Chapter 166

A crowd of people watched the duel between Xing Yi and Wang Kai. Some people said that Xing Yi was even better. After all, Xing Yi was stronger than Wang Kai at the beginning, and it makes sense to be stronger than Wang Kai now.

But more people still think that Wang Kai is stronger. Although Xing Yi was stronger than Wang Kai at the beginning, but that person was not stronger than Wang Kai at the beginning?

Now it’s not all being compared, and there is even no desire to compare.

Seeing the evenly matched battle between Xing Yi and Wang Kai, although they could not see the strengths and weaknesses of the two, at least they could see that Xing Yi seemed to be getting worse and worse.

It seems to be unable to beat Wang Kai.

But this was also in their expectation. After Xing Yi left, Wang Kai’s rule was too strong, even if he didn’t know the specific strength of Wang Kai.

However, compared with Xing Yi’s suppression effect, they still feel that Wang Kai is a little stronger.

There were more and more people outside, and Xing Yi’s disadvantage was obvious enough. When everyone thought that Xing Yi was about to lose, Wang Kai was suddenly punched out.

Don’t say that Wang Kai was dumbfounded, even they were dumbfounded.

So well, how could Xing Yi fly Wang Kai out all of a sudden?

After all, their strength is too low, and the battle between the two can only be seen on the surface, and nothing else is clear.

The heart that Su Qilong had been hanging on was also stabilized, and Xing Yi was indeed stronger.

But Wang Kai was beaten out, and Su Qilong ran over immediately, again notifying the arrival of the nursing room.

After all, both of them are his captains. Relatively speaking, Wang Kai stayed longer and Wang Kai treated him better.

The reason was that Wang Kai looked down on the people in the Body Tempering class at all, but Wang Kai was still happy to give guidance to Su Qilong, a novice.

There is no other reason, it’s simple enough, and honest enough.

Knowing that Xing Yi had returned, Chen Chen ran over in a panic.

Others don’t know what Wang Kai’s situation is. He, as Wang Kai’s coach, knows no better.

Wang Kai really hated Xing Yi at that time. Although I don’t know why, Chen Chen still knows Wang Kai’s strength very well.

With the strength of more than 700 cards, even if he and Xing Yi didn’t have any hatred of life or death, but the gap was so big, Xing Yi could not withstand the toss of Wang Kai.

When Chen Chen saw that there was a crowd at the door of Relief Chamber No. 18 and there seemed to be one lying on the ground, he secretly said: “It’s not good or it’s late, I hope Xing Yi has nothing to do.”

Chen Chen quickly came to the door, and the people around saw the coach coming and hurriedly gave way.

“Coach, captain and they have to fight, and we didn’t expect to take such a heavy shot.” Hong Qi hurried forward and said after seeing the coach coming.

“Okay, I see, is Xing Yi okay?” Chen Chen interrupted quickly and asked.

“Xing Yi? Xing Yi should be okay!” Hong Qi turned to look at Xing Yi in the spiritual pressure room, although Xing Yi is still sitting on the ground now.

But it doesn’t look like something is happening at all.

However, Wang Kai fell to the ground motionless, and the problem seemed a bit serious.

“Let me see.” Chen Chen crossed Hong Qi and walked towards Wang Kai.

Seeing Wang Kai fell to the ground, his whole body was hurt: “Isn’t this serious!”

Chen Chen didn’t know whether it was Xing Yi or Wang Kai who fell on the ground, so he turned his head and questioned Hong Qi loudly.

This is not serious, so what kind of injury is serious, I didn’t expect Hong Qi, who has always been honest and steady, to become like this.

Even if I spent a longer time with Wang Kai, Xing Yi still took good care of him at the beginning, and Hong Qi actually wanted to conceal it.

“It’s very serious.” Hong Qi glanced at Wang Kai and said with her head down.

“Hey, you!” Chen Chen sighed, “Are the people in the recuperation room here? How long has it been.”

Chen Chen turned his head to look at Wang Kai and saw Wang Kai’s appearance clearly. Chen Chen was stunned.

It was Wang Kai who fell to the ground?

What about Xing Yi?

Chen Chen immediately turned his head to look at the spiritual pressure room. Inside, Xing Yi sat in the Lotus Position. Although there were injuries on his body, compared with Wang Kai, the gap seemed a bit big!

Can Xing Yi beat Wang Kai?

A huge question mark rose in Chen Chen’s mind.

What is Wang Kai’s strength, Wang Kai’s strength growth, Chen Chen has always been watching, compared with the original Xing Yi’s speed of progress is definitely faster than that.

It can even be said that it is not a grade at all, so Chen Chen is even more worried about Xing Yi being injured by Wang Kai.

But the current situation is obviously not in line with what I imagined.

Xing Yi didn’t seem to be a big deal, but he consumed a lot of energy and blood. As for skin trauma, it wasn’t an injury at all for the Practitioner.

Shaky Wang Kai also woke up. After feeling own’s injury, Xing Yi broke a rib.

This is so special that the bone is directly quenched, and the hardness is completely comparable to ordinary steel. Is this f*ck Xing Yi so heavy?

How long does it take to regenerate the bones, and more importantly, it hurts.

When Wang Kai thought of refining the fractured part after the bones were repaired, Xing Yi’s hated teeth tickled.

After seeing Chen Chen, Wang Kai blurted out as if he had found a person to narrate: “Coach, he Xing Yi doesn’t talk about martial arts!”

“You lie down first, don’t get excited, your rib is broken.” Chen Chen quickly reassure Wang Kai to lie down and don’t move.

“Then Xing Yi was not my opponent. I think he has been training with me for so long before he didn’t kill him.

“But Xing Yi, the guy who doesn’t speak martial arts, wants me to die everywhere!

“Originally, he was not my opponent, but Xing Yi actually attacked me with a forbidden technique.”

The more Wang Kai said, the more excited he became, and the more he spoke, the more angry he became. F*ck was beaten by Xing Yi instead of revenge.

Dammit had long known that even if he tried to fight, he would beat Xing Yi with the forbidden technique.

In fact, Xing Yi’s shot is a dead hand, and Xing Yi really didn’t mean it.

Anyway, Wang Kai can be regarded as one of Xing Yi’s most contacts in the Body Tempering class, and Xing Yi can’t kill Wang Kai just because he said that.

Although Xing Yi also wanted to change, Wang Kai shot too fast, and Xing Yi subconsciously defended his offense.

This is completely practiced with the human figure, which makes it a little difficult for Xing Yi to stop now.

“You said Xing Yi used the forbidden technique to win you?” Chen Chen asked, the news was no more shocking than Wang Kai’s counter-kill by Xing Yi.

Let’s just say the level of difficulty in practicing the forbidden technique, Chen Chen couldn’t learn it even if he wanted to.

The most common forbidden technique, Chen Chen, who is a Tier 2 Practitioner, can’t learn it, but Xing Yi actually did. This news is too hard to believe.

“Isn’t this nonsense? Xing Yi only has more than 200 calories of energy and blood, and I am already 700, so what can I do to make up for this gap!” Wang Kai said silently.

When Wang Kai said a word, the people next to him were silent collectively.

After hearing the first half of the sentence, they still felt no wonder Xing Yi could beat Wang Kai, and couldn’t beat more than 200 cards.

But they were stupefied after hearing the second half. Wang Kai actually had seven hundred cards.

Xing Yi only had a strength of more than two hundred cards, while Wang Kai had seven hundred cards.

And how many cards is their highest?

Thirty, it is estimated that only a small number of talents have such strength.

This strength is impossible to ride the Rockets so fast.

What is even more exaggerated is that Xing Yi’s two hundred cards can actually defeat the seven hundred cards of Wang Kai with a forbidden technique.

Originally, they didn’t know so much about the forbidden technique, but with a word from Wang Kai, they completely understood it.

Anyway, the ban is just a dick, and the gap of more than three times the five hundred calories can make up for it.

People are more scary than people!

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