Chapter 150

Soil dirt, even if it is sealed, he is also dirt dirt.

Born from filthy poison, it was only when he met Xing Yi that he seemed so embarrassed.

If you are a Practitioner, there are ways to use dirt and poison to make life worse than death.

But Qu Chaofeng was different. He was just a Practitioner, and he dared to do this to himself.

Now he actually put the dirt on his hands directly.

Soon Qu Chaofeng reacted, because the own cyclone was slowly being blocked.

“How can it be?”

“Own Mental Energy has always been helping myself isolate the surrounding energy, let alone the poison, even if it is ordinary Spirit Power, I haven’t put a trace in it.”

But what is the situation now.

I was actually poisoned into my body by dirt, and it was not even a trace of it, my own cyclone was almost instantly blocked.

The operation of spiritual absorption is much slower.

The panicked Qu Chaofeng instantly threw the dirt out because there was only this possibility.

He didn’t have any contact with the outside world, he died using Mental Energy to bring this dog in.

I suddenly became like this, and I must have nothing to do with this dog.

However, Qu Chaofeng’s speed of shaking his hand was still too slow, and the moment the dirt was thrown out, the poison had already invaded Qu Chaofeng’s ten cyclones.

Qu Chaofeng had only sixty cyclones in total, and one-sixth of the cyclones were instantly sealed, which had too much influence on his strength.

As soon as Tu Gu came over in a daze, he was thrown out by Qu Chaofeng before he could see who was attacking him.

Qu Chaofeng is also Grand Great Master Seventh Practitioner Realm anyway, throwing it at will, the dirt is like a cannonball out of the chamber, directly hitting the ground.

But in an instant, with a sound of “Boom!”, a pit more than ten meters deep was directly smashed out of the ground.

The dirt inside was lying on all fours upside down, dazedly.

Li Zhan, who had fled, was also confused. Even if the dirt had sealed his strength, at least his physicality was still there.

Besides, the dirt seems to be the body Practitioner, Martial Emperor Realm’s body Practitioner, thinking about it, you know how terrible it is, but now it seems that something is wrong!

No one knows how terrifying the Dragon Emperor’s seal is. The dirt is really completely sealed, and both the physical level and the power attribute are firmly suppressed by the divine tool.

Even if the Martial Emperor’s body is indestructible, if the dirt wants to use force, it only ensures that the dirt will not be killed by people.

If the dirt really wants to fight with the flesh, it is almost impossible, and dirt can’t use strength.

The last time Li Zhan was repelled by the dirt was not due to the strength of the dirt, but the dirt accumulated in the dirt too much, and it was too much to be accumulated and automatically released.

And Li Zhan happened to be there again. As for Li Zhan’s Mental Energy, he could not detect whether Xing Yi was a seal of dirt or a complete seal. The forbidden mark left by the Dragon Emperor is still there.

Therefore, it is normal for the dirt to be abused by Qu Chaofeng, after all, the dirt is nothing.

Li Zhan is now a little doubtful whether this dog is dirt, after all, the legendary dirt looks extremely powerful, the incarnation of spirit beast dirt, and the dog that looks like a husky, there is still a big gap.

“What the hell is this special thing?” Qu Chaofeng came to the top of the dirt in an instant, trying to see exactly what the dirt is.

I just made contact, and actually blocked Own’s cyclone so much.

“I’m your uncle!” The dirt screamed when he stood up.

When did Tumu suffer this grievance, and was played with by a junior whose strength is far lower than own, and still dare to come over and ask what he is.

What is so special about the tiger falling to Pingyang and being bullied by a dog.

“Can talk?” Qu Chaofeng was a little surprised: “I didn’t expect it to be Demonic Beasts.”

“My demon, you are paralyzed, daddy is a spirit beast!” The dirt yelled, even if the strength was sealed, the dirt was still the dirt.

Immediately, the dirt stretched out his hand to directly control the dirt poison in Qu Chaofeng’s body.

The dirt spread instantly, constantly eroding the original Spirit Power in Qu Chaofeng’s body, and the Spirit Power in Qu Chaofeng’s body gradually changed.

It was originally a gathering of own energy, and the Spirit Power used to help oneself Ascension combat power and recovery, gradually began to become a poison to block one’s own cyclone Meridians.

This is also the reason why the dirt is immortal. As long as the poison remains in the world, the dirt will remain immortal.

Moreover, the dirt will gradually turn into Spirit Power in the dormitory, transforming Spirit Power itself into dirt poison.

The most important thing is that there is no shortage of poison itself. The poison enters the human body and seals their Meridians cyclone. Even if the Practitioner has the ability to drive the poison out of the body, it is only expelling it.

Dirt Poison is not lost, and even increased. This is the reason that Dirt Dirt’s strength will expand indefinitely.

There are too few things that can truly destroy filthy poison in this world, and one is not more than five fingers.

But the dirt has lived for so long, and there are only two people who can really eliminate the poison.

They are Bai Huang and Xing Yi who have the body of Practitioner.

Dirt poison will erode the Spirit Power, but the speed is slow and fast. Normally, if a spar is contaminated with poison for a hundred years, it can almost completely turn the spar into a poisonous spar.

And the fastest speed is close to the dirt that is controlled by dirt. The speed is controlled by dirt. The stronger the dirt, the faster the speed.

At its peak, the scumbag can even cover the entire country with scumbags in one day. Of course, the premise is that the environment of the country must have Spiritual Qi.

If there is no Spiritual Qi, or if there is too little soil dirt, it can be done, but it will not take too long.

Dirt poison is a dead thing. Generally speaking, even if it enters the human body, there will not be much movement. Those with strong power may find that the poison is gradually assimilating its own Spirit Power.

But the speed is very slow.

But now the dirt in Qu Chaofeng’s body seemed to be alive, he was madly assimilating and devouring his own Spirit Power, and he still couldn’t use his own Spirit Power to eliminate the dirt.

You can only use Mental Energy to deduct the poison bit by bit, Qu Chaofeng’s original body of the dirt is enough for Qu Chaofeng to clean up for several months.

But now that the poison is alive suddenly, this is a bit scary, and it is very likely that the speed of deduction by itself is not as fast as the assimilation of the poison.

Thinking of this song Chaofeng panicked, and hurriedly mobilized Mental Energy to remove the poison from his body.

At this time, even if Qu Chaofeng is stupid, he knows what the dog below is. Only two people in the world can do it with the talent to control the filthy poison.

But to be able to control the filthy poison in other people’s bodies, only the dirt with the filthy poisonous body in this world can do it.

Soil dirt didn’t want to let Qu Chaofeng go so easily, because once the dirt he controlled exceeded his own control range, it would immediately invalidate and return to its usual appearance.

“Look at your uncle, quickly use Mental Energy to get me close to that idiot.” The dirt shouted at Li Zhan in the air.

The tone was also full of unquestionable, he didn’t see Li Zhan in his eyes at all, even if he had been sealed now.

There is no way that the Poisonous Body can completely restrain the Qi Practitioner.

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