Chapter 139 I Don’t Mind One More Talent

“Don’t be happy, it is impossible to temper three times with the body of the Practitioner.” Seeing that Xing Yi was so excited, Tu Gu immediately poured cold water on Xing Yi to calm him down.

“The upper limit of the Practitioner’s body should allow a person to reach the upper limit of one hundred and fifty cards. The reason why the White Emperor can temper three times is because he has a talent.” Soil dirt continued.

Xing Yi didn’t pay attention to what the dirt said in the second half, and Xing Yi’s mind was completely put to the upper limit of one hundred and fifty calories.

The upper limit of his current vitality is no more than one hundred and twenty-four calories.

I watched a lot, but his Ascension after a hundred cards, compared to the previous one, it can be said to be a turtle speed. The most important thing is that Xing Yi already felt that he had reached a limit at the beginning.

If it weren’t for the soil attribute talent that he suddenly obtained later, Xing Yi felt that he would definitely not have the current strength.

But just now Husky actually said that the upper limit of the Practitioner body is one hundred and fifty calories. Xing Yi dares to say that he has worked hard enough and can endure hardship.

But with one hundred and fifty calories, Xing Yi felt that he might not even be able to reach the current upper limit.

“Wait, you just said that the upper limit of Practitioner’s body is one hundred and fifty calories. Are you sure?” Xing Yi felt unrealistic. After all, Huskie didn’t have Practitioner’s body, and no one for his reference.

“Of course, one hundred and fifty calories can definitely be achieved, otherwise the White Emperor wouldn’t be able to temper it three times.” Soil dirt affirmed.

“By the way, how much energy and blood do you have, breakthrough Practitioner?”

“One hundred and twenty cards, not yet.”

“Hiss~” After hearing Xing Yi’s answer, Tu Shi couldn’t help sighing.

Another person who wants to temper three times.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to try three times, and it is a waste of time.

But this kid might really be able to succeed. After all, he also has a Practitioner body. As long as it is equipped with a soil attribute body or other talents that increase vitality and blood, it should be able to reach the passing line of three tempering.

One hundred and twenty calories, two hundred calories away, after all, it’s more than half the distance to say that it’s not far.

But it’s not close, because the more you break through, the more difficult it is. The distance of eighty cards is not easier than that of the previous twenty cards, and it is even more difficult.

“Why is it so difficult for me to break through? The bone is quenched all the time, the body of the Practitioner does not listen to the movement, and it takes only a month to Ascension four cards of vitality.” Xing Yi said about his situation.

Dirt face was speechless.

“Fuck, one month Ascension four cards of blood, you are too slow!”

Tu Gu was speechless, but after Xing Yi reminded Tu Gu, he realized that Xing Yi’s Practitioner body was constantly running, which means that this guy was always quenching his bones.

This kid doesn’t even say that he can’t see it at all. This kid doesn’t look like he’s hardening his bones at all, it’s totally the same as usual.

This is a bit exaggerated, even the White Emperor, he probably didn’t have such courage. When I remembered, he would deliberately avoid Bone Tempering.

That is to say, the strength is now strong, this pain can be completely shielded, as long as the tempering is not mental energy, the white emperor can almost reduce the pain value to the lowest.

But this kid is different. He has what strength he has. The pain value of the bone quenching has been personally experienced. It is sour and refreshing, and I still don’t want to experience it again.

If what this kid said is true, one month after 100 calories, he can still Ascension the four calories of vitality and blood limit, and he can cultivate all the time.

The dirt can guarantee that the upper limit of this kid will never be low, and the Martial Emperor is not impossible.

The body of the Practitioner is not omnipotent, and the White Emperor does not rely on the body of the Practitioner to ascend to the sky in one step. There are only a handful of people in the Martial Emperor Realm. There are many people who are more talented than the Practitioner body, but those people are far from the Martial Emperor. It’s too far.

Talent just gives you a good starting point, unless your starting point can directly stand at the end of others, otherwise you are destined to overtake halfway.

Moreover, if the starting point is high, there will be more people who are envious and jealous. If there is no strength, it is destined to pave the way for others.

Although I knew that Xing Yi’s talent and hard work were abnormal enough, he wouldn’t be able to say it.

“The body of the Practitioner is also hierarchical, and yours should be the inferior one.” The dirt began to talk serious nonsense.


“Yes, that’s right, all talents are graded, otherwise why would someone hunt down those talented Practitioners?” Tu Gu nodded without panic.

Xing Yi thinks about it carefully. It seems that this is really possible. Xing Yi, the body of Practitioner, feels that he has tried his best, but the blood is that Ascension’s is too slow for too long.

The reason why Xing Yi had this idea is entirely because Xing Yi’s progress was too fast before, and the blood Ascension after 100 calories was too slow for four calories a month.

You have to know that even the original White Emperor only had one card per month in strength, and sometimes even one card per two months.

It took two hundred calories for the White Emperor to not know how many years it took.

“You first unlock my seal, just one point, I have a way to help you Ascension’s blood limit.” Du Shi said with a serious face.

“Ascension, what about you Ascension?” Although Xing Yi does have a way to help the dirt unlock the seal, although it can’t be completely unlocked, it’s okay to unlock a small mouth.

But it is impossible for him to untie the Husky rashly. The ghost knows his strength, there is still a risk, Xing Yi doesn’t want to take a risk.

“Talent, I can give you one more talent, I have talent to give you, have you ever used it?” Soil dirt looked at Xing Yi in a seductive tone.

At the same time, he was observing secretly to see what the situation was with Xing Yi, whether he had used elemental spirits before, and if he didn’t, then pull it down by himself.

“Do you have an elemental spirit?” Xing Yi looked at Husky, all over his body, including Xing Yi around him, and there was a fart elemental spirit.

Unless the Husky also has its own system space.

“Have you used it?” Listening to Xing Yi’s tone, it is obvious that he has a certain understanding of elemental spirits, then my own plan will be lost!

“Well, I have used it once, and I have one more talent.” Xing Yi nodded and said, “But if you give it to me, I don’t mind.” Of course, Xing Yi doesn’t mind how much talent is.

No matter how much Xing Yi is, he is not afraid of their riots. Xing Yi, who has a balanced body, can use elemental spirits unscrupulously.

Unlocking a talent and friendliness value by yourself has already risen to a sky-high price, and then unlocking it is estimated to be more expensive.

Hearing the first half of Xing Yi’s words, the dirt is a little desperate. Now that Xing Yi knows the existence of elemental spirits, he must also understand the most basic common sense of elemental spirits.

A person can use at most one elemental spirit, which is the most basic, but Xing Yi suddenly reversed the second half of the sentence.

He actually wanted an elemental spirit, but he didn’t know if he really didn’t know, or there was a problem with his brain.

The problem of talent confusion even Martial Emperor Realm may not be able to solve it.

Even if the talent is suppressed by strength, it can only be suppressed, and the talent can’t be used at all, and it feels even more fucking.

Tumu believes that it is the former more, but he is not soft-hearted, this kid’s talent is too attractive, no one can not be greedy.

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