Chapter 141-Tempering the Flesh


It’s about to climax, you’re so soft suddenly, the dirt feels like this now, so fucking.

He even thought about what kind of body he would cast and what the dirt would look like. Xing Yi now actually told himself that he couldn’t unlock the seal.

“Insufficient strength.” Xing Yi’s expression was a bit embarrassed. At the beginning, he vowed to help the dirt unlock the seal, and everything was done.

I thought I was weak, but at least I could solve it a little bit!

But now it seems that even if his strength is fully developed, he can’t solve it, and he underestimates the cumbersome degree of the seal, even if he is the master of zero.

But the same cannot be solved.

In the final analysis, the strength is too low.

“You, you…” The dirt gritted his teeth and pointed at Xing Yi, not knowing what to say.

If you think about it, you think too much.

Xing Yi only has any strength right now, not even a Practitioner, it is strong enough to be able to infiltrate the blood into the artifact.

He actually expected him to use that insignificant amount of energy and blood to help him unlock the seal.

If it is really that simple, it can be solved, then the Dragon King should not be called the Dragon King at all, just call it the White King.

“Hurry up and give this collar to the emperor.” The dirt was extremely irritable.

When Xing Yi moved his hand, the artifact turned into a dagger and held it in his hand.

After all, it was Own that was wrong, and promised to help the dirt unlock the seal for a while, but he couldn’t even reach the side of the seal.

It’s too early to tell the truth, and it’s normal to be slapped in the face.

“You want to temper three times, right, or you give up!” Tu Di turned his head and said to Xing Yi: “The second temper is strong enough!”

As long as Xing Yi breaks through to become a Practitioner, relying on the strength of the Practitioner, and his continuous role as Xing Yi’s power bank, he can also teach this kid by the way.

The growth rate must not be slower than that of the white emperor of the year. Perhaps it won’t take long before Xing Yi will be able to help him untie the seal.

If Xing Yi wanted to temper three times, he would really have to wait.

“Fuck off!” Xing Yi blurted out without even thinking about it.

After insisting on it for so long, how could it be possible to let myself give up suddenly.

Even if he couldn’t temper three times, Xing Yi would do his best to top his own energy and blood to the highest level before breaking through.

And now the upper limit of own is much more than that.

“Yes, you can tell me how you usually cultivate, and I will help you guide.” Tu Gu said anxiously.

“You?” Xing Yi didn’t believe it.

He is a body refining, is this Husky also a body refining?

“Who do you look down on! Daddy is the Martial Emperor of the second tempering!” Seeing Xing Yi’s suspicious eyes, Di Di immediately yelled.

Soil dirt didn’t lie, even though dirt poison had no soft effect on him, he would automatically become stronger even if the dirt didn’t do anything because of his physique.

In the beginning, dirt was actually used for qi training, but when the qi training reached its peak, there was no way for dirt to enter.

Resolutely gave up the Qi training and turned to refining the body, directly abandoning the Spirit Power of the Martial Emperor Realm, and resolutely chose to refining the body.

Gas dual cultivation is different from Xing Yi’s.

Xing Yi is the two go hand in hand, can switch back and forth, or even use together.

But the dirt is different. He is now a real Practitioner. The original identity of the Qi Practitioner was abandoned when he chose to go further.

Qi and blood will be swallowed to become Spirit Power, this is the law, and when the Qi Practitioner chooses to become the Body Practitioner, there is no estimate.

They don’t care about any dirt. As time passes, the body will be full of dirt, but the dirt will not, and the dirt will be completely useless.

In other words, the dirt can still continue to use the cyclone to absorb Spirit Power, and it can still be used, but it can’t be saved.

In a sense, soil dirt can be regarded as the leader of gas dual cultivation.

Regarding the Husky’s words, Xing Yi was only half-believing, but still said: “I don’t usually cultivation. I just don’t listen to the injury recovery, the upper limit of blood and blood will increase. Here, the poison is the cause, and the Practitioner body does not listen to me. The upper limit of qi and blood will be increased again.”

“Co-author, you have never really cultivated.” Tu Gu said directly.

“Doesn’t the Practitioner rely on training? Isn’t training cultivation?” Xing Yi was puzzled.

“Cultivation you ghost, have you ever tried to control your Practitioner body, instead of letting it run automatically.” The dirt is speechless, this kid has never been cultivated from start to finish, adding four cards a month How did he do it?

“Control the body of the Practitioner? What can you do?” Xing Yi really did not deliberately control the body of the Practitioner.

Not only had the body of the Practitioner not been controlled, Xing Yi had never touched any talent in his body.

“What can you do!” Tu Gu’s face was hell, which was obviously confused by Xing Yilei.

“Rather than telling you what are you doing, temper your body! Increase your blood limit!” Soil dirt said silently, “Don’t tell me that you’ve been tempering your bones all the time.”

Xing Yi smiled awkwardly, he really has been quenching his bones, quenching his bones 24 hours a day.

As for the question of tempering the body, Xing Yi really didn’t think about it.

“Oh my God!” Du Di covered his face, not wanting to see Xing Yi.

“You are stupid, your main task now is to ascension the upper limit of qi and blood. With the upper limit of qi and blood, it is not happy to cultivate a qi and blood.

“And what is the best way to increase the upper limit of qi and blood? Isn’t it to temper the body? Only in this way can you store more effective qi and blood.

“It’s a hairy thing to harden bones all the time, add a bunch of useless qi and blood, can’t tell the priority?” The dirt spurted wildly, a look of hatred for iron and steel, blinding such a good talent.

Why is the soil attribute body more suitable for body refining than other talents? Isn’t it because he strengthens the flesh? At the beginning, the strengthening of the physical body is not ordinary. The 100 calories of the second tempering are easier to do than the average person.

And the body of the Practitioner! That’s even more abnormal, the soil attribute body is only slightly strengthened, and the Practitioner body has the ability to directly temper the body.

Before he became a Practitioner, he had to temper his body. What a powerful privilege, Xing Yi, like an idiot, didn’t know how to grasp it.

It’s such a great talent for nothing.

Xing Yi thinks about it carefully, it seems that this is true, but he has never tried to control his own talent in the past.

If it weren’t for the dirt to tell me today, I guess I would have remained the same and continued to quench the bones.

No wonder his blood limit Ascension is so slow!

If this inner sentence is heard by Di Di, it is estimated that Di Di should have complained about Xing Yibai’s such a good talent.

But more should still be lamented, no one taught Xing Yi’s strength to be able to Ascension so fast.

After waking up for a while, Xing Yi realized that he had always been so stupid.

I don’t know how much poison is in the body, and the body of the Practitioner keeps running.

Xing Yi tried to change the direction of tempering, but he could really change it.

Xing Yi seemed to have discovered the New World. The moment he tempered his body, Xing Yi felt his body numb.

The pain of tempering the flesh was far less direct and violent than the bone quenching, and Xing Yi even felt a sense of comfort.

The most important thing is that at the moment of tempering his body, Xing Yi immediately felt the increase in his blood limit.

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