Chapter 145 Ascension

For Xing Yi, the more elemental spirits are naturally the better. With the existence of a balanced body, Xing Yi can use it willfully.

The golden elemental spirit is placed on the ground, and even Peng dare not touch the dirt. The reason is that once the elemental spirit has a creature in the Cultivation Base, it will be released.

It will blend together immediately.

This is also the reason why Xing Yi has never extracted the elemental spirits of the balance body, because once it has been extracted, if it comes into contact with it by any chance.

Then I will lose a lot.

The balance body is the balance body. Ascension that wants to grow or upgrade depends on its own strength.

No matter how the balance body is superimposed, he is also a balance body. As long as Xing Yi’s strength gradually becomes stronger, his control over the balance body becomes stronger and stronger.

The balance body is a talent with no upper limit.

“Hurry up! Metal talent, what a powerful talent, with it matching your talent, no one can stop it.” Seeing Xing Yi standing in front of the elemental spirit, the dirt was also a little anxious.

If Xing Yi gave up suddenly, then he would really be at a loss.

The elemental spirit is placed here, and he has no strength and no special items to isolate the elemental spirit.

The elemental spirits can only be placed here and dissipate over time.

What’s more important is that the body of the Practitioner hasn’t been caught yet, this is the most terrifying point.

So now the dirt is very worried that Xing Yi suddenly doesn’t want it.

“Oh!” Xing Yi came back to his senses.

Xing Yi still yearns for the metallic talent. With a metallic body, his own defensive ability is absolutely terrifying.

There are armor and meat, which is terrible to think about.

Xing Yi slowly walked towards the elemental spirit.

The dirt behind his eyes firmly held Xing Yi, watching Xing Yi walk forward step by step, victory is right in front of him.

Of course, Xing Yi knew the idea of ​​dirt. He just wanted to let himself use this elemental spirit, and the talent in his body would start to riot.

In the slightest, there is no talent or death.

A person can only use the common sense of one elemental spirit, how could Xing Yi not know.

The dirt is completely tempting himself as an idiot.

However, Xing Yi is willing to be this “idiot”, an elemental spirit, who doesn’t make no profit.

Not only must he make the dirt and blood lost, but also make it worse.

Approaching the elemental spirit step by step, the moment Xing Yi reached out to touch the elemental spirit, the elemental spirit instantly turned into rays of light and entered Xing Yi’s body.

Tu Gu’s tight heart immediately let go, and then he laughed wildly.

My own goal was finally completed, and it took more than three months to teach this kid cultivation day and night.

Although this kid has a good talent, he is a Martial Emperor anyway, and so is he after being sealed!

It’s all over now, everyone is happy.

The metallic talent entered Xing Yi’s body. Xing Yi’s first feeling was his own skin, and he quickly tempered it in an instant.

The speed was so fast that Xing Yi was too late to sigh, and the talent in his body became a mess.

Fortunately, the balance body is also slowly playing its role, and the metallic talent body is also slowly fusing into Xing Yi’s body.

But from the outside, Xing Yi is a bit exaggerated.

The appearance of jumping up and down is enough for Tumu to confirm that Xing Yi’s talent is in riots, because Xing Yi is too tolerant, if it is not for the chaos of talent, it is impossible for Xing Yi to become like this.

In the usual training, Xing Yi didn’t even say that he was tired. The dirt can confirm that Xing Yi is the hardest and most persistent person among everyone he knows.

If Xing Yi develops steadily to the end, Tu Di dare to confirm, this kid’s achievements will definitely not be too low.

Seeing Xing Yi in such pain, not only did Tumu feel less uncomfortable, but happier instead.

The three-month contact was a blink of an eye in Diji’s eyes. All emotions were false, and only the body of the Practitioner that I was about to get was real.

Now the dirt is waiting for Xing Yi to fall apart, his talent will definitely be chaotic, and Xing Yi is also a mortal fate. In any case, the body of the Practitioner must be obtained by himself.

“It hurts, the more you hurt the emperor, the happier you will be!” Du Shi laughed. At this time, Du Shi had not shy away from his own purpose.

Anyway, it’s already done, what’s more to be afraid of.

Xing Yi waved his hand and turned into a collar tightly wrapped around the dirt neck, but this time the collar was smaller than before. The neck was stuck tightly, making it difficult for dirt to breathe. .

Xing Yi was too lazy to deal with the dirt. At this time, Xing Yi just wanted to concentrate on integrating his own talent. The last water attribute talent body was because he was on the run, and was merged in a hurry, which caused him to endure hardship later.

After having suffered a loss once, Xing Yi won’t do it again this time.

“Let go of daddy, dammit, your kid won’t live long, you have merged two elemental spirits, and you will die!” The dirt was caught in the neck by the collar, but Xing Yi still couldn’t stop Xing Yi from speaking.

Immediately after Xing Yi thought, Ling’s collar gradually elongated and turned into a muzzle. This time the dirt was completely silent.

over time.

Soil dirt’s facial expressions range from anger, irritability, surprise, shock to humiliation!

It only took less than ten minutes.

Xing Yi’s metallic talent has been integrated.

Xing Yi opened the system panel.

Friendly value: 1314 points

Blood value: 100190 cards (up to 192 cards)

Spirit Power value: 46 cards (open 30 cyclones)

System space: 236 cubic meters (increases with strength)

Function: Probe (you can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all of the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, and ten friendly points at a time.)

Talent: balance body, Practitioner body, earth attribute talent body, water attribute talent body, metal talent body

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 100,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 50,000 friendly points

The fusion of the metallic talented body directly added two cards of vitality and blood and the upper limit, which can be regarded as a surprise.

Now we are one step closer to the two-hundred-calorie mark.

In addition, the friendliness value needed to unlock his talents did not increase, and Xing Yi’s heart was much calmer.

Xing Yi was afraid that he hadn’t obtained the talent through the system, but the system would still get the friendliness value needed by Ascension to unlock the talent by himself.

That would be too fucking.

There is also Xing Yi who thinks too much. The friendliness value obtained by Xing Yi through himself is not counted in the system. Only when the talent is unlocked through the system, the friendliness value will follow ascending.

Xing Yi was happy, but the dirt was stunned.

Ten minutes later, the effect was still standing in front of him unscathed. It seemed that his strength seemed to be ascension.

This is so unrealistic.

How could this kid Xing Yi used an elemental spirit, and then nothing happened.

Xing Yi obviously has a talented body with earth attributes, it is impossible for Xing Yi to be born with a dual attribute body!

The combination of Practitioner body and soil attribute body is too strong.

Or maybe Xing Yi has another kind of talent, but Tu Gu would rather believe that Xing Yi is a natural twin talent.

Because having two top talents at the same time, that’s terrible.

Unheard of, I don’t know how many people were shocked when the body of the Practitioner was born, let alone that person.

If the talents of the two are combined into one, then others will not have to play f*ck.

But what’s the situation with Xing Yi now? He watched the elemental spirits enter Xing Yi’s body bit by bit and began to merge with the riots.

If Xing Yi had a twin talent, then there would be no riots at all, but if Xing Yi had that kind of talent, Tumu would still be more willing to believe that he was wrong.

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