Chapter 131

The further you go, the stronger the feeling of Spirit Power burning.

Xing Yi, no matter how stupid he was, understood why the man didn’t chase himself.

The Spiritual Qi inside is poisonous!

Still the kind of immersion poison.

Just like scum poison, if the air is mixed with scum poison, as long as you don’t use Cultivation Technique for cultivation, in general, the scum poison can’t affect you.

Unless there are more filthy poisons there, even if you stand still, the filthy poison will still invade your body.

This is almost the case now.

But for Xing Yi, who has the body of Practitioner, this place is completely a treasure of cultivation.

Although he didn’t know where the toxin came from, Xing Yi didn’t care or cared, anyway, it was of no use to him.

Xing Yi felt terrifying enough to walk here, and if he went inside, the body of the Practitioner would be a little too busy.

There is still a little toxin burning own Spirit Power, and if you take a step forward, this feeling is even stronger.

One more thing, Xing Yi found that his body of Practitioner here actually helped his Ascension of blood and energy.

This is even more exaggerated.

I don’t know if it is the buffer effect brought by the water attribute talent body, or if it is contained in it, it will really affect the upper limit of his qi and blood.

If it were the latter, that would be awesome.

In order to test this, Xing Yi stood firm and started to walk forward on foot after his injury recovered a little bit. If it is really because of the movement of the Practitioner’s body that it can help him, the upper limit of Ascension Qi and blood would be too powerful.

But think about it, it’s really possible.

Absorbing toxins enhances the effectiveness of the body of the Practitioner, as well as recovering injuries.

He was almost beaten a while ago, and his injuries became stronger.

Xing Yi seems to have never considered another function of the Practitioner body.

That is to absorb the poison in Spirit Stones to strengthen one’s own strength.

It’s not that Xing Yi didn’t want it, but Xing Yi couldn’t do it. Spirit Stones were originally bought less, and they couldn’t be bought in the boxing field. The Spirit Stones in his space were already used up.

And there will not be too much poison in it.

Spirit Stones are Spirit Stones after all, and they only contain a small amount of poison, but now the air is full of toxins.

The body of the Practitioner in his body has never stopped.

From the light pace at the beginning, jumping and jumping to the end, the steps are difficult, even one step is difficult.

At this time, Xing Yi truly realized the horror of filthy poison.

The Meridians in Xing Yi’s body have all been blocked, even the cyclone, Spirit Power can no longer advance.

Even if there is a Practitioner body helping to clean up the toxins, it is too late.

As soon as the gap came out, it was immediately blocked by the poison.

This is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there are other toxins in the air, and there is no time to clean up the dirt, let alone other toxins.

Xing Yi watched his own Spirit Power disappear bit by bit.

This is horrible, no wonder the person just now dare not chase him.

With so much own strength, the Practitioner’s body will naturally follow his own tide, but now he can’t deal with the toxins in his body.

Taking a step forward, Xing Yi even felt that his own vitality was fading.

This is beyond the scope of Xing Yi’s understanding, what kind of toxin can have such power.

The previous step was taken back again.

Xing Yi didn’t dare to go any further.

Xing Yi didn’t dare to go even if walking inside could really help his Ascension blood limit.

A light green transparent barrier appeared in front of Xing Yi.

Xing Yi just stretched out his hand, and his skin immediately began to age.

In the uppermost air, Li Zhan kept watching Xing Yi, and his heart was shocked.

Xing Yi walked all the way here, at least encountered two kinds of spiritual poison.

In other words, Xing Yi is not only afraid of poisonous poisons, but also burned poisons. It is even possible that Xing Yi is not afraid of all spiritual poisons.

Li Zhan felt painful when he thought that a person with such a talent would actually train his body.

I can’t wait to go to the Ministry of Education to vent your anger, are you blind for such a good seedling!

Two kinds of spiritual poison, Xing Yi walked along, there seemed to be nothing unusual, but Li Zhan also knew that Xing Yi’s ability to automatically absorb Spiritual Qi in the air disappeared, or was greatly weakened.

Up to now it seems to be gone.

Going forward is another kind of spiritual poison. Would Xing Yi dare to go in again?

Li Zhan paid close attention to Xing Yi all the time.

Seeing Xing Yi stop, Li Zhan heaved a sigh of relief instead.

If Xing Yi is really not afraid of another kind of spiritual poison, this kind of talent is estimated to be no worse than the Practitioner’s body.

The body of the Practitioner is also flawed after all.

That’s right, he has shortcomings as well as martial arts.

The defect of the Practitioner body is that if you can’t practice Qi, you can only choose to practice the body, and become a body Practitioner.

The qi and blood automatically produced by the body of the Practitioner can definitely make him break his dream of training, the reason is that qi and blood can swallow Spirit Power.

Xing Yi just stood motionless, waiting for the Practitioner’s body to help him clean up the toxins. Although it was not clean, he could at least help him ascension his blood limit.

Having been in a daze for nearly two days, Xing Yi kept sitting on the spot without moving whenever he left.

The upper limit of qi and blood is really one card. Although there are previous accumulations, here is indeed a real increase in the upper limit of own qi and blood.

Seeing that the upper limit of own qi and blood increased, Xing Yi was also excited.

How long has passed since I can break through, which is much faster than playing outside, and I don’t need to be beaten.

The only drawback is that it is too boring, and Xing Yi doesn’t know if he can go out again.

Waiting here, Xing Yi was not idle, but was thinking about his own Martial Skill. In two days, Xing Yi also had a deeper understanding of his own Martial Skill.

That’s it, Xing Yi remained motionless, one day, two days, and one week passed.

The Qi and Blood Ascension is one card, and the Spirit Power is not pulled down. It absorbs more toxins in the air faster, and the Practitioner body absorbs and transforms faster and faster.

Xing Yi felt that it won’t take long before he could go in by himself.

Only if his Practitioner body has sufficient time to clean up the toxins for himself, Xing Yi is eligible to enter.

Otherwise Xing Yi felt that he could die in it.

The hand just stretched in, and immediately began to age. If it weren’t for the water attribute talent body at the same time, it would take a lot of time for the hand to recover.

Sitting so stupidly, every day Xing Yi is thinking about own Martial Skill in addition to training by himself. Fortunately, there is enough food in his system space.

One month’s time, fleeting, Xing Yi once again ascensioned four calories of blood and broke through two cyclones.

The most important thing is that Xing Yi’s Practitioner body is stronger, and now he can adapt to the toxins inside.

Xing Yi walked in slowly.

Suddenly Xing Yi saw a dog.

That’s right, it is a dog, there is a dog in this place, and there is a dog in a place where people can’t stay.

It looks the same as a husky, but the color is slightly different, it is khaki.

“Hey, kid.”

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