Chapter 120 Other Spirit Poisons

Xing Yi won the game, and his body has long been damaged.

As soon as the game ended, Xing Yi also fell to the ground instantly.

Zhu Jianzhong came to Xing Yi almost instantly.

“The curator…” The referee on the side was just about to go up to announce the result, but found that the curator had actually appeared on the scene.

“Well, the next game.” After that, Zhu Jianzhong disappeared directly with Xing Yi on the scene.

On the road, Zhu Jianzhong checked Xing Yi’s injuries and cursed Xing Yi in his heart.

“This idiot, dare to teach everything, don’t you look at people!”

Little did he know that Xing Yi’s injury was not caused by the Five Seals of Ranjue, but he was beaten like this before the Five Seals of Ranjue were opened.

After it was turned on, it was only a little bit heavier.

The damage of Ran Jue Five Seals to Xing Yi is almost negligible, and the sudden increase in Qi and blood in front of Xing Yi’s balance body must be honest.

And for the performance of the Five Seals of Ran Jue, Xing Yi can even make full use of it. This is the most important point.

Even if the Five Seals of the Burning Jue of others have been practiced, it is considered excellent to be able to use 70% of the strength.

Most people who cultivate forbidden techniques are at most 60% of their strength, and some even do not increase but decrease that is the most exaggerated.

The only thing that worries Xing Yi is the consumption of blood, too fast!

The energy and blood accumulated for such a long time, but only one game, almost exhausted.

However, it happened that Xing Yi suffered such a serious injury, and the Practitioner’s body would definitely run wild.

Absorbing the poison in the space of one’s own system, while recovering, it will also quench the bones, and the blood produced at that time will just be used as accumulation for oneself.

In other words, Xing Yi can continue Samsara. Before, I didn’t know how to use the extra blood, but now Xing Yi can go to the game.

Injury, consumption, recovery, accumulation.

Just keep looping.

“Hey! Why are you running so fast?” Li Zhan also chased up.

“Dammit, you still dare to ask!” Zhu Jianzhong also complained in his heart. He didn’t dare to say that he was not such a stupid opponent.

“You own student, you don’t care about such a serious injury, are you embarrassed?

“As the general manager of the potential class, he treats own students like this and doesn’t care. I am ashamed for you.” Zhu Jianzhong kept pace and mouth.

“Oh, yes, I’m not concerned, give me Xing Yi.” Li Zhan led Xing Yi away.

How could Li Zhan not understand Xing Yi’s situation.

Xing Yi’s current injury does not know how many times he has encountered it. In Li Zhan’s opinion, this injury is not worth mentioning.

“Don’t even think about it, Xing Yi is a Practitioner!” Zhu Jianzhong emphasized Xing Yi’s identity.

“Whether it is a physical Practitioner or a gas Practitioner, their ultimate mission is the same. It is the mission of every Practitioner to protect the home and the country.

“Besides, if you take Xing Yi back, can you make him recover quickly?” Li Zhan said.

Zhu Jianzhong was silent.

I have no shortage of healing methods and medicine, after all, I am the person in charge here.

There are countless people injured in the boxing field every day, and the recuperation equipment is certainly not likely to fall.

However, Li Zhan possesses the water attribute talent, and Ranjue Five Seals is Li Zhan’s representative Martial Skill.

There are probably not many people in this world who know Ranjue Five Seals.

In the hands of others, Ran Jue Five Seals is one of the most rubbish forbidden techniques, but in Li Zhan’s hands, it really exerts the skill that Ran Jue Five Seals can achieve.

Ninety percent of the strength, all the five seals of the burning decision were opened, but it was thirty-two times.

On the battlefield, Li Zhan is always the most variable person.

With the strength of the Grand Great Master, once the Five Seals of Burning Jue are opened, they can also stand against the peak Martial King. Cross-strength battle Li Zhan is an expert.

Therefore, Zhu Jianzhong didn’t have any thoughts of starting with Li Zhan.

“Here you are!” Xing Yi floated in front of Li Zhan.

Zhu Jianzhong thought for a while, maybe Xing Yi followed Li Zhan is the best choice.

Anyway, Xing Yi is a Practitioner and will go to the Chinese major sooner or later, and it will not be too late to find him by himself.

Yes, in Zhu Jianzhong’s eyes, there are no other schools at all. What core Wuhan University does not accept Practitioners is just that. He feels that this is a discrimination against Practitioners.

It is even more dismissive of government policies.

This kind of school will decline sooner or later if it does not change.

The rise of Practitioner is inevitable, and no one can change it.

This is the general trend, the first-tier White Imperial City alone is no longer possible with a single white emperor. There are more and more cracks, and Spirit Power is leaking and there is spiritual poison at the same time.

The flawed cultivation method of Qi repair is destined to not last long.

If you are infected with the poison, you can’t practice qi, you can turn around and train your body.

But other spiritual poisons are not so friendly.

The five attributes and five toxins are relatively mild.

Dirt poison just keeps your Spirit Power out of operation and stops in place.

The burned poison of fire attribute is to burn Spirit Power directly, leaving you with no Spirit Power, Cultivation Base is not there, and the real start from scratch.

The freezing of water properties, the solidification of metallic properties, the passing of wood properties.

Compared with the two spirit poisons of Fire and Earth, the latter three spirit poisons directly kill their lives.

Blue Star is not safe long ago!

After bringing Xing Yi back, Li Zhan briefly inspected Xing Yi’s injuries.

As expected, Ran Jue Five Seals did almost no damage to Xing Yi.

And Xing Yi’s control over Ran Jue Five Seals is absolutely extraordinary.

Others can’t tell that Li Zhan’s Burning Jue Five Seals is against his ancestors, and no one knows better than himself.

Xing Yi’s performance in the ring just now, even if compared with himself, Li Zhan felt that it was not much worse.

However, it is also very likely that Xing Yi’s strength is too low, and the increase is not too much. Li Zhan does not know what will happen in the future.

But now it at least proves that Xing Yi’s control over Ranjue Five Seals is definitely better than those who cultivated Ranjue Five Seals at the same time.

At this point, it is enough.

Xing Yi’s injury is not much worse than before.

He took out a big bucket and waved his hand, and the water in the faucet changed its direction and began to flow into the wooden bucket.

A wave of Spirit Power was thrown into the barrel, and Xing Yi was also put in.

In this way, Li Zhan left, he didn’t care at all.

Because Li Zhan knew that Xing Yi’s recovery ability was exaggerated, even if he didn’t help himself from such a serious injury, Xing Yi could recover quickly.

To be honest, as long as this talent is an individual, it is impossible not to envy it.

Especially for the physical Practitioner, it is too useful, the physical Practitioner is almost out of the injury.

With this talent, I don’t know how much time to recover and recuperate, and the cultivation speed will naturally go ascension.

Even Li Zhan was envious of him without knowing it.

Although he also has the ability to recover and water attribute talent, the prerequisite for recovery is to absorb Spirit Power by himself.

Without Spirit Power, there is not much difference between himself and the usual Practitioner.

The body of the Practitioner actually has the ability to recover independently, even if Xing Yi is not poisonous, it can recover as before.

It’s just not so fast, and this ability will increase as Xing Yi’s strength increases, and there is almost no upper limit.

The body of Practitioner, but a decisive talent that can make a Martial Emperor.

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