Chapter 133 Talent Exposure

Tu Gu had absolute confidence in himself, not to mention a weak chicken like Xing Yi, even a Great Master standing in front of him.

Under such a strong poisonous offensive, it is impossible to be so calm.

There is too much dirt, and the shield formed by Spirit Power is useless at all, because the dirt will slowly erode the Spirit Power. The moment the Spirit Power shield is broken, the dirt will instantly block every cyclone and Meridians in the body.

A Practitioner Spirit Power can’t be mobilized, and it’s almost the same as abolished. Unlike a physical Practitioner, a body’s strength can fight even if it has no qi and blood and depends on the body’s hardness.

“Hey, kid, think of a way to save me, I will remove the poison from your body.” The dirt thought for a while and said.

Because Tumu thought of another possibility, that is, when Xing Yi came here, his body had been accumulated slowly by the dirt, and no matter how hard he was, it was useless.

But it didn’t matter much, the effect was the same. As long as he helps this kid detoxify the dirt in his body, the temptation is still quite big in the eyes of dirt.

“You can decontaminate poison!?” Xing Yi was a little surprised, looking at the dirt with a look of disbelief.

After practicing martial arts for so long, Xing Yi is no longer the Xiaobai he used to be.

There is no solution to the poison, which is recognized.

In addition to using energy a little bit to forcibly distinguish the dirty poison and Spirit Power, and then think of a way to get rid of the body.

There are two steps, but there are too many details.

There is almost no difference in length or energy composition between Gudu and Spirit Power, which is indistinguishable at all.

Outsiders can’t help you at all, unless the person who helped you is already a Realm, and can easily distinguish the difference between Dirty Poison and Spirit Power.

Martial King, generally speaking, Martial King can help others to remove the poison, but it takes a lot of energy. Generally, it is impossible for the Martial King to help outsiders detoxify.

Most people can only use Spirit Power to try little by little, and after trying out the poison, they will use their energy to remove the body little by little.

And the spirit is not something that the Practitioner can have, so in Xing Yi’s Realm, there is no solution to the evil.

Except for special reasons, just like Xing Yi, with the body of a Practitioner, he is not afraid of poison.

“Nonsense, this emperor can still lie, help me get out of this place, this emperor will definitely help you get rid of the detoxification in your body.” The dirt’s tail flew up and believed.

“No, I’m a Practitioner.” Xing Yi shook his head to get around the dog.

Old Xing Yi felt that this native dog was not simple, and he was obviously weak when he played his own.

But if the aura that radiated just now was really a fart, it would be too scary. Xing Yi didn’t know what kind of Realm could have such power.

But Xing Yi feels that at least he must have the strength of a Grand Great Master.

Xing Yi also used the system’s detection function to see the dog, but he couldn’t check it out, which proved that the dog was far superior to himself.

But if a dog cultivates to a Grand Great Master, the pressure of being a human being can be too great.

Xing Yi was still a little unacceptable.

“Physical Practitioner? You are obviously Qi Practitioner, I can smell your cyclone.” The dirt dog whispered, disdainfully said.

“Can you smell my cyclone!?” Xing Yi looked at the dirt incredibly, which was too exaggerated.

“Not only can you smell your cyclone, but you can also know that your body is now completely blocked by the dirt!” The dirt is disdainful.


“Huh, hum, hum~” The four legs of dirt rushed to Xing Yi’s side and sniffed earnestly, “The poison in your body is decreasing!”

This time it was the dirt’s turn to be shocked.

How could this be possible? As one of the spirit poisons, the inability to dissolve the poison is one of the characteristics, but now the poison in Xing Yi’s body is disappearing bit by bit.

“The White Emperor?”

There is only this one possibility. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how old Di Shi has lived. Di Shi has only seen one person who can rely on his talent to not be afraid of spiritual poison.

The White Emperor!

“What did you say?” Xing Yi asked.

The dog suddenly lay on his body and smelled and smelled. If it weren’t for a dog, Xing Yi really couldn’t stand it.

Now that someone suddenly said a name, Xing Yi was also a little curious.

“Who is the White Emperor? A person from the Martial Emperor Realm?”

“Don’t you know?” The dirt and fleshy claws touched own head, a little messy.

“Aren’t you talking nonsense, how could I know a Martial Emperor!” Xing Yi cursed when seeing the dog who was suspicious of the dirt staring at him.

What is the concept of Martial Emperor? Xing Yi hadn’t even heard of this level when he didn’t come into contact with Li Zhan. Only after knowing the level of Martial Emperor did he know what Martial Emperor represents.

The country represented by Martial Emperor is a symbol of strength.

The Martial Emperor is a kind of deterrence, just like the previous atomic bomb, and it is also a nuclear weapon that can perfectly control the power.

I am an orphan, and the strongest Practitioner I know when he grows up is estimated to be Li Zhan, but that is the own coach, as well as the coach of every potential class.

“You have the body of a Practitioner!” The dirt dog’s mouth suddenly said. Now, the two dogs stared at Xing Yi steadily.

“You don’t have to lie, I can smell it!” Dirt continued to add.

The surface is very calm, and his heart is flustered. He doesn’t have the ability to smell the talents of others. The dirt is turned by the world.

Although the talent was extraordinary, it belonged to the ancient beasts, but he did not have the ability to show the talents of others. He could only perceive that the poison in Xing Yi’s body was decreasing.

It was inferred from the experience of the soil dirt own, because of the talent of not afraid of the dirt poison, the soil dirt really doesn’t know much.

Among them, the body of Practitioner is the most famous one. Of course, the dirt will guess on the body of Practitioner.

Even just now, Li Zhan actually didn’t find Li Zhan at all in the dirt in the air.

Li Zhan’s spirit was unable to take Xing Yi away, and the Mental Energy shield that was blocked was not arranged by dirt.

It was left by the Dragon Emperor when he sealed the dirt, Li Zhan just forgot, and the dirt did not accidentally fart just now.

Dirt, you can know the general attributes of this dog by looking at the name.

That’s right, dirt is the only existence that can control dirt and poison except Poison King Wang Kai.

But the dirt’s ability to control dirt is much more exaggerated than Wang Kai.

Wang Kai was only transforming, but the dirt, facing the dirt, was the real king.

Dirt poison is like a part of his own body, the Dragon Emperor didn’t have to exert his strength to seal Dirt Poison at the beginning.

“What is the body of the Practitioner?” Xing Yi continued to pretend to be stupid. Although there are no people here, this dog can talk. If his talent is exposed, it would be too troublesome.

“Don’t pretend, I can smell it. The poison in your body is decreasing.” The dirt in Xing Yi looked confused and disappointed. If Xing Yi is really a Practitioner, it might be true. Able to save own.

To be honest, Xing Yi was shocked. This dog was so powerful that he could smell that his own cyclone was sealed by the poison.

That’s right, Xing Yi’s cyclone was indeed sealed off again, and the dirt exuding too much poison, the body of Practitioner did not have time to clean up the poison in the body.

After finally cleaning up a bit, the dog found it.

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