Chapter 118

Zhu Jianzhong paid attention to Xing Yi from the very beginning. At the beginning, Zhu Jianzhong was just curious.

In the past years, the students in the Body Tempering class have persisted for one or two days at most, but Xing Yi has persisted for so long.

Moreover, students in a group of potential classes can still have a dazzling performance.

Xing Yi here is actually not worthy of Zhu Jianzhong’s attention. Xing Yi is at best a talented Practitioner.

Even if the strength of qi and blood far exceeds that of peers, it is nothing in Zhu Jianzhong’s eyes.

Li Zhan’s attitude really made Zhu Jianzhong pay attention to Xing Yi.

Last time Xing Yi’s first life and death challenge, Zhu Jianzhong was there, Li Zhan just didn’t find himself.

The moment Li Zhan helped Xing Yi, Zhu Jianzhong decisively followed Xing Yi.

Just kidding, the head coach of the potential class across the country worked hard to guard a boxer. It would be weird if that person didn’t have any secrets.

What’s more, Xing Yi is still a Practitioner, so he didn’t run away.

Since then, Zhu Jianzhong has been observing Xing Yi almost every day.

Zhu Jianzhong is a serious Practitioner, and his observation of the Practitioner is much clearer than Li Zhan.

Zhu Jianzhong is now completely certain that Xing Yi is a multi-attribute owner.

And there are a lot of talents, definitely the most terrifying new generation of talents I have seen in so many years.

What Zhu Jianzhong can determine now is the talent of earth, wood, gold, water, fire, and spiritual attributes.

If it weren’t for it, it would be even more terrifying, Zhu Jianzhong could only think of that talent.

The body of the Practitioner!

No one is more familiar with this talent than himself. As the first person to be taught by the Practitioner, Zhu Jianzhong has a good understanding of the Practitioner.

The physical Practitioner back then, one era can be known, except for Zhu Jianzhong, who is the White Emperor.

Zhu Jianzhong does not know how many times he has been taught, but Zhu Jianzhong has never given up revenge. Now the gap has widened, and Zhu Jianzhong finally gave up this unrealistic idea.

If Xing Yi really is the body of the Practitioner, that would really be passed away.

No matter what, Li Zhan can’t be abducted to practice Qi.

Even if he is pulling backstage, he has the Dragon Emperor behind Li Zhan, but he also has the White Emperor behind him, so he can’t say that.

The key is that he still has the government as the backstage, which is better than any backstage, even if it is the Dragon Emperor, he is not expelled.

Now the government is responding to students’ physical training. This is the general direction. This banner is its biggest backing.

But now Li Zhan actually confessed that he is not in contention, Zhu Jianzhong also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is backing, he is also very afraid of Li Zhansheng rice cooking mature rice, the key is that he still can’t beat him.

“Is that kind of person in your eyes!” Li Zhan said in a disdainful tone, without even looking at Zhu Jianzhong.

I completely forgot how much I wanted to abolish Xing Yi directly.

“Of course not. Brother Zhan is the head coach of the potential class. The genius under his hand doesn’t know how much, how can he care about a Xing Yi.” Zhu Jianzhong quickly flattered him.

“That means you are wrong. Anyway, Xing Yi is my student. I care as long as it is my student.” Li Zhan immediately carried the banner of justice to Zhu Jianzhong for a burst of output.

However, when Zhu Jianzhong talked about it, Li Zhan only recalled carefully. It seems that this year’s students are particularly interesting.

There are many talented people.

Let alone Xing Yi.

Just what I know is the cultivation of madness and devil, and the speed of Ascension is unreasonable.

The most puzzling is that Shuang Qianyi doesn’t seem to have a talent. As for how to do it, it is still a mystery.

There is also a flesh tank, and the talent is even more exaggerated.

An angry Practitioner is afraid that it is more fleshy than a physical Practitioner, but I don’t know what the expressions of those who are big in Chinese will look like after he comes out.

And Bai Huang’s daughter is also in the potential class.

“Ohhhhh, your students don’t seem to work!” Zhu Jianzhong patted Li Zhan and said.

Li Zhan quickly returned to his senses and saw that Xing Yi was beaten up.

This Xing Yi is satisfactory in everything, whether it is talent or hard work, but this is the shortcoming.

Too hard!

“Why, let me tell you, Xing Yi is a serious practitioner, and I am only in charge of his training courses.

“This life-and-death arena is what he has to run, and death has nothing to do with me.” Li Zhan said immediately.

Zhu Jianzhong couldn’t understand him better, the typical smiling tiger, old yin.

Xing Yi quickly couldn’t hold on and reminded himself, in order to let himself help Xing Yi.

Once it was shot, it would violate the rules here, and in the presence of this old guy, he would definitely be owed a favor by that time, and even if he didn’t, he would be slaughtered by this guy.

And Li Zhan didn’t believe it anymore.

Zhu Jianzhong jumped out to find himself, how could he not care about Xing Yi.

With such a strong talent, Zhu Jianzhong, a Practitioner, must know better than himself.

Even if he didn’t make a move, Zhu Jianzhong would definitely make a move.

“What should I do, I am now the person in charge here. Isn’t I self-destructing my future if I act?” Zhu Jianzhong waved his hand, saying that he could do nothing.

Another meaning is that I am here, you Li Zhan, don’t be afraid, you won’t come after a big deal.

“Then look at it!” Li Zhan didn’t care.

I cursed wildly in my heart: “I’m fucking Zhu Jianzhong, your uncle, when you leave this city, daddy will kill you.”

Li Zhan knew in his heart that this place was almost his Zhu Jianzhong’s site. Although Zhu Jianzhong was not his opponent, Zhu Jianzhong was not the only person in charge.

Zhu Jianzhong smiled but didn’t speak, and continued to watch the game on the court.

A two-stage match was watched by two Grand Great Masters, and it was probably another big gimmick.

Seeing Xing Yi being hammered by the tiger with a punch, Li Zhan’s heart trembled.

If he didn’t take action, he didn’t have the spirit to cover him. Li Zhan was so far away that he was really afraid that he was dazzled, and Xing Yi was suddenly killed.

Turning to look at Zhu Jianzhong, his face is calm.

“Dammit, this guy must be beaten out of the city! I said Li Zhan.”

Zhu Jianzhong smiled without saying a word, and felt Li Zhan’s burning eyes without panic.

Li Zhan was determined by himself.

He arranged it before he went on the court, and he wouldn’t be foolish enough to put Xing Yi on the verge of danger.

That tiger would definitely keep his hands in the end, even if he was suddenly crazy and dare not listen to his own words, Zhu Jianzhong was confident that he would die instantly on the spot.

The tiger doesn’t know how many hands and feet he has done. When a button is pressed, the tiger will directly die.

And there is more than one remote control, multi-directional monitoring just in case.

Such a big scene by Zhu Jianzhong in such a short time is enough to prove that he values ​​Xing Yi.

I hope that guy won’t be so stupid!

On the court, Xing Yi was really about to collapse. After being beaten so hard, the upper limit of vitality and blood was loosened a bit, adding a drop.

It is estimated that there is only one-tenth of the card.

It will definitely become more and more difficult in the future, and Xing Yi can really feel the power of quenching the bones again.


Too slow!

So slowly Xing Yi had the idea of ​​giving up.

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