Chapter 129 Water Attribute Talent

“Senior, have I sinned against you in any way?” Xing Yi ran in one direction desperately, shouting loudly.

“Haha, that’s not the case, it’s just that I haven’t eaten meat for a long time.” Qu Chaofeng laughed and accelerated his own speed.

Eating meat is such an extravagant thing. Here you can only eat insects, or grass. Eating meat is a treatment that only the strong can have.

“Meat! I have senior!” Xing Yi shouted, because he couldn’t get past him at all.

Qu Chaofeng grabbed a hand. Fortunately, Xing Yi’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he leaped and opened the distance.

Qu Chaofeng dismissed it, and then accelerated and went directly to Xing Yi’s side.

“You have meat, you are a lie!” No matter how bad Qu Chaofeng’s eyes were, he knew that Xing Yi was empty-handed.

Even if there are two pockets, how much can be held, after death, it is not own.

Qu Chaofeng didn’t even bother to talk nonsense with Xing Yi, and Xing Yi’s life would be the imperative.

Xing Yi had no choice but to run, but to run, it was even more impossible to beat him, and it was not at the same level at all.

But Xing Yi still took the shot, so he was the best.

Xing Yi turned around and rushed up without a punch. Xing Yi decisively turned and ran.

At this time, it’s useless to say anything.

Friendly value: 101314 points

Blood value: 115 cards (up to 116 cards)

Spirit Power value: 35 cards (open 27 cyclones)

System space: 150 cubic meters (increases with strength)

Talent: balance body, Practitioner body, earth attribute talent

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 50,000 friendly points

Unlock system: 10000 friendly points

Even if breakthrough became a Practitioner, it definitely couldn’t be the opponent of the person in front of him.

Even if you add all the friendliness to Spirit Power, you can only have Ascension’s 20-card strength at most.

In addition, Ran Jue Five Seals could not be the opponent of this person in front of him.

No way, Xing Yi can only count on other functions of his system at this time.

Resolutely added a point on the “Unlock System” column.

Friendly value -10000

Xing Yi looked at Qu Chaofeng again, and he could actually see Qu Chaofeng’s strength.

It’s too clear.

Strength: 8350 cards, a Practitioner late stage.

Talent: None

This is what Xing Yi saw on the top of Qu Chaofeng’s head.

This feature is too abnormal, but it’s useless.

Knowing Qu Chaofeng’s strength, Xing Yi was even more desperate. Fortunately, if he didn’t know, Xing Yi also imagined that he had a chance to fight back.

But now, the strength of more than eight thousand cards is a hammer.

The function is too tasteless.

Moreover, Xing Yi looked at the column explaining system functions and it had risen to 50,000 friendly values.

The friendly value is 90,000.

Now Xing Yi can only bet, or else he can explain the function or unlock the talent.

Both are 50,000 friendly values.

It’s too far worse than hardening bones.

Speaking of bone quenching, Xing Yi felt that the frequency of bone quenching was faster.

I don’t know if his cyclone has increased or what is the reason, now Xing Yi’s speed of quenching his bones is too frequent.

When the danger came, Xing Yi was completely ignorant, and the wooden stick flew towards Xing Yi’s head.

Xing Yi’s head has not been quenched. If this stick is inserted, Xing Yi will never recover.

The wooden stick is near Xing Yi.

Suddenly the direction of the wooden stick went wrong.

Li Zhan in the sky is watching below, and he is watching Xing Yi all the time.

Including Xing Yi’s sudden recovery just now, Li Zhan was watching.

I just need to make sure that Xing Yi will not die here, and the rest can only look at Xing Yi himself.

No matter whether he can go out or not, he will take him out during the college entrance examination.

It’s just that it’s too difficult for Prison City to go out!

The wooden stick rubbed Xing Yi’s face and plunged into the ground instantly.

Xing Yi heard the sound of Po Kong, lowered his head to see the wooden stick, and swallowed his throat unconsciously.

It’s almost gone, it’s almost gone.

Outbreak, an outburst completely.

Faced with the outbreak of Death, Xing Yi exerted his strength to the extreme.

The body of the Practitioner and the body of the water attribute returned blood crazily, while Xing Yi burned the five seals and consumed blood crazily.

When Qu Chaofeng saw that the stick was deflected, he bowed his head and cursed, and then he wanted to attack Xing Yi, which was beyond his own attack range.

Actually ran so fast.

Qu Chaofeng was also very surprised. Xing Yi’s strength was there, and now he could run so fast, Qu Chaofeng also speeded up.

However, his brows were already frowned, and Qu Chaofeng was afraid that he would not be able to catch up with Xing Yi.

Not worried that Xing Yi ran too fast, but worried that he would suffer if he went inside.

The richness of the spirit poison inside is much exaggerated than the outer circle, and his strength is too low, and he will be entangled in spirit poison when he enters. Waiting for own will be a fate of death.

So Qu Chaofeng must stop Xing Yi as soon as possible. This stupid Practitioner is not afraid of spirit poison, but he is different.

So I have to do my best.

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