Chapter 126 The Real Life and Death Challenge

After that, Li Zhan gave Xing Yi and the others a long time of psychological counseling.

I am afraid that they will be affected and embark on a bad path.

“Xing Yi, you stay here first, I have something to tell you.” Before leaving, Li Zhan stopped Xing Yi.

“How do you feel after using the Burning Jue Five Seals?” Li Zhan asked after everyone had left.

Ran Jue Five Seals, a Cultivation Technique that brought Li Zhan’s strength to the next level, Li Zhan had a deeper understanding of it than anyone else.

Li Zhan could feel that the side effects of Ranjue Five Seals on Xing Yi were almost zero.

There are two scariest aspects of Burning Jue Five Seals. One is the sudden burst of power, which is difficult to control the body, and the other is the consumption of oneself.

But Li Zhan didn’t see how Xing Yi was affected. Perhaps Xing Yi’s talent was far more exaggerated than he thought.

“It’s the strength and vitality that will increase rapidly for a while, but the vitality and blood are consumed a bit quickly, and the burning five seals can only be used as my hole card.” Xing Yi said truthfully according to his usual use.

“Okay!” Li Zhan shook his head.

This Xing Yi, Ren Xiaogui Da is also very wary of himself, saying it is the same as not saying it.

Although the Five Seals of Ranjue were taught to Xing Yi by himself, Li Zhan could understand what Xing Yi did.

It seems that after Jiang Yipao’s incident, Xing Yi also knew the seriousness of the leaked talent.

But Xing Yi didn’t say anything, it proved that Xing Yi’s talent was far more than just what it showed. Perhaps Xing Yi had more talents that he didn’t show.

Li Zhan is actually very satisfied with Xing Yi.

Li Zhan investigated Xing Yi’s background and stayed with his family since the orphanage was disbanded.

Xing Yi also regarded the family as real relatives. He started sending resources to his “home” when he was in the Body Tempering class, and now he doesn’t know how much money he sent home.

Not to mention the degree of Xing Yi’s efforts. With Xing Yi’s current cultivation speed, Li Zhan can confidently say, “Unprecedented!”

As for those who did not come later, Li Zhan is not clear, but it is difficult for Li Zhan to surpass Xing Yi’s current pace of progress.

Even if Bai Huang was re-cultivation, Li Zhan still felt that Xing Yi’s cultivation speed was faster.

As for talent, let alone, Li Zhan also got a message from Zhu Jianzhong that Xing Yi has not officially entered the Practitioner.

Xing Yi wants to quench his bones three times!

Zhu Jianzhong discovered that Xing Yi had not yet become a Practitioner, and when he was about to quench his bones three times, he was not sure how excited he was. A Grand Great Master was as excited as a child.

There is also a terrifying learning ability, others may not pay attention, but Li Zhan noticed.

When Xing Yi was in the audience just now, he unlocked the second floor of the Ran Jue Five Seals.

In other words, Xing Yi can perfectly master the first level, and the second level is four times the Ascension, and looking at Xing Yi’s performance, it is obvious that he can control it very well.

This ability is terrible!

Li Zhan was stunned for a long time when he noticed Xing Yi. He knew the difficulty of the Five Seals of Ran Jue best. Xing Yi was able to unlock the Five Seals of Ran Jue and the Second Seal without any guidance.

Li Zhan can only say: “Too abnormal!”

If Li Zhan had to give Xing Yi a comment, he would be an all-rounder, and it would be a pity to go for physical training.

It would be better if Xing Yi was angry with Practitioner, but this situation is no longer realistic.

“Okay, let’s talk about business.” Li Zhan smiled and brought the topic back.

“The death of Jiang Yipao seems to have a great impact on you, right?” Li Zhan said while looking at Xing Yi.

“Yeah.” Xing Yi nodded and said, Jiang Yipao’s death really affected him a lot.

There was a deep shadow, and Xing Yi was almost shrouded in shadows for the past two days, and he didn’t even dare to go to the boxing field again.

Even if the training ground passed, I didn’t dare to make heavy moves. Every time I shot, the scene of Jiang Yipao getting a headshot with a punch always flashed in Xing Yi’s mind.

As a result, Xing Yi now dare not even make a heavy hand, for fear that one accidentally makes a heavy shot, and if the opponent can’t stand his own punch, it will be over.

Even though Xing Yi’s control over power is fine, Xing Yi is still afraid.

“Do you know what a qualified Practitioner needs to do?” Li Zhan chuckled lightly.

“Work hard to become stronger and get admitted to a good Wuhan University!” This is Xing Yi’s current goal.

Li Zhan shook his head and said solemnly: “Protect the family and defend the country, fight on the battlefield.”

“The world is not as peaceful as you think. We also have civil strife and foreign wars, but it’s just that you haven’t reached the strength yet.”

“Foreign war?” Xing Yi had some doubts.

Shenzhou has always been the strongest country in Blue Star. How can there be any foreign war? Other countries are eager to come over and take refuge in China. Then there is still war.

As for the civil strife, Xing Yi still believes. Knowing the existence of Martial Spirit, the market for Martial Spirit is not small. Someone told Xing Yi when Xing Yi was in school.

“If it doesn’t work, buy a Martial Spirit.”

“Buy a high-end…”

I didn’t know what Martial Spirit was at first, but after being popularized by Li Zhan for a while, Xing Yi also understood that there are wild Martial Spirits and elemental spirits, but there are too few, and one of the few.

That is to say, every Martial Spirit is the life of a Practitioner.

It is difficult for Xing Yi to accept the existence of this kind of thing, but he cannot change anything. There will be a market if there is demand, and someone will take risks if there is interest.

The unchangeable truth.

“Yes, our Shenzhou is also a hostile force, and our Shenzhou is not an opponent. It can be said to be strong support, and there is a big gap between our strength and the other party. If it weren’t for our Shenzhou with several strong people sitting in town, maybe it is now all in China. No more!” Li Zhan said with emotion.

“So exaggerated!” Xing Yi couldn’t believe it, but it was Li Zhan’s words. The head coach of the potential class can’t fool himself into playing in his spare time.

But the choice to believe is even more outrageous. Shenzhou is too powerful, and Xing Yi really can’t think of anyone who can be a hostile force in China.

Even if we add all the countries that Bluestar thought of except Shenzhou, Xing Yi felt that he was not qualified.

“Don’t worry about it. First, you have to overcome your own psychological barriers. If you are dead, you have to learn to kill!” Li Zhan didn’t say too much about who the hostile forces were for Xing Yi, but went straight ahead.

Li Zhan wanted to train Xing Yi to become a fighter, but now Xing Yi rarely hits the dead, and every time he is in a life and death arena, he just subdues his opponent.

This made Li Zhan feel uncomfortable. If Xing Yi develops this habit, then Li Zhan can be angry.

“I can’t do it!”

Let alone murder, the heavy hand Xing Yi didn’t want to. In Xing Yi’s eyes, almost all the people who can come here are forced to come here for money.

At least what Xing Yi has encountered so far is similar.

Just one game, Xing Yi feels that it is enough to subdue the opponent. Although it is more difficult than directly defeating the opponent, Xing Yi feels that this can also exercise himself better.

“Haha.” Li Zhan shook his head and laughed disdainfully.

“The life and death ring is not as simple as you think.” Li Zhan walked ahead: “Come with me, I will show you what the real life and death ring is.”

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