Chapter 155 The balance body has failed!

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll introduce myself to you first now.” The dirt interrupted Xing Yi and continued.

“I’d better tell you the characteristics of Dudu first.” Di Mu thought for a while and said.

“Dudu, what else is Dudu I don’t know about, isn’t it going to block the Meridians and cyclones of the Practitioner?” Xing Yi said.

“Yes, that’s right, that’s it, but it’s just the most superficial thing of the poison.

“The poison will spread indefinitely and swallow Spirit Power to increase itself, and the poison will not dissipate and consume. The poison absorbed by the human body will still be so many or even more after the person dies.”

“That is to say, as long as there is a karst poison, the poison will continue to grow until the air is full of poison?” Xing Yi moved his body and raised his head to ask.

“Theoretically, this is the case, but there are also ways to deal with it. For example, the current large array can block the spread of poison.” Di Shi nodded affirmatively.

“Then my talent?” Xing Yi could really feel that the poison was swallowed and transformed by his talent.

It is impossible for the dirt to be reduced without reduction, and the dirt to be said that the dirt will never be reduced and consumed is just empty talk.

“Your talent is an exception. Except for the Practitioner’s body fouling poison, it is indestructible. Moreover, how much fouling a Practitioner body can absorb, even if it is the White Emperor, he can only sit in a city.

“How big this world is, there is so much room for poison.”

“And I am a living body produced by the poisonous poison. As long as there is a poisonous poison in this world, I will not die.

“As for my talent is the Body of Poisonous Poison, I can control Poisonous Poison at will, but it also allows them to increase the speed at which they can devour Spirit Power.” Di Shishi briefly introduced his own talent.

“So what do you mean?”

“I can divide the origin of my dirt and poison into you. As long as you blend into your body, you will have an inexhaustible amount of dirt and poison. With your Practitioner body, you can think about it yourself.” The dirt directly showed his sincerity.

An earth-yellow residual elemental spirit floated in front of Xing Yi. After the dirt was taken out, the body was visible to the naked eye. This was the origin of the dirt being peeled away from itself.

Seeing Xing Yi hesitating, the dirt felt that he was stable again.

The origin of dirty poison, in the final analysis, he is also a kind of talent, and it is incompatible with Xing Yi’s talent, it would be weird not to fight.

As long as Xing Yi used the source that he gave him, Xing Yi didn’t need to think about the inexhaustible poison, and it was estimated that he would die immediately after using it up.

Soil dirt still didn’t give up the idea of ​​killing Xing Yi to obtain Xing Yi’s talent, and even sacrificed his own origin in order to make Xing Yi’s heart fascinating.

Even if Xing Yi really died here, he could tell Li Zhan that Xing Yi was because he couldn’t suppress the mark of Qu Chaofeng.

There are too many talents in Xing Yi’s body, and it is too turbulent to run into an imprinted earth element, and even he is powerless.

Even if Li Zhan suddenly went crazy, he could try his best to force Li Zhan out.

You can obtain the Practitioner body just by sacrificing a body that is condensed by poisonous poison. It is not too profitable.

“After you use it, you will not only be able to use inexhaustible poison, but you can also control the poison according to your strength, and even when you develop the source of the poison to the extreme, I can’t say that he is another one. Divide.” The dirt continued to tempt.

Although the origin of the dirt is separated from the dirt, there is only a small part of the dirt itself, but the origin is the origin after all.

He can grow, as long as Xing Yi makes good use of it, there can be a weakened version of the poisonous body in the world.

Because there can only be and only one Poison Body in the world.

But as long as it doesn’t touch the dirt, Xing Yi’s weakened version of the body of dirt is the real body of dirt.

I don’t know how many soil dirts have been thrown out, but no one can truly control the source of dirt.

The use of the source of dirty poison is destined to sacrifice the position of an elemental spirit, that is to say, the use of the source of dirty poison will no longer use other elemental spirits.

Moreover, the mission of the evil poison is to block the Spirit Power. It is difficult for the Qi Practitioner to truly control the origin of the evil poison, which means that the origin of the evil poison affects itself, and in the end, it can only be used to refine the body.

There is only one person who has the origin of dirt poison and can continue to practice Qi from beginning to end, dirt dirt, because dirt dirt can truly control dirt poison to the extreme.

But even if the dirt poison does not affect the soil dirt training qi, after the soil dirt training reaches its peak, it will retrain the body again.

After refining the body, the dirt can never go back.

Sure enough, Xing Yi stretched out his hand.

The earthy yellow elemental spirit instantly poured into Xing Yi’s body.

And Xing Yi’s body was exactly the same as Tu Gu guessed, but it was more chaotic.

The talent in Xing Yi’s body, whether it is gold, water, soil, or the body of the Practitioner, is simply the enemy of the body of poison.

The first three are because the poison is to block their development, and the body of the Practitioner is because the poison is its own food.

It immediately became a piece.

Xing Yi originally wanted to quietly integrate the origin of Dirty Poison, but what Xing Yi didn’t expect was that the origin of Dirty Poison was so powerful and a talent, so he directly caused a crazy riot in his talent base.

With the power of talent circulating everywhere, Xing Yi’s body was as if countless insects crawled into his body.

When Tu Gu saw Xing Yi’s situation outside, it was almost impossible to celebrate.

Everything is under the control of own.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong with Xing Yi?” Li Zhan suddenly ran over.

Xing Yi has never yelled after suffering no amount of pain, but now Xing Yi still yelled, too much talent in his body is too messy, this is no longer physical torture, this is a double blow.

Hearing what happened to Xing Yi, Li Zhan couldn’t take care of so many shields and ran over.

“That guy, the imprint left is too strong, and Xing Yi seems to have a lot of talent in his body. All in all, the current situation is very bad, Xing Yi is very likely…” Tu Gu shook his head, looking really worried. Li Zhan was fooled.

Immediately Li Zhan was going to help, the only remaining Mental Energy wanted to relieve Xing Yi.

“Don’t move, let me come, you are too weak now.” The dirt immediately stopped, and at the same time the dirt and poison around was dispersed.

Seeing the thin figure of Tu Gu, who would go up to help Xing Yi even if it was sealed, Li Zhan was moved.

However, the dirt was not so kind, and immediately began to mobilize a piece of origin that he had allocated.

Xing Yi’s body has become more violent, and the balance body has been unable to balance the current situation.

This is the first time that Xing Yi has this situation. The balance body can’t balance the origin of the poison.

Xing Yi’s current situation is just one word, chaos!

too messy.

Xing Yi’s talent was completely out of control. Qi and blood swallowed Xing Yi’s only remaining Spirit Power, and the body of the Practitioner was also devouring the dirty poison while also not forgetting to fight with the source of the dirty poison.

The other three elemental spirits are even more chaotic.

The balance body is trying to persuade balance, but it is not very useful. It just keeps the three element body from participating in the battle between the body of the Practitioner and the source of the poison.

Under this situation, Xing Yi might really be unable to hold on anymore.

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