that hadn’t existed for a long time was finally revealed, and he began to continuously reconcile the energy, qi and blood in Xing Yi’s body.

Improve bone-hardening Qi and blood, open up the limit of the body.

Balance the power in your body and make full use of it.

Over the course of one night, Xing Yi directly broke through the two cards of vitality and blood.

The role of the balance body combined with the talent of the Practitioner body is now taking Xing Yi’s game to the extreme.

Injury, recovery, and enhancement, as long as there is a steady stream of Spirit Stones, it is also the existence of evil spirits.

There is no need to be afraid of the imbalance of Qi and blood in the body, the embarrassing situation of too much Qi and blood that cannot be used.

If the body of the Practitioner alone is injured so severely, it will definitely produce a lot of blood.

Pure recovery definitely cannot consume so much blood, and before it is not a Practitioner, if you want to quench your bones twice or three times, you definitely can’t use these blood.

The excess qi and blood can only be slowly eliminated from the body, forming the illusion of qi and blood coverage.

So much blood was wasted.

But with a balance body, it’s different.

The balance body can fully utilize these forces in a balanced way, without any waste.

Even Xing Yi was completely unconscious, the balance body played a role, and Xing Yi couldn’t feel it.

Since the next day, Li Zhan checked Xing Yi’s injuries and was almost not scared to death by Xing Yi.

After Li Zhan saw Xing Yi’s injury yesterday, he felt that Xing Yi would have to rest for at least half a year this time.

Almost no bones in the whole body are good, and many bones are almost all comminuted fractures.

I want to know if I have to wait until the year of the monkey.

Even if a lot of resources are used, it will take more than a month.

But in just one night, Xing Yi’s bones in many places had actually recovered.

This recovery speed is too fast.

Water attribute talent!


The attributes are a bit too much.

Xing Yi will not be the body of Practitioner!

Li Zhan suddenly thought.

The body of the Practitioner is completely possible!

The body of the Practitioner, known as the perfect refining talent for strengthening all parts.

Metallic “iron sheet”.

The “limbs” of wood properties.

“Recovery” of water properties.

The “burst” of fire attributes.

The “meat shield” of the earth property.


Physically enhanced attributes attached to almost all attribute talents.

The body of the Practitioner has it.

With the body of Practitioner, everything is used.

And the Practitioner’s experience will continue to strengthen as its own strength increases.

I remember that the White Emperor once said that even now he does not know where the upper limit of the Practitioner body is.

The talent of the White Emperor is almost the envy of all Practitioners. Even the Dragon Emperor has said bluntly, “If possible, he is willing to exchange talents with the White Emperor.”

However, most of the practitioners on the Blue Star do not know the existence of Martial Emperor, and those who know the Realm of Martial Emperor are almost all people who are going to another world.

There is also a cult who knows the existence of Martial Emperor.

Ordinary people think that Great Master is the upper limit of their cognition.

“It’s not really a Practitioner, is it?”

“Hey, who?”

“Me, Li Zhan.”

“What’s the matter? Xing Yi got out?” Bai Jun asked excitedly.

Counting it down, more than a month has passed, a kid in the Body Tempering class, this time should also be gone.

“No, no, I haven’t left yet!” Li Zhan said.

In the past, I wondered why Bai Jun paid so much attention to this kid named Xing Yi. Now it seems that it is really possible.

“Then what’s the matter?” Bai Jun said immediately.

Unexpectedly, this Xing Yi is still a hard bone and can actually persist, it seems that it is not so wasteful.

But it’s not good enough for own daughter.

No need to think about it!

“Uh, uh, do you have an illegitimate child?”

“Get out, get away!” Bai Jun yelled, and immediately hung up the phone.

What’s the matter, how come people always ask such silly questions these days.

I am particularly at the peak of the Martial Emperor. It is more difficult to want a child than Ascension’s qi and blood.

How could an illegitimate child be possible.

He only had Bai Yiling, a baby girl, and she still had it when she was not high in strength.

Just such a baby girl, it’s so special that the kid named Xing Yi is thinking about every day.

Bai Jun looked at the hung up phone.

“Is this the owner of a wild Practitioner body?”

Li Zhan can already think of the rise of a top powerhouse.

Even if Xing Yi is not a Practitioner, Xing Yi’s talent is also terrifying, perhaps a terrifying talent that he has never heard of.

Just have to wait for a while, after all, Xing Yi is a Practitioner.

Thinking about it now, I remember that Zhang Fu said to himself that Xing Yi had a talent for not being afraid of poison, but he didn’t think it was much.

But now that I think about it carefully, there are only so many talents that are not afraid of filthy poison.

Ten Thousand Poison Body, Spirit Transformation, and Practitioner Body.

At least Li Zhan knew so many.

After much deliberation, Li Zhan still thinks that Xing Yi is a Practitioner.

After helping Xing Yi change the medicine, Li Zhan also turned and left.

He asked Zhang Fuhao to have a good talk.

If Xing Yi is really not a Practitioner, then Qi training is the most correct choice for Xing Yi.

Just like the Dragon Emperor, if he chose to train the body instead of practicing Qi.

Perhaps the Dragon Emperor could be able to play in the Practitioner with his five-attribute talent, but he would definitely not have his current achievements and strength.

Maybe Xing Long can also become Practitioner’s Martial Emperor Realm, but his strength is definitely far worse than it is now.

For Xing Yi to have a multi-attribute talent like Dragon Emperor, it is not too late to choose to practice Qi.

He can completely help Xing Yi to abolish all of Xing Yi’s qi and blood, and let him cultivate Qixuan again.

Having one’s own help and Xing Yi’s own talent can grow up quickly.

That is, Li Zhan is dedicated to the country and wants to cultivate a number of top powerhouses for China.

That’s why he cares so much about Xing Yi’s work.

If Xing Yi knew what Li Zhan thought, Xing Yi would definitely let Li Zhan not be busy.

Xing Yi would definitely not give up physical training, and of course he would not give up training Qi.

After all, Xing Yi still has a balance body!

The speed of body refining will probably fly directly.

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