Chapter 124 Martial Spirit

“Stop him!” Zhu Jianzhong’s voice sounded, and a group of people suddenly appeared around the boxing ring to surround Lv Chang’s syndicate.

The characteristics of the blue star people, as long as the Practitioner dies, they will produce special substances.

The elemental spirit is one of the most valuable substances.

Practitioner with talent, dead Houtian Fu will drop and condense into elemental spirit, which is what is in Lu Chang’s silver box.

Generally, Practitioners will also condense after death, but they have no talent, and they condense not the elemental spirit but the Martial Spirit.

Martial Spirit is divided into ten levels.

The Martial Spirit of the same level can directly allow an ordinary person who has never cultivated to reach the corresponding level directly.

Spirit Power is very gentle and has no side effects at all, just like the Cultivation Base obtained from self-cultivation.

But the premise is that the person who uses it must be able to cultivate Cultivation Technique.

Any Cultivation Technique will do, as long as you can.

If not, the Spirit Power brought by Martial Spirit may directly blow that person up.

The role of Martial Spirit is much more than that. When Practitioner encounters bottleneck, a Martial Spirit can solve the problem perfectly.

And this boxing field, and even this city, can be said to be the largest trading market for Martial Spirit and Elemental Spirit in the world.

It is for this reason that the boxing gym will offer bonus rewards to allow fighters to kill the opponent.

Because no matter who it is, as long as he dies in the ring, everything that happens will belong to the boxing arena.

Then sell them to those who need them at a high price. Although there are wild elemental spirits and Martial Spirits, they are very few in number.

Therefore, as long as it is the Martial Spirit elemental spirit circulating in the market, it is a life.

It is not so much the largest Martial Spirit trading market, it is not so much a human life trading market.

Martial Spirit grade highlands are almost linked to the strength of the Practitioner of the deceased before his death. The stronger the strength, the stronger the Martial Spirit will be after death.

Elemental spirits are different, how strong the Practitioner was before death, elemental spirits are not level, and after using them, they will get a talent.

Elemental spirits have no ranks but only types.

It can also be said that the talent has no level of strength or weakness, it just depends on who uses it.

For example, the body of Practitioner, a kind of talent that claims to be the most suitable for body refining, and its role is not to mention.

But if the person who owns it can’t stand the pain that often quenches the bones, it is definitely a nightmare.

It is absolutely impossible for the White Emperor to stand so high because of his talent.

The more talents are not necessarily the better, the more talents, it is difficult to be refined, because people’s energy is limited.

People like Dragon Emperor are only a few after all, and there can be a few in the world that can achieve the ultimate in multiple attributes.

A single attribute is not necessarily bad, and thorough research is still terrifying, but most people still have more and better talents.

Even if it doesn’t suit you.

Therefore, the trading of elemental spirits is even more exaggerated.

And every elemental spirit produced in the boxing gym will be sold, even if this Practitioner was a student of Li Zhan before his death.

It is impossible for him to presume to take the elemental spirits to Li Zhan and let him deal with it.

Now this Lv Changyin directly pretended to be the elemental spirit away, it really has been a long time to see.

“I bought this elemental spirit. If you don’t believe me, ask!” Lu Changyin immediately shouted when he saw that he was surrounded.

“Buy? We didn’t sell the elemental spirits just after they were born!” Zhu Jianzhong’s eyes were cold, and the smile that was always on the corners of his mouth disappeared.

A metallic elemental spirit, even if it was himself, Zhu Jianzhong didn’t think he could spend a sum of money to buy it right away.

“A Tier 1 Practitioner, you don’t have enough money to buy it!” The people surrounding him disdain.

“Take it out!” Zhu Jianzhong said lightly, and Lv Changyin almost didn’t get scared to kneel.

“At the beginning, we said at the beginning that as long as I kill the cannon, the elemental spirit will be mine. You can’t shame!” Lu Changyin was close to madness and was frightened by Zhu Jianzhong’s momentum.

“Who! Who did you agree with?” Li Zhan’s killing intent was all over his body.

Now, as long as Lu Changyin says a name, Li Zhan will immediately look for it.

Even if Jiang Yipao exposed his talent, the usual Practitioner could be Jiang Yipao’s opponent.

Even if Lu Changyin of the sixth stage of the pinnacle did not turn on the burning seal, he was not the same as being crushed by Jiang Yi’s artillery.

Although Li Zhan was worried, he was relieved.

But in Lu Changyin’s words, it was obvious that he was instigated by someone behind him.

In any case, I have to find the person behind.

“You can’t be like this, you can’t be like this, we said it well at the beginning…” Lu Changyin kept repeating a sentence.

Neither Zhu Jianzhong nor Li Zhan had restrained his own momentum when he came down. Lu Changyin was under pressure, and his mind was a little unclear.


Li Zhan grabbed Lu Changyin’s head with one hand.

Mental Energy infiltrated it, and Li Zhan planned to see it for himself and search Lu Changyin’s memory through Mental Energy to see who was behind the scenes.

Who is calculating himself, even using the lives of potential students to calculate.

These students in the potential class are Li Zhan’s bottom line. If they touched Li Zhan’s bottom line, Li Zhan doesn’t care about humanity and inhumanity.

The search technique, a forbidden technique expressly forbidden by the government, can obtain the memory of the opponent through Mental Energy, but the consequences are serious.

The person who was searched became stupid and dull, and died immediately.

What about the government’s prohibition, you must see who the murderer is behind the scenes.

“Don’t!” Zhu Jianzhong hurriedly shouted out.


Li Zhan Mental Energy just penetrated into Lu Changyin’s mind, Lu Changyin died directly.

“Why are you so anxious!

“It’s all about you, so how can you not leave behind!” Zhu Jianzhong shook his head and exclaimed.

“Lv Changyin was also deceived. I checked him just now. He has never participated in a life and death ring before, which shows that he does not know your existence.

“From the perspective of using Ranjue, it should have just been learned.” Zhu Jianzhong continued.

As long as people who often play games here to make money, it is impossible not to know the existence of Li Zhan.

Jiang Yipao is his student, and he must know that.

But Li Zhan was there, even if they wanted Jiang Yipao’s talent, but they didn’t dare to make a move.

Because they knew that even if they got Jiang Yipao’s elemental spirit by chance, they would definitely not have the chance to enjoy it, and Li Zhan might take their lives immediately.

But Lu Changyin was different. He didn’t know the existence of Li Zhan at all, and he didn’t hesitate when he started. It was just a punch that ended Jiang Yipao’s life.

If he knew about Li Zhan, Lu Changyin would definitely not make a move.

Obviously, Lu Changyin was also used by others, and that person knew that he would be exposed, and made hands and feet in Lu Changyin’s body in advance.

That person must also know Li Zhan very well, knowing that Li Zhan will not take into account any morals and ethics, he will definitely use forbidden techniques to probe his own existence.

As soon as Zhu Jianzhong waved his hand, the box in Lu Changyin’s arms was put into one person’s hand.

“Take it home!”

Li Zhan looked at Zhu Jianzhong coldly, without saying a word.

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