Chapter 170

But Wang Kailing’s talent transformation for turning is also limited.

The first is strength. At the beginning of the spirit rotation, an energy attribute and natural physique can be transformed.

After that, there is no breakthrough in a Realm before one more talent can be converted.

Even Wang Kai in his previous life just changed back and forth between the nine talents.

The second is that Wang Kai needs to have a sufficient understanding of that attribute energy or talent structure to make changes.

The best way to understand is to personally contact or own it.

Therefore, the talented physique that Wang Kai first possessed was actually the body of filthy poison, because it was the best to obtain.

As long as Wang Kai absorbs enough dirt poison, one day Wang Kai can understand the structure of the dirt through poison and then transform it.

When the other four kinds of filthy poisons were obtained, they almost didn’t kill Wang Kai, especially the wood-attributed spirit poison, which Wang Kai almost got in at the time.

Watching the vitality go by without stopping, he still didn’t have Insight. Fortunately, someone helped him in the end, and Wang Kai wouldn’t die on his talent.

In addition to the five spirit poisons, Wang Kai had four other talents in his previous life, all of which were obtained through elemental spirits.

Although the talent is fixed, Wang Kai’s release of attribute energy is still very random.

Wang Kai can easily control Spirit Power of any attribute, but now Wang Kai can’t use it anymore.

The only thing that can be used is Spirit Poison, but Spirit Poison is too overbearing, and I just want to teach Xing Yi a lesson. As for Xing Yi’s name, he really took it.

That’s too bad.

I must pay back enough before killing Xing Yi.

Speaking of filthy poison, Wang Kai’s eyes lit up immediately.

Who am I, Poison King!

In the previous life, he was best at using poison. Not to mention that he possessed all the five spiritual poison talents, but Wan Poison himself also possessed it.

Even with the current strength, I don’t have any talents that I can use, but it is still possible to play with Spirit Power.

For example, let Xing Yi take him for three days and three nights.

Thinking of this, Wang Kai couldn’t help it anymore. Maybe he shot Xing Yi directly, and he might fail.

But if he plays with drugs, Xing Yi must be played to death by himself.

The revenge was right in front of him, and Wang Kai didn’t care about recovering, and ran out directly against the injury.

I didn’t want to wait for revenge on Xing Yi and Wang Kai.

When he ran to the spiritual pressure room and saw Xing Yi really inside, Wang Kai walked in directly.

Cultivating Xing Yi was also a little panicked when he saw Wang Kai walk in. Wang Kai’s strength was too strong, and he was really not his opponent now.

But looking at the plaster on Wang Kai’s body again, the injury is still not healed, but you don’t need to be so excited if you trouble yourself!

“Well, Xing Yi was the king who did something wrong two days ago. Here, I apologize to you.” Wang Kai walked up to Xing Yi and patted Xing Yi twice with his hand.

The poisoning was completed the moment he touched Xing Yi.

Wang Kai is still the Poison King. Even though his strength is gone, he still hasn’t lost his ability to poison.

Bloodstained Poison is a kind of spiritual poison created by Wang Kai based on Diary Toxin, and it can be regarded as one of Wang Kai’s masterpieces.

The role of blood stain poison is to indefinitely erode the blood of the poisoned person, completely turning all the blood into blood stain.

Regardless of whether it is the qi and blood that it owns or the qi and blood that is regenerated later, the blood scum poison will transform it in the first time.

And the consequence is that the blood is completely abolished, and after that, he will have to re-cultivation.

It can be described as an extremely abnormal toxin, but it also has its flaws, and that is time.

When the time is up, the blood stain poison will stop spreading, and then it will be instantly broken through by the new blood.

Even if the time comes, as long as it is cleaned quickly enough, or with non-qi and blood energy such as Mental Energy, it can easily block the spread of blood stain poison.

It can’t achieve the desperately sealed cyclone effect of Gudu, even with Mental Energy, it is extremely difficult.

But it’s not bad anymore.

When Wang Kai created this toxin, his main idea was not to deal with the Practitioner, but to embarrass him.

That’s right, bloodstain poison has other effects, which are incidental. Although it is not powerful, the nausea is absolutely terrifying.

First of all, the skin of the whole body will ulcerate to the end, even the skin that has been tempered will become extremely loose, as if it is wearing a layer of fake skin, and it is weak and has the function of a powerful laxative.

Therefore, once the body Practitioner is stained with bloodstain poison, the final fate will end with a sweeping face.

Bloodstain poison is also the most annoying poison for the Practitioner.

Xing Yi was really suspicious of the way he was serious.

This style is too bad for Wang Kai. When did Wang Kai admit his mistakes and apologize, there is a person who will get revenge.

But he beat Wang Kai hard with one punch. Even if he wanted to apologize, that person should be himself.

Originally, Xing Yi planned to apologize to Wang Kai when he recovered, but his shot was a bit heavy.

Although I was forced to be helpless, I didn’t beat Wang Kai with a punch, and waiting for Own was definitely being educated severely by Wang Kai.

Xing Yi’s hair is terrifying thinking about that scene.

Little did he know that what Wang Kai wanted to do to Xing Yi was more terrifying than that kind of scene.

“No, I didn’t do a good job. I will pay you for this spar!” After saying that, Xing Yi handed Wang Kai a spar as compensation.

Friendly value +1000

“Uh…” After receiving a spar, Wang Kai was suddenly silent.

Dammit, I want to retaliate against Xing Yi, a spar is a fart.

In the previous life, he didn’t pick it up, but he didn’t know why. Wang Kai always felt that the things Xing Yi gave were very valuable.

What a fuck.

It seems that Xing Yi has to be less ugly.

Change three days and three nights to one day and one night.

In this way, Wang Kai secretly reduced the weight of blood stain poison.

After patted Xing Yi, Wang Kai immediately turned around and ran away, because he was afraid that Xing Yi would poop later.

Seeing Wang Kai running out of the injury and hiding outside the door, Xing Yi felt a bit inexplicable. It was not okay just now, why suddenly he became so scared of himself.

I didn’t say to do it to him either.

Shook his head, suddenly!

The blood in Xing Yi’s body slowly began to solidify.

what’s the situation?

Xing Yi opened the system panel.

Seeing the column of vitality and blood, the available vitality and blood are dropping rapidly one by one.

And the body of the Practitioner was actually devouring his own solidified blood.

Damn it!

Xing Yi was dumbfounded, and the body of the Practitioner started to act on his own person.

Feeling the blood in the body being swallowed by the Practitioner’s body bit by bit, Xing Yi felt deeply powerless.

This felt that Xing Yi was too familiar with it. Just like when he was in prison, the body of the Practitioner was running wildly, and the poison in his body continued to flow.

At that time, Xing Yi’s injury and strength were fast and terrifying.

But what is the situation now that the Practitioner body is addicted?

Not enough poison, qi and blood to gather?

But Xing Yi could also clearly feel that the recovery of his Meridians and Qi and blood was accelerating.

If it weren’t for this reason, Xing Yi would have stopped the Practitioner’s body a long time ago.

Swallowing own qi and blood, this f*ck is afraid that it is not because of swallowing dirt and poisoning too much, and swallowing the brain.

Everyone fights.

But immediately Xing Yi discovered the problem. Those solidified blood could not be mobilized by himself, and even the body parts around the blood were very weak.

Moreover, the curing speed is still very fast, at first it was just a point, and now it has grown into a large piece.

Fortunately, the Practitioner’s body can dissipate, but at the same time, it will help him to quench his bones and produce a lot of blood.

Just like that, Xing Yi’s cyclone and Meridians are recovering quickly.

In other words, Wang Kai didn’t steal the chicken, and helped Xing Yi even if he didn’t succeed in revenge on Xing Yi.

Wang Kai outside, seeing Xing Yi’s face showing embarrassment, he knew that Xing Yi was going to be unlucky.

With a happy face, he just sat at the door and waited for Xing Yi to spray shit.

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